This has been such a fun week! My mom came to visit during her Spring Break. If you know my mom well, you know that it is always a party when she is around! She has such a “yellow” laid back, happy personality…she can make doing laundry fun! She is also a HUGE help to me when she comes to visit. She plays with my kids, cleans my house and is great at helping me mellow out. Those of you who know ME well know that I can be just a LITTLE bit of a perfectionist…just a little…once in awhile. :) My mom and I love hanging out together! Here’s what we’ve been up to…

Of course one of the main things my mom and I love to do together (especially in San Diego) is go shopping! We’ve done plenty of it this week… I love this picture because it is SO my mom. Stroller in hand…ready to hit the outlets! (Sorry dad and Kenny…looks like we’ll be eating Ramen Noodles for a week or two!)
I loved just having my mom here with me in my typical day-to-day routine. She took this picture at our neighborhood playgroup. Some of us moms in my neighborhood get together every Monday afternoon so the kids can play and we can chat. I have such cute neighbors! We have been getting together for about three years now and have all become great friends…so have our kids!

The weather was so beautiful the whole week my mom was here. One day we took the girls to the beach…
It was a picture perfect day at the beach. So warm…hardly anyone was there. Ellie was having a great time playing in the water with grandma. I was relaxing with a magazine. Addison was having fun in the sand…UNTIL…

She started getting a lot of sand on her and couldn’t get it off. This little one of mine HATES being dirty (wonder where she gets that from?!).
Once she realized she was dirty she was so done with the beach! She started crying and WOULD NOT stop. I did everything to try to distract her. Nothing worked! Not even my usual tricks – fruit snacks and drinking water from a bottle. I even walked up on the grass to show her the train going by. She was not having it. She wanted to leave the beach and that was that!

So much for our “perfect” beach day. I’m learning perfection doesn’t exist…ESPECIALLY if you have a one year old!

Addie calmed down as soon as she could see we were walking AWAY from the water and sand. She had bawled for over an hour and was done with the beach. I was just done with her! Definitely made for a beach day we won’t soon forget!

Sometimes my mom and I are bummed we don’t live closer to each other because we always have so much fun together. But if we did, (not only would we not get anything productive done!) we wouldn’t get to have a week like this one where we can spend so much quality time together. I wouldn’t trade that for anything! Love you mom…thanks for all of your help and for such a fun week!
xoxo, Erin
Erin–You know the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!”
You AND your mom are so cute and so much fun to be around. Looks like the perfect week. Missing each other makes these types of weeks even more special! And knowing you, I am sure you two have many more visits already planned!
Erin you are so fortunate to have a great mom and that you guys have such an amazing relationship! I’m glad you guys had fun!
Cute photos!! Seeing you and mom shopping and hanging at the beach makes me even MORE excited to hop on a plane tomorrow and come out for Easter weekend! Wheeeeee! I love the photo of you facing the ocean with your 2 girls – love it! I need that one in a frame. We can’t wait to see you tomorrow…baby Claire and her mom are missing Auntie Erin! We have belated b-day present too that you are going to l.o.v.e. :)
Hey erin! This is Lexie. I found your blog on Gretchen’s. Your girls are so cute. I wish we lived so close to the beach!
Oh how fun…I love your mom (and your family)! How fun that Carly and Claire are going to be there…can’t wait to see pics! I also love the pic of you and your girls facing the beach…SO CUTE!
How fun! It looks like you had a great time. Although anytime you are with your mom it is a great time! You are so lucky to live right by the beach! I am just craving that right now! Those pictures make me want it even more!
How are you, your family is just as cute as they get. I found your blog and thought I’d say hi. How fun that your mom came to visit you. Those beach pictures are incredible. You look so happy. You make me think of Car, I miss her.
Tammy Barben Threlfall
So cute! looks like you guys had a lot of fun, despite the tantrum at the beach. I can’t wait to see the picture of Carly’s visit I am sure you guys are having a blast!
Hi Cute Erin!
We DO get to have so much fun and spend some real quality time together when I come down…and I love helping you out with those two darling daughters of yours….BUT….I really miss you guys for weeks after I leave. If I let myself, I can get very sad…so I tell myself I can be
“HappySad” I am happy I got to come down…but sad I had to leave. I am HappySad you live down in San Diego. Happy because it is so fun to visit, but sad because it is too far to see you all the time….like every weekend :) I miss my baby Claire too, and Carly and Shawn. Another HappySad thing is we all have so dang much fun together ~ we are all so happy and laughing all the time ~ then we have to all go back to our other lives…and we aren’t together any more…so I get sad. I do want to say:
Thank you for thanking me on your blog because I SHOULD Thank You!
You are perfect as my daughter, and as a wife and mother. I am very proud of you….and that just makes me HAPPY!
I love you ~ mom :)
Wow…thanks mom…tear!