Just got back from our girls weekend in Salt Lake. So much fun! Total girl time…we shopped, got pedicures, shopped, ate WAY too much junk food, shopped, stayed up too late talking, shopped, caught up on recent Oprah shows (something is SO off with Tom Cruise), laughed so hard, did I mention that we did a little shopping? We had a great time and I’m already looking forward to doing it again next year! Thanks for the fun weekend mom and Car! Car – your house is beautiful! Also thanks to my cute husband – he spent the weekend entertaining the girls…took them to Sea World and enjoyed some fun daddy/daughter time so that I could enjoy some fun “no kid” time. :)
Added bonus: Getting to also spend time with my adorable niece. How cute is she!!!

Now for my latest and greatest obsession…
So last week I finished the Twilight Series and I hate to admit this, but I am now joining all of the other obsessed female Twilight fans who can’t stop thinking about Vampires, Werewolves and of course…Edward Cullen. I know…I’m late to jump on the bandwagon and I’m not proud of myself that I have, but I can’t help it!!! I LOVED these books and I CAN’T WAIT until the next one comes out. I also can’t wait until Midnight Sun comes out (Edward’s version of Twilight). That is going to be SOOOOO good. I’m not that jazzed about the Twilight movie because I don’t want anything to mess with the perfect vision I have of these characters in my head, but the next books need to be released immediately! Probably good that they aren’t. I’m really behind on my life because of these books. The house is a mess, my kids feel abandoned and I can’t show my face at the gym. I kept reading them on the bike to sneak in a chapter or two, but I couldn’t suppress my giddy smile. Kenny’s had it with me. I’m not allowed to mention the books or EDWARD anymore. So…guess I’ll TRY to think of something else for a few months and stop stalking Stephenie Meyer’s website…waiting…hoping for new material. Not going to be easy…
xoxo, Erin
Hey cute Erin. Sounds like such a fun weekend up at Carly’s! Oh and I too was obsessed with Twilight…they are GREAT books and I can’t wait for more to come either. I haven’t commented on your blog in a while but the post about your dad is darling and so are the pics of Ellie’s preschool thing and bike riding. Looks like you guys are doing great! Love ya and hope to see you soon. (Memorial weekend)?
I just got back from my girls weekend too! I was wondering if we would be there at the same time.
I’m with ya on the Twilight obsession. I too am in love with Edward and wish I was a vampire. :o)
Her new book, The Host comes out tomorrow!!(not the twilight series but hey, it has to be good!)
Hooray for MOM’S GONE WILD 2008! What a fun trip! I will be working off the 10 lbs. I gained this weekend for the next 2 months, but it was well worth it! The only downside is that me (and baby Claire) are both missing you and mom badly! I wish you lived here so we could talk about Twilight, Chanel makeup, can’t-give-a-straight-answer-to-save-my-life
Tom Cruise, baby clothes, movies and everything else. Love you!
Sounds like your trip was so much fun! I love girls weekends. They are the best. I also love the twilight books and Devan hates them! ha he hated that I abandoned him while I was reading them too. I’m with you on not being too thrilled about the movie though. Not what I pictured Edward to look like. oh well. Hope to see you soon!
I can only imagine how much fun you guys had! That is one girl’s weekend that I would love to join in on. he he he. I’m also glad you’re on the Twilight bandwagon. I think Carly was the first one to tell me about the books. Once I finished them my husband Scott decided that he’d better read them too so that he knew what all the fuss was about. Of course, he said they were too mushy and he picked out what he thought were all the flaws in the storyline. Men!!! They never understand. :)
I don’t know what Carly’s husband looks like, but I do know that baby has Carly written all over her face.
Erin the Twilight movie comes out 12-08-2008 I can’t wait to see it. Here is a link to the preview
When is Carly going to make a blog?
I want to see more of her cute baby. She is missing out tell her.
HOW FUN!!! You guys are so cute and so close! What a fun, fun weekend. Those are the best times ever…just girl time!! Did you get lots of fun things during all of your shopping???
By the way…are you going to do swimming lessons at Tiffany’s again this year?? Are you coming here this summer??
Girls weekend lived up to its Hype!We had a total blast!!Carly kept us all laughing. Watching her be a new mom to baby Claire was better than watching TV! Erin shared all of her wisdom and experience with raising perfect baby girls…and Carly listened!
Seriously, we have so dang much fun together it is probably a good thing we don’t live by each other. We would just want to be together all the time to shop and eat and LAUGH! No meals would ever be fixed for husbands, and housework would fall by the wayside…oh, wait…that happens anyway while we read Twilight!
I DO love my girls…..all SIX
of them…..( NO, one of my daughters is not expecting. Austin has a darling girlfriend,Dayna, and I am counting her too). And, if anyone wants to see a picture of my 3 precious granddaughters that I got for my Mothers Day gift then stop by at the house. It will melt your heart!
Thanks my sweet daughters for everything…I love you! mom
I love that you’re finally joining the rest of us with the obbsession of Edward!! I have mixed emotions about the movie too but the preview did look enticing. angie
Erin, ok, thanks to your birthday gift, I spent the last two weeks reading all three books! Am I the only one who actually likes Jacob better than Edward? Go, Jacob, you can do it!!:) Ok, Edwards fine too I guess. Hah! So glad you all had such a fun weekend!
Darci, you’re one of the very FEW who like Jacob better, but we still love you. ;O)
Aren’t those books the best! I’m a little bit in love with Edward. How fun for you to spend a weekend shopping with just the girls. I’m jealous. I am months and months away from being able to do that again.
I was given all three books for Christmas and read them all the week of New Years break! I’m in agreement with Darci and liked Jacob more than Edward! I’m scared to see the movie because I don’t always like what movies do to the book. We will have to get together and have a mini book club meeting to talk about these books and then go to the movie because I know I wont be able to resist seeing it, even with my reservations!
Good Job reading the books! I knew you would LOVE them! I think I am more excited for Midnight Sun, then for the 4th book. It’s going to be sooo good! I am getting more and more excited about the movie. Of course, movies are never as good as books, and Robert Pattinson can not do Edward justice, but the previews look good!!!