My baby turned two today. I should probably be sad that she isn’t a baby anymore, but I have to be honest and say…YES YES YES!!!! I’m so happy to be done with the baby stage! I LOVE the two’s! BRING ON THE TWO’S! Two’s aren’t terrible to me – they’re the best. I love this toddler stage for so many reasons. Aside from the obvious reason (more independent which means a little less dependent on me 24-7) I also love the communication. I love it when they start talking. Addison uses more words every day and hearing her talk is so dang cute! She is also starting to play really well with Ellie and it is so fun watching them “pretend” together. Addison is my curly headed firecracker and she has added so much to our family. She is a feisty little one and can be a bit stubborn at times, but is also extremely cuddly and sweet. She loves her blankie, hugs, reading books, climbing, dresses (she has to put one on the second she wakes up each morning and then it’s a fight to get her dressed in anything else) fruit snacks, pasta, “wa wa falls” (water falls) and playing with her sister “la la.” I don’t remember when she started calling Ellie “la la” but it stuck and she still calls her that even though I think she could pronounce the name correctly now. Every morning she wakes up and starts calling us all from her crib…”Mommy, Da Da, La La…Mommy, Da Da, La La.” Best alarm I’ve ever had.
Happy Birthday Addison – we love you so much!

What a fun mess the cake was! Her smile made all the mopping after worth it! I was just happy we ended up with a cake. When I went to pick it up at our local grocery store (sorry – NOT one of those moms who spends hours icing amazing homemade birthday cakes) I had both of the girls with me. I picked up the cake at the deli and put the box in the cart. The girls were standing next to the cart and as I turned to thank the lady who made the cake, they both hopped on the same side of the cart and tipped the whole shopping cart on top of them. Of course they both started BAWLING so I flipped up the cart and made sure they were
ok. They were just scared – no bones broken. Then I see the cake. The once beautiful cake that is now smeared all over the place. Just as I was starting to count slowly in my head (a little something I do daily to keep from losing it with my lovely children) the cake lady came to my rescue – helped me clean up the mess and re-made the birthday cake. Funny thing is that this felt like a typical trip to the grocery store with my girls. We never make it out of that store without some sort of catastrophe!

Last weekend we went to Chuck E. Cheese with some friends and while we were there I decided that it was Addison’s official birthday “party.” I thought about throwing her a party this year, but just couldn’t justify the stress on my end when I know she doesn’t know the difference anyway! The girls had a blast at “Addison’s party at Chuck E. Cheese.”
Addie kept hugging Barney!

Ellie and her cute friend

So I thought I only had TWO kids at
Chuck E. Cheese, but it turns out I had three…

Game on! Dads and toddlers in a mean game of air hockey…
(dads were taking this WAY too seriously!)
xoxo, Erin
Well Happy Birthday Addison! I do hope you had a wonderful day and that you were able to put the puck in the slot without Dad’s help.
Happy Birthday our sweet Addie!
Grandpa and grandma love and miss you. We will have a princess cake when you come to Utah….we can’t wait to give you hugs and kisses!
Love grandma and grandpa!
Happy Birthday Addison!!! Woo hoo!! Two years old never felt so good!
Erin I love all the pics of your girls together. They melt my heart because they remind me of Rachel and Becca when they were that little.
I can’t believe she is two. The means Boston is almost two as well. She is so dang cute. I love love love all the curls. Happy Birthday Addie!
P.S. The is nothing better than chuck-e-cheese. We have done it a few times.
Erin! I love the picture of your girls hugging! And that cake! That is so darling! The cakes get a little more sophisticated and darling each year. I can just imagine how you felt when it was upside down on the floor! AHHHH!!
Ellie is looking more like you every day. :-) I would have paid to see you at the grocery store that day!
Great post Erin! We had fun with you guys at Chuck E Cheese and always. That cake was so cute and Addie looks adorable!
She is so cute! And what a birthday cake! That’s funny that you mention the guys at Chuck E. Cheese because when we all went there for Easton’s birthday I think Scott enjoyed it the most of anyone playing that same game where you sit inside the sphere thing. Boys will be boys! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET ADDIE! I can’t believe you are 2 years old already! I hope you go easy on your mom this year… you are such a little spitfire and I love it! It’ll keep your parents young and in shape chasing after you! Love the photos of Kenny and the death match over air hockey. Too fun! Wish we could’ve been there with you.
How darling! I can’t believe Addison is already 2. What cute girls. LOVED the cake story…glad you all survived!
Happy Birthday, Addison! What a cute cake!! Erin, I can only imagine how you must have felt during the whole grocery store incident. Glad to hear that nobody got hurt. Your two girls are so cute together. Makes me want to have a girl next (not anytime soon of course!!). :)
What a cutie! I can’t believe the whole cart tipped over! I would have freaked out! Glad eveyone was ok, and you ended up with a cake!
YOur girls are adorable. I’m with you, I can’t wait to get out of the baby stage.
What a fun post about Addie’s 2nd Birthday. It looks like she had a great time. It’s so fun to see the cute pictures of your girls. I’m so excited to be with you and your family when you come up to St. George in a few days. Let’s Party!!!
Erin, OK, like everyone else, love the pictures, and just last week I turned my back and Rebecca had tipped our cart over with Oliver strapped inside. We were on the spice aisle, not the cake aisle, and it wasn’t anyone’s birthday, but I STILL could’ve used that counting trick!! I’ll let ya know if that works. (because we know there’ll be a next time:) Erin, love you and your family so much, and guess what? I remember when Addison was born! I know its only been two years…but someday that will mean something Addison!