We’re back from our trip to St. George and we had such a great time! Nothing like
hangin‘ with family. It’s so fun to all be together. Going to my mom’s house is like going to a resort with built in babysitters! The girls love spending time with their grandparents and it’s such a nice break for us! Kenny and I love being with our families and we also had a great time catching up with friends. We were there for a week and went out to dinner every night! (Needless to say I’ll be on the treadmill for a month making up for it!) Best part aside from the people…the pool time! We were in the water every day! Mom, dad, Darla and Julian…thanks for all of your help with the girls and for such a fun family vacation! We love you all!
xoxo, Erin
It was SO good to see you while you were in St. George, thanks for coming over! I loved chatting and catching up…
It looks like you guys had such a fun week. I’m sure you all needed the break!
We are going this morning to the courthouse to finalize Emma’s adoption! I better go get ready…
Talk to you soon
Erin-so glad you are back! I was so happy to see you at the gym again! It looks like your week was “heaven”! I still can’t get over your mom’s backyard. It looks like a park! I’m also so glad that Kenny got to play on this trip. Date night every night, huh. Not bad!
Amazing. It looks like you had a blast. Glad you’re back though!
Erin, you are as cute as ever! I am so glad you left a comment, it was so fun to see what you are up to! Your girls are so cute, they have got to be so much fun! Well now that I know where you are I will have to put you on my list so we can keep in touch! I love this blogging stuff, it is so great to see how everyone is doing no matter where their paths have taken them!
PS, Can I adopt your mom as my own??
Erin, you even look great when you’re swimming. Pretty amazing. Looks like fun!
hey, is dayna’s last name albrecht?? if it is i used to be her young woman leader.
You do look so cute in your bathing suit by the way!
So fun at lunch today. Let’s do that more often ok?
It was so fun seeing you guys! Glad you had a great trip and glad you are liking your glasses. We will be excited to have you over next time you come up.
Erin you are super photogenic. You look great in every picture! I am glad you guys had such a fun time. It sounds like the perfect vacation. A great spot for a girls’ trip. :)