The girls…practicing our kick line from the show’s finale to “New York New York.” Let me just say that my High School/College drill team days are definitely OVER! It was hurting our legs just kicking waist high for this picture!
My cute Ellie graduated from the “giraffe group” at her preschool last week. Now she’ll be in the “pre-K” group for the next school year. I can’t believe how big she is getting. She seems so grown up to me lately. It’s crazy to think that she only has one more year of preschool and then Kindergarten. It’s going by too fast! I want her to freeze in this stage – she is so much fun right now and I just can’t get enough of her!
As far as Addison is concerned…
…this little fire cracker is more than I can handle! I swear I burn more calories chasing her every day than I ever will at the gym! This is a little game she likes to play every time I take out the trash. She grabs the garbage can and “hides” from me. Then after I come inside and say “where’s my Addison?” a few times, she throws it off and runs around the house laughing while I chase her. Love my two year old! Good times.
I’m the first one to post – yay! Take that Ann and Shari! :) I LOVE that you went downtown and enjoyed some summertime music. Sounds like you and Ken are packing together quite a social calendar these days! Tell Ellie congratulations on graduating and Addie for learning how to keep you on your toes at all times! Too cute!
Erin, you are looking like you’re livin the good life! I don’t know about your drill team days being over, I think you should head up an adult women’s drill team!!!! haha! Both your girls look so soo cute! And, I was wondering how you are staying so fit..now I know it’s Addison…I’ll quit asking if,’you’re OK?’:)
Dang it! The only reason you beat me, Carly is because I’m using a different computer so my blogging is a little out of sorts! :)
Cute post Erin! What a fun little group of friends to do stuff with.
Love the pic of Addie throwing the can off of her head. Priceless.
Hi my little San Diego family!
What a cute post Erin….makes me excited to come down for a visit!
Darling picture of Ellie getting out of the car…when did she grow up so fast? She is such a beauty…all three of my little grandaughters are becoming so dang cute and pretty! And, I love the garbage can trick! It is classic Addie!
Love mom
p.s. We LOVED Mount Rushmore this morning…but it was Hot! We got there early before it got too busy
and we were grateful we did because it was packed when we left at noon. We are kinda resting in our air conditioned room right now…so of course, I have to check your fun blog.
miss you all.
So darling!
No, I definitely do not want 5 kids anymore. This last one has totally cured me of that.
Jeff set that thing up on our blog. I have no idea how to do it. Sorry.
Love, love, love the picture of Addie. Hilarious!
It’s a new page element. Just go to customize and then “add a page element.” It’s the “blog list” element.
You guys look like you are having a great time. Glad to see Kenny is not working overly hard. Although, knowing him I’m sure he is still pounding away at a pretty good pace.
Bonnie, we’re excited to go out to dinner with you when you’re here!!
Hey Erin! I found your blog through Tammy’s! It looks like your cute family is having some great times down in San Diego! My blog is private, but if you ever want to check it out, e-mail me at: [email protected] and I’ll put you on my invit list! Christan (Sullivan) Smith
I noticed your little gathering didn’t involve kids. Imagine, chatting uninterrupted, your stories probably all made sense.
Erin thanks for being a rebel and taking all the pictures. :) We had a great time. We will look forward to next year. It will probably be here before we know it. Aaahh! Time is flying. Your girls are so cute!
I just love your blog Erin!! The summer pops looks like so much fun. AND your pictures are fabulous (the ones you took). They really are amazing – you’re amazing!!