This was such a fun week with my mom here!
Just a few pics of what we’ve been up to…

My cute friends Shari and Ann wanted to go to dinner when my mom came to visit. Such a fun idea guys! We had a great time…and ate WAY too much pizza. :)

Girls heading to the beach!
The beach is even more fun when you run into friends!
Chillin’ with grandma…
Running away from the waves…our favorite thing to do at the beach!
Ellie loves her grandma!
This is Ellie at swimming lessons – she’s making major progress! We give each other “thumbs up” when she goes under water. She loved having grandma here to watch!

And my mom was here to capture what I do every week at swimming lessons – calm my little upset Addison. She’s crying because… I didn’t bring the right red fruit snacks, she can’t get in the water with “Lollie”, she wanted her purple sippy cup, not the pink one, it’s time to wear the Snow White dress and it isn’t around, the sky is too blue, the world is so cruel…and who knows what else!!?? Life with a two year old!
Thanks again for coming to visit mom! We loved having you here and are already counting down to your next trip to San Diego!
xoxo, Erin
I so loved doing all the day-to- day stuff with you and the girls Erin. I especially liked the little things like: Getting Addie out of the crib in the mornings and Ellie out of bed, when they are still sleepyheads. I loved tending Addison while you took Ellie to pre-school so she could have you all to herself. I loved fixing snacks for us so we could watch our new favorite Barbie movie, the Nutcracker…Addie says Nutcracker so cute!
I love our new tradition of getting Nachos and watching Y&R. I loved tending so you and Kenny could have a fun night out with your cute friends…and I especially loved Kenny for taking his mother-in-law on a date to see Momma Mia..which Was darling!
I am missing each of you too much!
Thanks for it all. Love mom
Erin! I had so much fun twice with you and your mom! I am one lucky girl! :o) That was so fun when I ran into you guys at the beach. I love the picture of your girls walking down to the beach. The ocean looks so blue and the palm trees in the background are the perfect San Diego touch! I am a little worried though because I don’t see any of the 20 pictures I took of you guys at the beach. Did I cut off your heads??!? :o) That was the PERFECT beach day! Sunny, warm and a nice breeze! Thanks for letting me be a part of your fun week!
oh, and one more thing. Your “the sky is too blue, world is cruel” paragraph made me laugh so hard! That really is how they think! Where is that Snow White dress?? Next time bring all sippy cups, all dress-ups and all snacks! What were you thinking? ha ha
I could totally relate to the part about Addison too! Two year olds are exhausting!
It was fun to go to dinner. So glad you had such a great week with your mom.
Yay! Looks like fun :-) I loved everything Addie was saying–so cute.
Darling pictures and what a fun week with your mom. I loved that picture of you running from the waves with your sweet girls. Priceless…
Erin! I haven’t been out blog-stalking in way too long. It was so fun to look at what you guys have been up to. Looks like you had so much fun with your mom. I want to live in San Diego by you I’ve decided. You guys have so much fun stuff to do there!! I’m also happy to hear you are learning how to use your photoshop! Good for you. :) Love ya.
Thanks so much for your help. We are idiots. For some reason we think we are a walking GPS. It only took us about 45 minutes to figure out how to get back on the 5. Guess we aren’t quite as good as we thought. I hope you had fun at Phantom. Let me know how it was. I have always wanted to see it.
Erin that picture of you running with your girls could be on a greeting card or something. It’s so cute!
HOw cute!! I bet you had so much fun with your mom!! I love the picture of you running from the waves!! That needs to be framed!!