So you know all of those bikers flying around the roads of San Diego in their skinny tight bike lanes and in their skinny tight spandex pants and hideous neon shirts? (They’ve always driven me nuts because I feel like I’m going to run them over!) Well my husband is now one of them! Kenny took a Saturday morning biking class with some friends a few months ago and LOVED IT! He and his friends are now biking 30-40 miles every Saturday all over North County on various bike paths. Kenny really enjoys the exercise, time with friends, and just flying around on his bike. I love it because now I can take the kids to the gym Saturday mornings and hit my favorite aerobics class. Then my husband comes home in a great mood and is ready to do whatever I want because he has had some time for himself. Win win situation. So for you San Diego drivers – please don’t run over my husband! I am now a lot more cautious when passing the bikers and suddenly those neon shirts aren’t so ugly…they are merely a safety precaution…one I am extremely grateful for!

Kenny with his friend Elliot after a ride…matching shirts not intentional!
The girls are enjoying…

plenty of time at various pools, parks, and the beach!
As for me – if you see me walking around like a sleep deprived zombie with bags under my eyes now you’ll know why… Kenny and I have been staying up all hours of the night watching our new obsession – 24. We never watched the series on TV and everyone seems to love it, so we decided to start watching the DVDs this summer while nothing else is on. They are reminding me a lot of my other TV love – Prison Break. The end of each episode leaves you hanging enough that you have to watch JUST ONE MORE! (Very dangerous when you have that “one more” episode at your fingertips!) Aside from my usual organizing, I’ve also been taking an on-line digital scrapbooking class and am finally learning how to use my Adobe Elements program. LOVING that!
One last pic that melts my heart…
sleep after a day of sunshine and summer play!
xoxo, Erin
Cute post Erin! Lovin’ the spandex there Kenny!!
One hour faster than me today Shari. You’re playing dirty! Sis, I love this post! My favorite pics are always the ones of every day life. Kenny looks like a hottie in neon! You should enlarge the photo of Ellie and Addie walking toward the beach. Everyone has one of those with their kids, but that one takes the cake! Wish we were there with you.
Erin, so cute! all those great memories you are making being outdoors!
Shari and Carly, stop the feud, put down the computer, and get outdoors! Ha ha.
Erin, I have never heard of a ‘bike class”. I want to know more! My sister in laws all have road bikes and are constantly trying to talk me into getting one. I would definitely need a class! Also, I am going to have to try the Sat. morning class again-my step skills are rusty! (Darling pictues!! Whose pool?)
I’ve been told I need to check out 24 as well because I loved Alias when it was on and also like Prison Break although I think this next season will be the last one. I would stay up until all hours of the night watching just like you. It drives me crazy but there’s always one more episode to be seen. :)
Looks like you are all having a great summer! I can’t wait to get down there join in on all the fun!
See you cute girls…and Kenny…tomorrow!
Love mom
Nice. Kenny cycling. I really wish we lived by you guys. When are you coming to Utah?
Wow! Nice spandex :-)
Sweet ride Kenny-bunkport. It gets addicting, I hear.
We also purged the season of 24 two summers ago. The sleep suffers, but well worth it.
Love that the mother is in town. You all seem to have such a good relationship. I’m sure there will be no shortage of laughs.
To where to I ship your Judd’s breadstick?