Text me baby! My two years with Verizon was up (go “New every Two!”) so I got a new cell phone. It’s flat and opens up to a keypad so I can actually type my text messages. I’m excited -I feel so hip and cool and new age. I’m going to be a texting machine. Translation – now I’ll text ten messages a month instead of five.

Mercer Mayer books are simply the best. Loved them when I was little, loved them as a teacher, love them as a mom.
After being in St. George for a week I’m so happy to be back to San Diego freeways. I have a bit of a lead foot and a need for speed – lucky for me so does everyone else in this city. I love getting on the freeway and cruising everywhere I need to go. Nothing against St. George, but driving in that city drives me CRAZY! Stop…start…stop…start…pass retiree moving at 13 mph…oh wait…can’t pass because there are only 2 lanes…stop…start again…slow down because speed limit is 30 (30????? Are you kidding me?) I actually like to get where I’m going. Love San Diego freeways.
Pre-school started! Yea! Ellie went back to pre-school this week and the really great news is that Addie started a little ‘pre‘ pre-school. It’s only one day a week for four hours, but she loved it! She had so much fun and loved that she was a big girl going to pre-school like Ellie. Kept saying “Lolly (Ellie) goes to pre-school and I go to my own pre-school!” The best part is that I had four hours (FOUR!) all to myself. No kids. It was magical. I was so efficient! Unpacked from our trip, cleaned my house, went to the gym and still had time for a quick Target run! (It usually takes me a week to unpack alone) Three cheers for pre-school!
(The girls on their first day of school)
Last good thing for this week: Kenny and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary yesterday (Sept. 6). I can’t believe we’ve been married 11 years! I met Kenny when I was 15 (he was 17) so now I’ve known him for over half of my life! I love our old high school pics when we first started dating because we were such little kids. I remember that before this picture we were BOTH so excited because I had just gotten my braces off! ;) Love you babe – Happy Anniversary!
Oh my…so much to say with this post. I remember that prom photo like it was yesterday and yes, you are a lady who loves her rat! Big hair, big jock boyfriend with the big bullet bike! Like yesterday. Love the books and Ellie and Addie on their first day of school…it gives me hope for when Claire starts school and I can have a breather between “office” work and “mommy” work! Too fun.
I’ve been out of the blog loop for a wile with our move. Love the post! And I love the prom pic. As Carly said, it seems like it was only yesterday. :)
My sweet girls look so precious on their big First Day of pre-school. I am especially proud of my little Addie for being such a big girl on her first day ever….I can’t wait to see her little school and meet her teacher. Grandma needs to come down for a visit again.
Love you all
I think I have the same phone as you and I looove it!!! So much fun at the beach! And what can I say about the photo? I didn’t even recognize Kenny! Love both your hair!
Nice prom posey picture! It seems we’ve now been dated with the changing styles of today. Hope you did something fun for your anniversary like, listened to Forever Young.
That photo of you & Kenny is a crack up! I love the hair, dress, back-drop & all. I can’t believe you were just 15 when you met Kenny. Always so fun to get to know more about you & your cute family.
Erin you’re doing it! You’re keeping up with your Good Things goal. Good girl. Loved the beach night, looking forward to more laughs tomorrow night too!
The big permed hair was awesome! Bring it back!!!
Totally agree with driving in St. George–just gets under your skin!
P.S. Your perm looks amazing in that picture with Kenny. Did you rat your hair by chance?
oh why oh why did you ever change hair styles??? that was so hot. love it
I am totally fine with your hair style coming back, I love big hair too and I have plenty of it. However, guys hair style can stay short short for the rest of time in my opinion! How fun for you–time alone is always great! And I totally agree with the driving thing–I won’t say anymore about that!
Love the pic of you and Kenny! That is great! Kenny, you are an animal! I think I am glad that Ryan didn’t know me in high school, but you guys- both hotties!!!
So Cute! I can’t believe they have a “pre” pre-school for four hours! That is awesome! How fun!!! I have to admit that the last picture is my FAVORITE! Man, I loved those old styles…too classic!
Darling post as always. I just love the picture of you and Kenny! It’s so much fun when people post OLD pictures on their blogs. Happy anniversary to you! Time flies by so fast…weren’t you just at our house having a glass of bubbly after you got engaged?? How fun the memories are!