The economy may be tanking, but at least gas prices are down!
I love the show Little Bear on Noggin. It is the only show (aside from Barbie movies) that BOTH of my girls will watch. It has such a calming effect. Perfect for that ‘bewitching hour’ right around 6:30 when I need some peace before bedtime!
mmmmm… Pumpkin Cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory. It’s seasonal and to die for! If you haven’t tried it, head to the closest Cheesecake Factory immediately! Date nights with Kenny and this Pumpkin Cheesecake – two VERY good things.
Only 11 more days till it’s time to deck the halls!

My girls have been really into coloring and art projects lately. I’ve loved how much they are entertaining themselves (what – I can actually turn on the news in the evening and prepare dinner without someone hanging on me?). I was trying to figure out a way to organize their supplies and found this turn tray with cup holders from Pottery Barn Kids. PERFECT! Even matches my playroom. Happy coloring!
Cuddling with Ellie in bed listening to it rain.
Ooo-la-la! This group is so posh! (That’s a fancy word for fancy) Just look at my mom and her cute friends. My mom’s friend Nancy hosted a ‘Fancy Nancy’ party for their monthly bunko group. They all dressed up as fancy as they could and enjoyed a night of fun with decor and food that couldn’t have been fancier. What a stupendous idea! (That’s a fancy word for great) My girls loved seeing pictures of their grandma dressed like Fancy Nancy. My mom and her friends are too much fun!!! ***BTW – if you haven’t read the Fancy Nancy books yet, they are spectacular! (another fancy word for great) ;)
Cookie dough. Some things need no explanation.
Seeing Ellie give Addison “rides” around the kitchen on her blankie. Addie inserts thumb in mouth and is ready to cruise!

Some friends who know the cooking skills I possess suggested making Rhodes rolls for an easy dinner side dish. I made them last Sunday and am happy to say they turned out great! The kitchen smelled so good! Ellie said to me “mom…it smells so good in here…is this Thanksgiving??!!” Poor girl. I’m really making an effort to cook more…
(also eating more! Three of my good things are pics of food. Nice. Must be that time of year.)
(also eating more! Three of my good things are pics of food. Nice. Must be that time of year.)

Can you say cheap labor? On the weekends Kenny always takes my car to get washed and then fills it with gas for me. (Yes – my husband takes good care of me!) My job is to scrub the floor mats while he’s gone because they don’t wash them very good at the car wash. Last weekend I decided it was time to delegate! The girls had a blast scrubbing away and I enjoyed a little down time. Girls…I think you missed a spot!
xoxo, Erin
We are so proud of our little Ellie..she is swimming like a fish! I can’t wait to get her in our pool this summer. Tell her Grandma and Grandpa are so proud of her….Wheee! Now we can begin working on Addison and Claire to put their faces in the water…Addie will want to do just what Ellie does. In fact, Ellie can give them both lessons! :)
Love your “Good Things” post Erin. Thanks for showing us all of the little things, we all have in our life, that we need to be grateful for….That’s a “Good Thing” too!!
Cute post! My favorite part was Ellie giving rides around the house… that is soooo something we would do! Right after painting the walls with water and sailing boats down the gutter.
I love your good things post! The Fancy Nancy Party wouldn’t have been half as fun without all those fancy friends!! I loved the pic of the kids pulling eachother around on blankets…my grandkids love to do that on my wood floor! Cheap fun!
Love ya Erin!
Congrats to Miss Ellie. She gives us hope and maybe she’ll have a chance with Mr. Phelps. Also, I too love Rhodes rolls especially when you make sticky buns with them for Christmas morning……speaking of…
Nuh Uh, you have a Christmas counter! I was just thinking today how nice it will be to get Christmas cards in the mail.
Oh! And, your flowers look beautiful. Lucky.
Oooh, cookie dough sounds good right about now. Love all the cute pics. Pierson and Madi have also discovered the fun of being pulled around on our wood floor. It started by me trying to pull Pierson’s soccer socks off and pulling him around the room, now they always want to do it. Too cute, love easy entertainment. And by the way, reading your blog just totally made my day!
I am determined to try that cheesecake before it is gone! That is a really “great” list of good things! Especially the swimming!!!!
I love reading your favorite things Erin. There was so much to comment on this time, I can’t even say it all. You’re so funny and so particular about everything, you keep me so entertained!!
Love ya
Darling “good things” post! I love all those things. One question…did you buy that pottery barn lazy suzan from the store or online? My kids would LOVE that too! Email me when you get a chance and let me know!