Wow. October was busy. It came and went so quickly and I got behind on my “good things.” I have been writing random things down (on random pieces of paper all over the house) for the last few weeks, I just haven’t taken the time to blog about them. So this will be a long post. Which seems to be the norm for me lately…
The time change! Love this time change! Kids to bed earlier and up earlier in the morning makes for a more productive mom. Plus I’m just ready to be home and in my p.j’s by five or six at night and it’s easier to pull this off when it’s dark outside.
Hearing my girls singing songs from the new Barbie move “The Diamond Castle.” The new Barbie Christmas DVD just arrived in my mailbox and I can’t wait to show it to my girls! Kenny and I are actually excited to see it too. Sad…huh.
My Brookstone Coin Counter. Love this thing! I gave them to a few people for Christmas gifts a couple of years ago (because what else do you give someone like my dad who has everything he needs and is probably as sick of getting sweaters and books as you are of giving them to him!). After I gave them away I kept telling Kenny how cool I thought they were. What a slick way to organize loose change! He bought me one at the end of football season and called it my “being such a cool and tolerant wife during football season gift.” I just love hearing the clink clink clink of my change organizing itself. Always makes me happy. (Wonder if I’ll get a gift this year?)
SeaWorld’s “Halloween Spooktacular.” It actually didn’t feel that different than regular SeaWorld, (just fun Halloween decor all around) still – a fun day with the kiddos.
Kenny’s cute grandma sent the girls Happy Halloween cards in the mail. (She is so darling – always sending holiday packages). They each had a dollar in their card and I said “look Ellie, your first dollar!” She answered, “what’s a dollar for?” (Sadly, not much these days)
YEA! The election is over!!! I absolutely HATE contention and this election was full of it! California was in such an uproar over Prop 8 (glad it passed) but even more glad I don’t have to hear about it for a while. While I voted for McCain and always tend to lean to the Republican side of things, I do have to admit that I like Obama. Don’t like what will happen to my taxes, but I do get a good overall feeling about having him as our President. I guess we’ll see… anyway, glad it’s all over. LOVE this country…just don’t love contention.
Daddy coming home from work at the end of each day. (The only one more excited than the kids is MOM!)
So my friend Angie and I have worked out a fabulous trade for Tuesday afternoons. Ellie and Madison have dance lessons so one of us takes the girls to dance while the other one takes the wild and crazy two year olds to the park. It feels so good to actually watch Ellie every other week instead of always chasing Addison around and trying desperately to keep her from disturbing class since she always want to be doing whatever “Lolly” is doing. So while the girls are doing this…
Their siblings are doing this…

My Spooky Halloween tree was a big hit with the girls this year. They painted cats, witches, bats and ghosts and then covered them in stickers and hung them on the tree.
Ellie made her debut in primary (church) a couple of weeks ago. She had her first Sacrament Meeting speaking part in the primary program. Her line (which she wrote herself) was “I know God loves me because he loves little people.” We rehearsed and rehearsed and when the big moment came she delivered her line beautifully. Kenny and I beamed like she had just won the Congressional Medal of Honor. These are pics I took of the girls that day before church…(they are becoming quite the little posers! Guess that’s what happens when your mom is constantly taking your picture).

Nights ARE cooling off here! Still 75 degrees during the day, but the nights are feeling cool. Cool enough that I started putting Addison in her footed pajamas. I just LOVE babies in footed pajamas. Glad she has at least this one more season to wear them. I’ll be so sad when I don’t have a little one running around in footed pajama’s anymore. Sad enough to have another baby? Depends on the day you ask me…. AND how cute the footed pajama’s are. ;)
Amen Sista! What a great lady you are, I love your good things posts. See your girls are pro’s at getting their pic’s taken now. Just watch out your future son-in-laws will probably want to shoot you. Just ask Joe. :) Their dresses are sooo cute! That is hilarious about the heater vent, yes I think my dad would have shot me. And I couldn’t agree with you more on the election/contention. Thanks for sharing!
Loved this post! So much fun to read all these things. I had no idea you put your hair over a heater vent before practice! What even made you try that. Hilarious!
The little ballet pic is so adorable. She already got some talent just in that pose!
I LOVE your kitchen. I’ve got a big itch to redo my kitchen….ummm I wonder why? Does white tile counters give me a reason? I should say so. I want new counters so badly. I just love yours with the white cupboards!!
I too can’t wait to hear how you came up with using the heating vent :-)
You have put so many posts up since I last looked!! I love your girls cute Halloween pictures! And, your trip to Virginia…Oh, My!! It is So BEAUTIFUL there! You have me craving a trip there now!! How fun! I love that you dressed up as yourself…funny thing is that you haven’t aged a bit!! Just the hair change!!
I just love your blog and reading all of your fun posts!
Way too cute Erin! I too am loving the footed pj’s on Eden. I’m a freak about my kids getting cold at night so these put my mind at ease too.
I love that you do this thankful post. I want to start it too, it is just a good reminder that there is so much to be thankful for. I love it Erin. I have to say too, you always have the best ideas of things you’re greatful for. I may have to get the coin counter, that looks so fun.
love the good things. I hope you have your tickets to see twlight, i just got mine, yeah!!
Love the hair…I have some pictures like that too! I adore those brown dresses. Miss you!
Oh Erin, I just love you! I can just picture you being so excited for your change to be organized! I can’t believe you dried your hair on the vent. I would think that would take longer than a blow dryer. Too funny. Cute pics of the girls. I am loving the time change too, and loving getting my kids in bed earlier. And I LOVE the footed p.j.s. This is the first year Pierson hasn’t been able to wear them, and I’m so sad. (I’ve been checking all around, only up to a 4T.)
Your “Good Things” posts are so fun to read Erin. The best thing about journaling like this will be reading back through it when you are my age. The little things you write about now, will take you right back to that time and place in your life. How I would have loved blogging when I was a young mom!
I am grateful….so grateful, for the internet. Because of it, I get to keep up on the life of my darling family in San Diego.
I have no doubt that my husband was the “Worlds Best Dad” But…Kenny deserves that title too!
Hey Erin, great pics/posts! I agree Ellie did a fantastic job at her debut Primary Program! Fun family/fun mom you are!
Hey Sis! We’ve been busy so I’m just now getting caught up on your blog – – you’ve been busy too! I loved your Halloween costumes… oh, that ball gown brings back so many memories of prom, Eshelle reviews, Santa Clara princess pageants and the like. That hair.. and the grey eyeliner that always accompanied it.. followed by a rousing workout on the thigh-master! Memories! Claire sports her footie pjs year round here, so I’m with you on that one, and I love the shots of your Halloween tree and Ellie dancing. Your girls are total posers, just like you were! They must be used to being blog features. Oh, and way to one-up me after I came up with the idea to give dad a change-counter, only mine was ultra cheap and then you went out and bought the deluxe edition! No fair. Hope you can come in a few weeks for Thanksgiving – Claire misses her aunt and I miss you too!
Erin, last night, William tells me a funny story about footed pajamas, and our nephew (who is 5) and how him and his brother were looking online to get them for their Dad, thinking how hilarious that would be….and I am dying, thinking, what are the chances? Twice in one day, the topic of footed pajamas comes up? So, if you and anyone else want them, you don’t have to have another baby to see them in your home, order a bigger size!:) who knew?
I am so glad you blogged about the heating vents. I totally remember you going that with your hair. Oh, the things we did to have curly hair! I love all of your favorite things, so fun to read.
Your girls’ look so big Erin, especially Ellie at dance class. Wow! I’m with you on the footed jammies. My girls’ are wearing them everynight to bed too. They are my favorite!!
Love ya Erin..
So cute Erin!!! i love all of the pictures of Halloween! So funny…I love how you were “yourselves from High School!” Looks like Fun, down there in San Diego!!!