Where can you go to see great fireworks, get chills singing the National Anthem, eat WAY too much nacho cheese, hug and celebrate with random people you’ve never met, and scream louder than you ever have? A Chargers playoff game. Kenny and I just got back from the best game we have EVER been to! The Chargers played the Colts for their first playoff game here in San Diego and the crowd was absolutely wild. It felt like a party the second we arrived at the stadium. The game went into overtime (17 to 17) and then the Chargers scored and won the game. What a rush!!! Our voices are gone and we are flying high. GO CHARGERS!!!

I love the pre-game ceremony. I always get goosebumps seeing the flag, singing the anthem, and hearing the jets fly over head. They also had amazing red and blue fireworks.

xoxo, Erin
I knew you would blog about your fun night! We had fun just watching it on TV and I was thinking about how excited you guys must have been, especially Kenny!! You guys looked so cute in your shirts.
I love the football nachos too!! Why can’t we reproduce those? They never taste the same unless you’re sitting in bleachers realizing you just paid way too much money for some chips and fake cheese!
Glad you had fun!
Dad and I wish we could have seen the Chargers in all there Glory too! That would have been the game of all games to see in person. We are so happy they won…we cheered for them every second! It was more fun for us to watch the game knowing you guys were there. We would pause the screen every time it showed the crowed, just to look and see if it was our kids. :)
Way to go Chargers! We are so pumped!!!
I have see Kenny smile in a lot of pictures But, the smile on his face at that game is the Real Kenny Smile! What a keeper.
Kenny, I hope you know what a lucky man you are!
Erin, all through your post I was thinking, “I didn’t know Erin loved footballas much as Kenny!”, but then you put my mind to ease when you said,
“I’m starting to understand my husbands obsession a little more. Just a little!” :)
How could you not have fun at that game!!!! I admit (shhh!) that I even enjoyed watching it with Marc!
HOW FUN!!! Wow — very cool! I know Kenny is giving up some extra praise tonight for having the coolest wifey ever!
So I’m loving that Kenny has become one of those Dixie Flyer Parents at the hometown games. All these old LOUD men with their blaring radios, sitting at the game way too early and thinking this would be a great new career. Glad you had fun too. You make such a pair in your jerseys.
First off Ellie’s latest is hilarious. And your date makes me jealous, so fun!
Sam was watching the game andthinking of kenny the whole time. He asked me to send you a text and see if you were there…but I realized I don’t have your phone number, so please send it my way so I can do better for the next game.