So the other day my friend
Malea posted this lovely
Jetette Review group picture on
Facebook. (“
Jetettes” is the name of the dance team I was on in High School) Everyone was tagged in the photo and we were all having a lot of fun chatting on-line back and forth… laughing about this picture and the good
ol‘ days of dancing together. We were such a close group of girls and always had a blast together. I mentioned how great it would be to see everyone again and then Lindsay had a fabulous idea. The current
Jetettes are having their review (end of the year performance) in March. What if we all head to St. George and get together to catch up and then go to the review? Next thing I knew we were planning our first ever
Jetette Reunion! I’m so
freakin‘ excited for this!!! Some of these girls I have stayed in touch with, but a lot of them I haven’t seen in years! Everyone is booking plane tickets and making plans for the party! We’re meeting at my mom’s house for dinner, a
slide show, game and plenty of time to catch up, and then heading to the review. Our drill team advisor is even going to stop by and is reserving us seats at the review. I can’t wait to see everyone again! I have so many fun memories of all of our practices, competitions, half-time performances, bus trips and get-
togethers. I’m counting down to our reunion.
We are going to party like it’s 1994!!!
Thought I’d post a few pictures of us that year together…

Side note*** Nice that we aren’t dancing in any of my pictures (I think we spent more time messing around). AND nice that my pictures are all grotesquely cropped because they are from my old scrapbooks (why did we do that?).
xoxo, Erin
I was going to comment on the cropping of your pictures and then noticed your post script! So much fun…I can’t stop smiling when I think about this reunion! can’t wait! Thanks for doing the invite and taking over. It’s going to be A-W-E-S-O-M-E, Awesome, Awesome, TOTALLY!
I was just getting my videos ready to convert to DVD!!! I was enjoying myself a little too much probably!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!
Cute pictures. I love how cute our costumes are. Back then they were so in style. I got out my scrapbook and I have put all the pictures on those sticky pages you’re not supposed to use, guess that will have to get fixed. Anyway, it has been so much fun thinking about that year and the fun times. I love So You Think You Can Dance, when I watch it I just want to try some cool “moves” with them, HA HA. I can’t wait for the get together.
Erin- I’m cracking up at the dresses in the group photo! Could the sleeves be any bigger on some of those dresses. Very IN style! I really think the white dresses you guys wore were fancier than my wedding dress! So funny!! Have a great reunion.
Oh Erin! How funny! I am loving your white dress with ginourmous sleeves! What a hottie you are!
Oh Erin, this brings back so many memories! You’re going to have so much fun.
I won’t mention that in 1994 I was married with two kids already!
You’re such a baby. :)
That’s so funny. When I went to get my old pics out they were all cropped as well!
It was so fun seeing them all….I just want to know why we had to have such brightly colored warm-ups!!
So excited for the reunion!
That is to funny!! I love that you guys are doing that! How fun
When Kenny and I clerked together, I remember him going on for a half hour one day about his love of big hair, and how much he loved you with big hair. The conversation made me laugh for days. These pictures brought all of that back. Fantastic.
All I can say is Wow! Is everybody going to perm their hair for the big event?
Erin, I LOVE all the girls “latest”, Ryan and I are cracking up. Hope Kenny gets something nice for Valentine’s Day!
Erin, one thing about the DSLR’s is that you can no longer see what you are shooting through the viewfinder. No more point and shoot. You are in the big leagues now. :0) I don’t hardly shoot in auto anymore but it is like that no matter what mode you are shooting in. I know you said that you are going to take a class soon but I can recommend a GREAT XSi training dvd that you can purchase online (made by an old friend who is the premier wedding photographer in Alabama). Shoot me an email if you want me to show you where to find it. ([email protected]) I own several of his dvd’s . . . the latest on being a Photoshop Crash Course DVD. It rocks!
Can I borrow your prom dress for Halloween???
Oooh, I am soooo excited for you! (Do you love all the “o’s” in the previous sentence?? I love girlfriend reunions!!!! You are going to have the best time. I think I smell a new tradition here?