I’m loving this Springy time of year! I’m not usually a crafty kind of gal but this weather has inspired me to create! When I saw these fun button butterflies in Pottery Barn Kids I decided I could easily make something similar with scrapbook stuff I already had on hand. So on a sunny afternoon, I blew the dust off of my circle punches and ended up with this –
I just painted a wooden scrapbook frame green (you can buy them at Michael’s for $6.00). Very cheap. Very simple. Very quick. For now, my butterfly’s home is in Ellie’s room on this shelf –
I’m kind of into butterflies. I’ve had these butterflies (also Pottery Barn Kids) hanging in the playroom for awhile…

Whenever I walk by the girls’ playroom and see these butterflies hanging I remember the day I hung them. My mom was visiting and I was being a bit of a perfectionist and kept hanging and re-hanging until I felt I had them all three exactly how I wanted them. My mom gets so annoyed by my
tendency to over analyze small details so when I asked her what she thought for the 20
th time she answered, “I know what those butterflies are thinking. They’re thinking how do we fly out of this window and be free!” I always think of her and smile when I see my perfectly placed butterflies…and then I re-adjust them so they are facing the right way.

Some Springy flowers also in the playroom and a favorite picture of my sweet little Ellie smelling the flowers – 18 months old.

My windows are open right now and we are enjoying the
nicest ocean breeze. Outside my petunias are blooming. :) Happy Spring!
xoxo, Erin
Seriousl Erin you are so cute! You need to come make a sweep through my house and help me with my decor. :0) Love all the fun colors.
I am sooo inspired by you! I’m totally going to make a butterfly for Alison’s room! Is that O.K.? Love all your cute Spring decorations!
So cute!!! Glad you are enjoying your beautiful spring weather. Love the story with your mom and the butterflies.
That is sooooo cute! Great job!!!
Are you kidding me? You made that?
You never cease to amaze me.
That is darling, Erin! so cute! How funny, I have been planning a post talking about my love for butterflies too. I have been making something similar to this.
I so want to make that!! It would go perfectly in Ryan’s room!!
Sign this girl up for enrichment craft night!! Too cute. Just for you, I am back to posting…thanks for the nudge.
Whoot! Whoot!! Way to go! I LOVE IT!! Seriously, yours is even cuter than the pottery barn one!! Can’t wait to see more projects!
Erin, I am so impressed! Very cute and creative! I can’t wait until we can come visit and I can see your cute house and ALL of your creative and obsessive touches! (someday…) for now it just reminds me how bare my house is.
Darling Butterfly…I agree, it is way cuter than the Pottery Barn one. It looks darling on the shelf. Your flowers are beautiful outside too. And, yes….I do remember you hanging those damn butterflies for hours! I am surprised they are still hanging out in the girls playroom….perfectly hung….I thought they might have flown out the window first chance they had :)
I wouldn’t change a thing about you sweet girl!
What a fabulous idea! Very inspiring. I liked the story about your mom too! She sounds like a funny lady.
where do you find the time to make all that cute stuff?
Bailey loves the butterfly we may have to make one too. Thanks for sharing the idea
So Erin,
I’m a little concerned for you. I’ve always known that WE both have some major OCD issues and perfectionism is the top of our to-do list, but lately, I’m thinking that you have it even worse than I do. It makes me happy. I kindof feel normal. I look at all of your perfect photos and smile. I’m so glad I have a friend who makes me feel so normal! Maybe it has something to do with me raising 2 babies right now. One day, I will join you again and my life will once again be perfect. Ha!
ps- the butterfly is darling. And you can tell your mom, that those butterflies are dang lucky to be living in such an orderly home. Can I move into your playroom with them? (I won’t bring my kids and I’ll keep it clean!) Love you.
I LOVE it! I think that your’s is cuter than the PBK one!! Good Job!!
You are good! What a fun mom!