So another major highlight of my trip (yes – I’m still posting highlights. Hang in there with me…this will be the end of it!) was a morning spent with one of my mom’s (and now my) favorite people. Rex is an amazing photographer and when my mom mentioned to him that I was attempting to learn more about photography he offered to take me out for a little 1 on 1 instruction time. {I know – these shoes do NOT go with my shorts, but pants weren’t an option since it was over 100 degrees and we were doing some serious hiking – so – all fashion was set aside} Despite the hiking, and the heat, and the not so cute shoes, I had the most amazing time with Rex! He was incredibly fun and cool to hang out with and he taught me more in four hours then I learned during a two month photography class. I have had so much fun playing around with all the tips and tricks he taught me. We’re planning another little photography lesson for October to get some pictures of the fall leaves. Can’t wait. Thanks again Rex!

I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves to mow lawns! Great job on the photos too. Isn’t it great what you can learn when someone will just take you out and show you?
Are you getting fresh with Rex there in the first picture? Just kidding. It just looked like you were grabbing his bum. What a great opportunity to be trained by a photographer. Mat’s sister took a photography class and she said it did squat too. I guess you have to be an apprentice.
It’s really freaky we share a lot of the same thinking, for example, the lawn mowing. After I get done mowing I back my sweaty self up to a spot where I can see the whole yard and it’s nice lines and say aw! I’ve even tried curvy lines for an aesthetically pleasing affect.
We’re heading to DC in a few weeks..what were you favorite hang outs or restaurants?
Great pictures!! I’m super impressed with the lawn mowing. I talked Matt into letting me try mowing ours last week and I took one, not so straight, walk across the yard and I was DONE!!!
I will never do that. I may actually enjoy it but I’ll be honest, I know that if I ever learn how to turn a lawnmower on (No, I have never done it!) that it will be a job that I end up having to do all the time! So, no, I will never do it and I’ve told Rob so…it’s his job and it’s going to stay that way! I will admit that I probably would enjoy it just a little bit….but not to have to do along with the house cleaning and cooking! He He!!
Looks like you had a fun trip down there! Great pictures too, by the way!
Go Erin! I never would have guessed you were the lawn mowing type! Very impressive. My mom loved to mow our lawn growing up and she never wanted my dad or brother to do it, but that is probably the reason I have never mowed a lawn in my life!
And I have to say Rex, AKA Pres. Wilkey, is so awesome! He was in our old Stake Pres. and now his wife is our Stake YW pres. Love them both! I had no idea he did photography, now I am even more impressed with him! I want to tag along next time you go with him. We just got our new camera and I am overwhelmed by it! I know it is so capable and I am so clueless.
You should start a little photography business on the side. Just a thought
Your pictures are awesome! It makes me want to learn how to REALLY use my camera. Good job on both the pictures and the lawn!
Hey Erin-
Thought you might be interested in this. I found this information on the Church Public Affairs Council blog. Might be fun to have a picture published!
Snapshots: Memorable moments in people’s lives (The San Diego Union-Tribune)
Have a great family or church photo? Consider sending it to The San Diego Union-Tribune. Every Sunday in the “Passages” section a selection of user-contributed photos are reprinted. This week’s photos included a 1 year-old with a cat, a 2 year-old who dressed herself, three young ladies celebrating their 8th grade graduation from a school in Poway, and a 2 year-old standing next to a slab with an inspirational saying engraved in the stone. The following link goes to the request for submissions information page. Note: Publication is not guaranteed.
Snapshots: Memorable moments in people’s lives
I had to laugh when I read this post because you mentioned Girbaud jeans. I can’t remember why but I mentioned them with some friend awhile ago and nobody had heard of them. I was shocked. Whatever.
Great pictures!!
Ok, your photog skills are really improving. So good Erin!
I love your parents lawn so much. And guess what, I totally love mowing lawns too!
you could totally work for National Geographic girl! Except your subjects are nearly always fully clothed.
I mow the lawn all the time too and the best time is in the morning. Looks like you had a great vacation. We are on our way to St. George this weekend and I am way excited.
What a nice guy to teach you about photography! That one shot of the dragonfly is awesome! good work!
Awesome photos! Love the perfect lines on the freshly cut grass… you are amazing! My lines would look like an atlas.
The pictures look great! I need to learn a few things myself…also, not to burst your bubble, but I don’t think there will be fall leaves in October!! haha, fall leaves are usually here by thanksgiving though, so you better plan some more photography lessons for then! Loved the lawn mowing too. Freshly mowed lawn is one of my favorite smells (and sounds too)!
That is by far the best job, it beats everything in the house! :)
What a gorgeous yard…and I love mowing too…I think because I can’t hear a thing anyone says to me!