Do I really have a child old enough to go “school shopping” for!? I’m so excited to have a Kindergartner! I’ve had a blast getting Ellie clothes, school supplies, lunch box, back pack…all the necessary supplies to get her off on the right foot. Ellie was trying on some of her clothes so I could see how they fit and Addison said “Ellie, you look like a fashion show!” (Now if I can just hide from Kenny how much money I spent on this fashion show) Ellie and I had fun shopping together but definitely had different tastes in clothes. I was drawn to everything cute and stylish…while she was drawn to…
this hideous pink monkey shirt. It was the only thing she really wanted for Kindergarten. So we have a deal. If she wears the above clothes that I picked out, I’ll allow her to wear the monkey shirt (maybe on short field trip days or something…). We both left the mall happy.

Also making us happy is the art adorning my kitchen counter. Ellie learned how to draw various animals at Kindergarten camp a couple of weeks ago so we’ve been enjoying fun little pictures of birds, pigs, and chickens sprucing up our home. Her drawings always make me smile.

I’m also loving my new striped red rug from Target. On sale for a whopping 20 bucks! I’ve gone through so many red rugs in the 7 years I’ve lived in this house and I’ve spent way too much money on overpriced rugs that stain easily and are hard to clean. This cheap rug is easy to clean and a breeze to shake. And for the killer price…I was able to buy an extra rug for back-up! Makes me happy every time I walk into my kitchen. It’s all about the little things.
xoxo, Erin
i love love love your kitchen.
just thought i’d let you know :)
Love the new school clothes! Ellie is lucky to have such a cute and stylish Mom, she’ll appreciate it later in life, I’m sure! And I can totally relate…Pierson being the Super-Hero fanatic that he is, freaks with excitement every time he sees a super-hero shirt, oh they are so tacky! So I ended up buying him a few, with the understanding that they are PLAY shirts, NOT school shirts!
And Love Ellie’s drawings, she is doing great!
And Love your new rug! I need something for my entry in a bad way!
Man, I wonder if our Target is having that sale! I so need better rugs. Cheap Cheap ones do not work! Very very cute school clothes, hilarious difference in opinions. My mom always liked buying clothes for me because I would wear them–my sisters gave/give her grief still. Very cute drawings as well. And your kitchen is beautiful!
Great ideas for the drawings! My kiddo’s art are giving the fridge tape and magnet stains. Must copy you on this. K, so I always try to go the extra mile to make my boys as Utah chic as I can. But every year, I always come home with some equally hideous pair of Spidey shoes.
O you just enjoy the mom clothing control as long as possible cuz if she is like I was…it won’t be too much longer and you won’t have a say. Yup! I was stubborn like that.
Very cute–and by the way I love the monkey shirt ;-) (the ones I hate are the ones with Hanna Montana/camp rock plastered all over them). Which stores did you find her clothes–I had a hard time finding anything I liked on my first school shopping trip so I need some better advice for round 2.
Oh Hannah would have chosen 10 shirts with animals on them.
So cute and I’m so excited for you.
I am always fighting my boys-Carter wanted a clone wars t-shirt to go back to school with. I was so lucky they didn’t have his size.
Love the rug too!!
Cute red rug…I might need one (or two).
Love the artistry around the house…we are working on perfecting a giraffe around here… Just what every kindergartner needs to know how to draw…right?
I want you to take me shopping now. Everything is darling!
ps. It was fun to talk with you last night, Erin!
That monkey shirt is not to bad, I have seen worse picked by Bailey. Your luck that Ellie gets to wear what she wants to school. Bailey has to wear uniforms to school.
Ok, the rug looks great. I love those straight lines!! Very clean looking.
All of your pics. look SO awesome Erin, I need to invest in a good camera. It makes such a difference! I’m so glad to see that I’m not the only one who has neglected wifely duties this summer. It sure is fun to do that every once in a while (too often and I’d go nuts..) but a little is healthy right? I am SO loving your blog Erin. You have such a cute family! I figured out today that the next 2 years will all be about babies, but after that, they will all be in preschool and Kindg. So maybe in 2 years I’ll join the blogging world. Ha!!
Love ya Erin!
what a steal on that awesome red rug for your kitchen! all the clothes for Ellie are adorable. so fun! i wish my mom would still take me shopping at the beginning of each school year. wouldn’t that be great?! maybe i’ll run the idea past her and see what she thinks. we could hide how much we spent from my dad. ha! isn’t it fun to dream? ;)
Love the artistry around the house…we are working on perfecting a giraffe around here… Just what every kindergartner needs to know ..
Cute red rug…
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I cam across your blog quite by accident looking for fall decorating ideas, yours are beautiful! I love your kitchen canisters- where did you find them?