The sign says it all…”NO BOYS ALLOWED…DADDY ONLY.” Except daddy wasn’t here. Kenny was out of town this weekend so the girls and I had a party. A “girls only” party. Except Ellie felt sad when making the sign that daddy wasn’t included. He is, after all, the only cool and acceptable boy. Kenny left Friday morning and a few hours later Ellie told a random lady she doesn’t know that “my daddy is in another world and I miss him.” Despite the fun girls weekend ahead, she was already missing Kenny.
Friday night the girls and I ate suckers and played “movie quotes” – I repeat a line from a movie (Disney or Barbie related) and they guess which movie it’s from. I’ve been known to break out into song during this game as well (I can be pretty entertaining when my audience consists of a 3 year old, a 5 year old, and fifteen or so stuffed animals). A line I quoted from Swan Princess sparked an interesting conversation about arranged marriages. The conversation ended with the girls both agreeing they would marry daddy and daddy only. They were both really missing Kenny.
Saturday morning the girls woke up anxious for pancakes. Pancakes are Kenny’s thing. The last time I made pancakes…hmm…let’s just say things didn’t go too well. I promised the girls we’d have pancakes Sunday afternoon when Kenny got home. They were not happy with me, but I knew if I made the pancakes, they would not be happy with the pancakes either. I poured the cereal. We were all three missing Kenny.
After breakfast we headed to the gym and then Target. I gave the girls fishy crackers in Target and figured I had at least fifteen minutes. I found some cute clothes for them and was holding some pants up to Addison to see if they would fit. She decided she wanted to try them on, so I let her. Then she took the pants off and ran away from me in the store in her underwear. Ellie was laughing her head off which only encouraged Addison more. I finally caught her and put her in a time out right in the middle of the towel isle. She screamed. People looked. I ducked. And oh how I was missing Kenny.
After Target we had some down time at home, but before long the girls were getting restless. I threw them in the car and we headed to the park. I was feeling like a pretty good mom to take them to play, but as soon as we got to the swings, all I heard about was how “daddy is the best swing pusher and he is so funny at the park and he even swings with us and is so silly and we love daddy and when will he be back?” The girls were once again missing Kenny.
After the park it was time for baths, dinner, teeth brushing and bed. Sounds simple enough, but before we even made it to dinner both girls had broken out in tears (Ellie because her p.j’s suddenly felt too small and Addison because she bumped her lip and it was puffy and she wanted it to be flat again). I made dinner and then took a phone call. I got off the phone only to see that dinner had been suddenly relocated to the staircase and the girls had hauled down all of their “friends” to dine with them.

Ya know Erin…I have friends that sometimes get so down on their husbands that I have to do “build up the spouse” talks and get all “rah-rah your man!” and such but you my friend…you will not be needin’ any of that! Kenny is lucky to have all of these longing women in his life. does he know? does he??
I would miss Randy if he ever went anywhere other than hunting for a weekend each year!!!
I was missing Kenny for you! I have seen first hand how cute he plays with the girls and what a big help he is to you. I also know how you both like your time together after the girls get to bed. One upside to all of this was how much WE got to talk on the phone. I had fun checking in with you throughout the day. That was a record phone call day for us….I try to help in my own way ;) Glad he is safely back home. Wish we could have seen him.
Erin – what a weekend for you! It is nice to know that other moms have days like that too!!!
Erin, I wish I would have known he was gone! You would have partied with us in Newport! And then I know Kenny was gone allllll day Sunday too! :( I hope you are all getting your Kenny fill now!
P.S. I have to tell you a story about our photo shoot!
Wow Kenny! What a lucky man you are! And I am so impressed that the girls would think you are the fun one at the park, my kids would never think to ask for Daddy at the park since Daddy and park have only happened together about twice in their lives. Hope Kenny was as excited to be home as the girls were to have him home!!!
And I hope that lady wasn’t thinking that the poor little girls Daddy had died!
I a laughing…you nailed it with all of your moments. Just when you think things could not get worse and they do…BAM, yogurt all over the couch! I feel myself getting really edgy around 5PM and I’ve had it. I’m snippy and pushy and I CAN’T wait for bedtime. I have not let them brush my teeth yet…but I’m sure there will come a day. Glad you survivied.
Sorry to hear about Kenny’s brother’s children. I hope everything went well. I love your posts. They always make me smile.
After reading your post… I was starting to miss Kenny! It’s rough when dads are away. There is something special between little girls and their dads.