Has September really come and gone!? Here are a few happenings to wrap up our month.
This month…

Addison decided she DOES like the double jogger after all. Only took three years.

we celebrated birthdays

and my roses started blooming

a few laughs were heard

and help was given when needed
Addison improved her car washing skills (cost per wash: small bag of fishy crackers)

Kenny and I celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary

we’ve known each other way too long and are
completely opposite from one another…which is why we work

Here we are at age 15 and 17. I think we took this picture of ourselves at a park, under a blanket. We will never let our girls go to parks. And hang out with guys under blankets.
(not that my parents knew that was where we were) But for us, here’s to many more years of making out under blankets together. Minus the braces. Love you babe.

we said good-bye to care free days at the beach and took on a more scheduled routine

but still managed to spend a few more warm days playing in the water

and at the swimming pool

now we’re finally ready to say good-bye to Summer
and hello to Fall!
xoxo, Erin
I’m up WAY too late, but I LOVE your cute post! LOVE those boots! It’s feeling pretty Fallish up here! Yeah!
What is your mom going to say when she reads about you two sneaking off under blankets? Isn’t it scary to be a parent?
I liked the picture of the girls in their boots.
You and Kenny were/are darling! But the blanket thing…makes me parent-crazy!! Your mom is happy she didn’t know.
Ok, LOVE the picture of Ellie helping Addie. What a cute moment to capture! Way fun pictures. Love the girls dresses and boots. They have no idea how lucky they are to have such a fashionable Mom!
Ok, so I know I’ve seen the dance pic of you and Kenny a few times and I always wonder what exactly he was going for in that pic? Here he is dipping his beautiful girlfriend in her puffy sleeved dress, pointing and scowling at who?! All the while you smile perfectly for the camera and look perfect with your big hair…??
And I love the pic of you guys with the blanket, how funny!! Kenny will definitely be an over protective father, don’t want those girls running around with guys like him! Way cute!
Very nice wrap up, can’t believe you two have been together soooo long! Very cute couple and hilarious too I might add. Very cute fall boots too. Hope you are feeling good.
What a fun post — you and Kenny look so young! I hope you are feeling well.
Looks like you guys had a fun month. I like the pictures of you and Kenny in Highschool. Didn’t you love the nineties. :) Your roses are beautiful. It is snowing here today. Your pictures make me want to move to sunny California! Hope you’re having a great day!
Those are hilarious pictures of you and Kenny. …and of course darling pictures of the girls.
Love the blog makeover!!! Especially the header. Of course you figured it out. I had total anxiety when I was reading the instructions on Sarah’s blog! I’m sure she will compliment soon. :)
What??? At the park…under a blanket??? My sweet little 15 year old?? Kenny is in BIG trouble!
This is going to be fun for your dad and I to watch when Ellie and Addie start dating. Life has a funny way of coming right back at ya! HA!
p.s. Love the new look!
Your mom just became my new favorite person. hehe.
Lovin’ the new blog look. I love how “real” you are in your words…and in these pictures too. Amen!
Happy Anniversary this month! That old picture of you two under the blanket is too funny.
ps. I love the new blog design!
That was great!!!!!
15 and 17? You’ve known eachother for that long? That’s awesome…I was so immature at 15..I can’t imagine meeting my husband then! What a cute couple…
what a great monthly wrap up. and i know it has been said before in others comments but your high school pictures, oh how i love them! hilarious and ridiculously cute all at the same time. just the thing to make me smile today!
hope you are feeling well, and are you finding out if this little addition is of the dancing or football playing variety? i’ll be anxious to hear.