The girls and I had plans for this weekend. BIG plans. Since Kenny was going to be gone all weekend (headed with friends to Texas to see the Chargers play the Cowboys) the girls and I started scheming weeks ago about what our weekend would include. This is what we came up with:
-lots of time in our p.j’s (only leaving the house when absolutely necessary….like to get pizza for dinner) It rained most of the weekend which made this idea absolutely ideal.
-watch Mary Poppins (girls first time – my idea) They loved it! And I love that they’re getting old enough to enjoy great movies.
-make snowflakes (Ellie’s idea)
-have a fashion show (Addie’s idea)
-work on a special Christmas gift for daddy
-lots of Christmas music and movies
We started calling our weekend the “Girls Only Snowflake Mary Poppins Fashion Show Christmas weekend with no boys allowed”
I also ended up doing a lot of organizing when the girls were in bed. I don’t know why it is, but I always get crazy about organizing when I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It’s like I have so much other stuff I should be doing that I don’t know where to start. Instead I just clean out a drawer.

Then I feel better and can move on and deal with life. I also spent lots of time WRAPPING and accessing where I am on Christmas gifts this year. Not far enough and the girls only have school one more week! I’m running very short on shopping time and next weeks schedule is already so busy. Just looking at my to-do list makes me want to clean out the fridge.
I know.
It’s a problem.

On to the fashion show! First item of business was to assemble the audience.

And here come my little divas…modeling the latest in Christmas attire. Minnie mouse nightgowns are hot! You really shouldn’t be seen without them this holiday season.

Strike a pose. OR: Stop. Hammer time.

Yes, even the bunnies came downstairs modeling different attire.

And that’s a wrap! Love my munchkins. Overall it was a good weekend. I had lots of fun with my girls, caught up on some housework, and didn’t put on one stitch of make-up. I think I’m ready to face next week!
p.s. Kenny – as fun as our “Girls Only Snowflake Mary Poppins Fashion Show Christmas weekend with no boys allowed” was, we really did miss you. Ellie carried around your pillow half the time because it “smells like daddy” and in the evening when I was watching It’s A Wonderful Life and started crying…again… I could hear you teasing me, singing A Whole New World (your favorite thing to do when you think I’m being overly sentimental or cheesy) and without your sarcasm, the movie and the weekend just wasn’t the same.
xoxo, Erin
Was wondering where you were?!?!? Glad all is well. I love Girls’ weekends. We only get one a year, the night of the Father/Son camp out.
Um, do they have enough Christmas jammies??? :) So cute.
Sounds like a fun weekend. How did Kenny’s weekend go? Did the chargers win? I don’t keep up on much football.
I love that the “audience” was so carefully placed…nice and symmetrical. What a fun mom you are!
Very cute fashion show! The advantage of your “problem” is that at least something gets organized! :)
4 pair of Christmas pajamas?! What?! You’re girls SO have it made! Poor Madi. Good thing she doesn’t know what she’s missing. Sounds like a fabulous weekend to me! Wonder how I could get me a weekend like that? Oh and I WISH I had your problem. And love the audience too!
Sounds like a great weekend to me!!!! Except those men are kind of fun to have around too!!!
sounds like the perfect weekend heading into a busy week. the fashion show was adorable. i look forward to audra & sadie putting one on for me one day. love it!
And there was a boy in attendance yah know?! I just hafftah stick up for the little guy;)
Erin-you are THE CUTEST mom I know. That is just so much fun for your little girls. And as you know, I am just as freaky as you. When I get overwhelmed with things, I clean my house or organize. Last weekend, three trash bags went to Goodwill! :) I was in THE BEST mood dropping that stuff off!
Darling “Fashion Show”! I have to admit that 2 of the 4 jammies were from me….I have a weakness when it comes to Christmas jammies. That is a carry over from having my own little girls. They are just so fun to buy for my little granddaughters now. (Don’t even ask Carly how many pjs Claire has!)
That was a perfect way to spend a girls weekend. I wish I could have been there.
p.s. I better start looking at boy jammies now too….how fun will that be!
So cute! I wish I had your organization problems. ha
You, without makeup? Please. I don’t believe it!
The audience is too funny! Awww… sisters, they are so lucky.
Erin I love reading your blog! Your girls are getting so big and I loved the fashion show. What a fun girls weekend. I wish I could have a girls weekend with my girls sometime. I’m so excited that you are having a little boy! If you come home for the holidays let’s all get together. Love you!