Ok… I try to post some nice family pictures and the comments end up being about my butt? HA! You’re all quite amusing. :) The truth is that my “ghetto booty” (as my friend Malea so nicely put it) has been a bit of a blessing and a curse my whole life. It’s not so bad when I keep my weight under control, but when I’m pregnant – and gaining weight like a prize fighter – I don’t love the booty so much. Right now I think my stomach and butt are having a competition to see which can pop out the furthest the fastest. I’m not sure which is winning…it’s close. Very close. That being said, it did land me my husband (always nice to hear from you on the blog babe) so I guess I should be grateful. And here I thought he first fell in love with my glowing personality.
Also in the comments on my last post a few of you asked about making your blog into a book. I’ve started one, but haven’t finished. Go to www.blurb.com and it will walk you through everything. You download their “Book Smart” software and then it will let you “slurp” your blog. This just pulls your blog up on the sidebar so you can create a book by clicking on the pictures/text from your blog and then dragging them where you want on each page of the book. For each page you pick a layout based on how many pictures/text you want to include. It’s really easy, just time consuming. Which is why I’ve only started this little project and not finished it. If anyone else has experience in making one and wants to add something helpful, feel free to in the comments. I’m sure many of you can explain it better than I can.
So this morning I had so many things I should have been doing. Like cleaning this playroom.
Or doing laundry or cleaning the rest of my house which resembles this playroom. But instead I got Ellie off to school and since Addison was tending to her dolls all morning…
(putting them in beds under the toy Ellie hung from the stairs to entertain them), I found myself with some time. Time that I didn’t want to waste cleaning.

So instead I ate WAY too many cherries. And did some scrapbooking.
I started our Halloween book. Yes, this is Ellie’s first Halloween six years ago – like I said, I’m a bit behind. And then I decided I wasn’t in the mood for Halloween pages and I switched gears and started working on my Christmas book. I finally got around to doing something with all of the Christmas cards I’ve saved from family and friends and I’m so excited about having it done! I’ll post it as soon as I find some time to take pictures or scan my pages.
We have some good friends coming to visit this weekend to help us celebrate Ellie’s 6th birthday and I’m so excited! The weekend can’t get here soon enough…although I have a lot to get done before they arrive. Better start with that playroom.
Love your scrapbook page! Makes me want to start it up again. I’m soooooo behind, tho — it’s discouraging when I think about it. I’m talking…about 4 years behind. Ugh! Hate when that happens.
Love your blog:)
i can’t remember how i stumbled across your blog–but i’ve been reading and enjoying it.
i just love to see how other people live! i’ve been enjoying your home decor posts and am wondering if you would do a little tour through your house? i just love the simple, clean way you decorate and would love to see more! (love the view from your new kitchen window!)
You look so great…if you gained 50 pounds, you would still be beautiful.
Love the scrapbook pages…will you come to my house and do all 5 kids, from 1999-2009? Please? Just a quick catch up is all I’m asking? 10 years is all.
oh help!
I’m so happy to see a room in your house look out of order for ONCE!!! :) Really Erin, I needed to know it wasn’t pure perfection 24/7.
Sorry I started the comments about your cute but. I’m just sayin.
It’s so good to know that your playroom looks like that too- it’s a constant struggle at our house. I have kind of given up really.
And I was laughing at all those butt comments-good thing you don’t have a complex, huh?!!
Ok first of all I had to go back and read Kenny’s comment about your butt, SO Kenny! I remember the 1st time we met and went on our double date you told me about the game at your wedding shower and Kenny was asked what he first noticed about you- you thought he’d say your hair, and he said your butt! Just be glad you have a cute one!
Ok, 2nd, Madi is looking at the post with me and is goo-goo eyed over the playroom pics, it looks like Heaven to her. She’s pointing to what she wants to play with and planning on brother sitting in the blue chair and her in the pink. Obviously, SO excited to come down! Which brings me to 3rd, your guest room puts my bedroom to shame! My whole house really! Can’t wait to be your guests!!! And I think I just decided what I want to do on Sunday- look at all your scrapbooks!
You explained how to make a blog book perfectly! I really need to make mine for this year. I hate doing it but LOVE when it comes in the mail!
PS Loved all your pictures last post, and your butt too! :)
I have a total ghetto body too, Erin. I know exactly how you feel while you are pregnant. That is how I felt when I was pregnant with Avery. It’s a blessing and a curse.
Disneyland for a birthday? How fun!
I rarely am able to turn on the filter from my mind to my mouth/keyboard. But I want you to know that I pondered carefully from badonk a donk, junk in the trunk:), apple bottom, and bubble butt, to come up with an accurate and respectful adjective for your curvage.
My brothers memory book I made for my parents for Christmas was done on blurb. I went through every single online publishing company comparing software, prices, and quality. And blurb definately won. It is definately time consuming for sure. It’s good you are pacing yourself.