One more quick post before I head to the hospital! This has been such a fun weekend and I am so excited for tomorrow! Here are some pics from the last week. I finally finished my “to organize before baby” list. My mom just asked why I’m posting pictures of my organized drawers right now. Well I’ll tell you. They make me happy. Organizing them made me happy and seeing the finished product makes me happy. And I LOVE to see pictures of the way people organize on their blogs. My mom thinks I’m weird. Am I weird? Does anyone else get just giddy over this stuff? Well, regardless, here are some pics for the maybe two readers like me who like to see a little organization. :)

Girls’ homework drawer

Spice cupboard (see Shari…I do have one. I have a feeling this cupboard will stay organized for a very long time…)

Miscellaneous cupboard. Cleaning supplies up high away from little hands.

On to my bathroom drawers! (Note to self: stop buying lip gloss)

I always keep a notebook in this drawer and I can’t tell you how much I use it! When I’m upstairs and the girls say something funny I don’t want to forget, when someone calls and I need to take a message, when I’m laying in bed at night and remember things I need to do the next day… it’s a handy place to have it.

These drawers will all have to be re-done once Kole is on the move, but thankfully I’ve got awhile until then. :)

I switched out some pictures and artwork in the playroom and that finished my list!

Work was done just in time for the weekend. Saturday my parents arrived. YEA! Reinforcement is here! My girls were beyond excited to see grandma and grandpa.

It’s always such a nice break for me when my parents are in town. The other night Kenny was putting Addison to bed, my mom was reading with Ellie, my dad was cleaning up dinner, and I was chillin’ with my feet up. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Today my mom and I went shopping and bought a few things for the girls.

And a few more things for little Kole. Finally getting into the boy groove! Then we got pedicures and came home and I took a nap while my mom bathed the girls and fed them dinner. I could really get used to this whole pamper the pregnant lady thing.

Next we set up all of the baby gear and I did some laundry. Look at all of that blue! Something I’m not used to seeing in my washer. I packed for the hospital while my parents and Kenny put the girls to bed. Now we’re all hanging out watching
New Moon (per my request of course). It’s been a great way to spend my last day before baby arrives. With my girls I was so nervous the night before, but this time around I’m just excited! Can’t wait for tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments and well wishes on my last post. I was extremely touched by all of your support. I’m heading to the hospital tomorrow feeling very loved.
Off to get my Edward fix before the big day. Next post will be pics of Kole (not more organized drawers). :)
xoxo, Erin
Erin! I for one love to see all of your organizing pics! For one thing they make me laugh, and for another, they totally inspire me. In fact, the other day I cleaned and organized my makeup drawer, totally thinking of you!!! I do love an organized drawer, I just wish my whole house was an organized as yours. Instead I have to just feel good about the few that stay organized. And no you are not weird, one of your many Erin qualities that I love.
I am so anxious to hear how it all goes tomorrow and to see pics of Kole baby!!! I WISH I could come see him brand new and hug you! So get those pics posted quick! I expect Kenny to have that lap top at the hospital, right?!
So glad you have such a rockin’ Mom to take care of everything. Your weekend sounds dreamy. So fun to see you getting stocked up on boy clothes, which speaking of, I can’t wait to give you the darling outfits I bought for Kole today! So glad you are feeling so prepared, it’s just awesome! Oh and I’m totally jealous that you are watching New Moon right now.
Good luck tomorrow!!! I’ll be thinking about you all day and checking my computer every 5 minutes for an update. I Love You!
I’m inspired by your organization!!! Josie said it ALL, but good luck tomorrow! I’ll be praying for you! Can’t wait to see the little guy and for you to join the mother of 3 club! (P.S. I felt the same way the first time I washed a load of PINK clothes!)
I love organizing, too! My most favorite, favorite, favorite store is The Container Store. I seriously lose my mind in that place.
It’s very, very hard to organize now that my kids are older. It was easier when the first three were age 4 and under. But now that I have a houseful of all ages, including three teenagers who never put anything back where it belongs, it’s so much more challenging to organize. Everything I attempt to do will get undone in a few days. I should post a picture of what MY drawers look like!
Well anyways, your drawers look great and I’m envious. Good luck tomorrow! How exciting!!! A new baby — wow, it’s just so exciting!
Good luck girlie!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!! Can’t wait for the pics of this new little boy!!!!
Good Luck tomorrow! I’m sure all will go well and if I know you, there will be a picture of the little guy up on the blog in no time at all! Can’t wait to see him!
I love your organizing pictures!
Good luck today! Can’t wait to see pictures of your new baby!
I love seeing organization photos. I have so much to do but it is so hard to find the time. I’d love some time alone in the house.
Anyhow, I see we have something in common, epi pens and lots of benadryl. :-P
All the best tomorrow. I had a scheduled delivery with my second (second c-section, for me. It was a little surreal going to bed knowing the next day we’d be meeting our little girl. How exciting! All the best.
Happy Birth Day!
Erin – sounds like a wonderful weekend. So glad you were able to enjoy it with your parents. Good luck today! Boys are wonderful, you and Kenny will have so much fun with him. Can’t wait to see pictures.
Happy Birthday to baby Kole!
Congratulations, and I LOVE seeing your organization skills. ;) It has totally inspired me today.
I can’t wait to see little Kole. He is one lucky little fellow to be coming to your family!!! Hope all goes well. I’ll be thinking of you guys!!
Your organization is simpiring! I need to something like your little art displays for my playroom.
Congrats on baby Kole! Can’t wait to meet him!
Oh my gosh… I am SOOOO excited for you!!! To think that you are probably in the hospital RIGHT NOW!! There is just NOTHING like having a new baby!! I can’t wait to see pictures…hurry up so I can kiss on him!!!
I love how organized your drawers are!! You are really an inspiration for me!!
Good luck with everything at the hopital. Give that baby lots of snuggles and kisses for me!!
Good luck!
I can’t believe you are probably at the hospital right now having a baby! So exciting glad you had a great weekend! I love your organizing pictures, it makes me want to clean some drawers, or maybe I will just live vicariously through yours!
Good luck today! I will be thinking of you.
I have missed reading your blog, it’s been a while. I am so glad that I tuned in. I got to see your great organization pics, I love them, It motivates me, and I hear your having that baby. Congrats. I love the name and can’t wait to see pics of the new little one. Boys are so much fun, busy, but fun.
I have missed reading your blog, it’s been a while. I am so glad that I tuned in. I got to see your great organization pics, I love them, It motivates me, and I hear your having that baby. Congrats. I love the name and can’t wait to see pics of the new little one. Boys are so much fun, busy, but fun.
I’m so excited you are at the hospital right now having baby #3! What an exciting time for your family. Now for the drawers and organization….let me just tell you, you would CRINGE at the sight of mine! So glad you don’t look in my drawers and cupboards! I hope you are up and about and doing great, REAL soon so that you can make the trip up to St. George so we can meet your sweet little Kole. Good luck to you!!! Love you!!!
Oh you know you are posting right up my alley! Not much makes me happier. One of my most exciting purchases was an electronic label-er! I labeled everything!
Good luck today although I know you won’t read this for a few days. Very excited to meet Kole!
Ooh- so exciting- can’t wait to see your little guy. Hope all goes well and I am wishing you a speedy recovery!!
I love to see organized drawers too- I am a sucker for a little organization myself.
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I’m too busy ready blogs to organize my drawers…but you’re very inspiring! I need to get in gear and get some spring cleaning done TODAY!
I’m so excited for you today! I can’t stop thinking about you and hoping things are going perfect for you in the hospital. We sure can’t wait to see pictures of Baby Kole. Loves, xoxo.
Good luck on the arrival of your beautiful little boy! (to match your beautiful little girls, of course) :)
Looking forward to seeing pics of the precious little guy. Take care!
Your organization posts stir up two feelings in me….
ANGER!!! :)
You do have a spice cupboard but let’s be real, how often is any of that stuff used, except for the bandaids of course. ;)
Love you Erin!
Can’t wait to see your new little man.
All of the organized drawers look great! I will be praying for you today. I also have another friend going in for a C-Section today.
You are in my thoughts today – good luck with everything! You do make me jealous with all your organizing – now if I could just get motivated.
Are you having a C-Section? Well, KEEP takin’ it easy, chica. Even when you feel good. Think, “I’m so glad I’m feeling good so I can feel good while takin’ it easy”. SOOOO excited to see some pics of that sweet boy!!!
You are super organized and you are inspiring me to do a better job :) I also love seeing inside other people’s make up drawers :) Good luck today.
Erin, congratulations on the birth of your baby boy Kole! Can’t wait to meet him! Lots of love to you and yours. xo
I love looking at other people’s organization too! I love things organized and I love getting new ideas!
I love seeing organization pictures! I have the children’s craft supplies in a dresser and I had high hopes that they would be able to access everything themselves–but the dresser doesn’t have drawer stops, so I’m scared they’ll pull the drawers all the way out. I like your kitchen drawer idea….hmmm!
Can’t wait to see the Kole pictures! Baby boys are every bit as amazing and wonderful as baby girls!
~ Sarah
I am the most un-organized person in the world…I wish I could hire you! I can’t wait to see baby Kole! Just got the text from grandma that he is here and that he’s perfect! SOOOOO happy! :) Hope you are feeling good…those girls are going to have a hey day with baby brother!!
From the last comment sounds like baby is here and doing well. Congratulations and how nice to feel like you were so organized before! The love from grandma and grandpa just comes out on the pages … so beautiful.
Well, any news? I do like organized drawers so tell your mom to zip it, some weird people just like this stuff.
I am DYING to see a picture of baby Kole!!!! Hurry and post some!!! I am checking my facebook and your blog constantly!!! Congratulations!!