Just sharing a few more pages from Ellie’s book. I’m finally caught up! Now hopefully staying on top of it won’t be too difficult. (If you’re new to my blog, the first half of her book was posted

I added 8×10’s to a couple of layouts. A fun, easy way to highlight special pictures like these from Halloween.

I had an extra 4×6 slot at the top right so I had Ellie draw a picture of her and Addison in their poodle skirts. I think the blue faces add a nice flair. :)

I used some of the extra matching 12×12 paper that came with the kit as a background for Ellie’s turkey.
I also used it as a background for the pictures I printed from this blog post on “Our Tether Ball Rules.”
Smaller page protectors work great when I don’t have as much journaling.
These journaling inserts were printed from my “Photo Shoot Gone Bad” post. Then I had Ellie write some journaling on the 4×6 cards. I asked her what she thought of when she saw these pictures and she said, “daddy acts funny when the Chargers win.” :)
Our minute in the snow and some random things Ellie loves.
Ellie’s 6th birthday at home…
and at Disneyland.
These are February pictures including the mail truck her grandpa made for her Kindergarten class. I also added the hearts she made her daddy and a letter she wrote us for Valentine’s Day.

Since one of the random pictures on this page was of Ellie doing homework, I added her first Kindergarten homework packet. This is one of my favorite things about this book. I finally have a place to store pictures AND additional artwork and memorabilia. Everything is all together – organized in one place. Love it!

I’ve been keeping her book out on our living room coffee table and it has been viewed many times.

The girls LOVE looking through it (especially because it’s full of recent pictures) and Ellie is so excited that it’s her own book. Seeing how much she loves it totally motivates me to stay on top of it and continue to do this for my kids. Now I have one month before the baby comes to get caught up on Addison’s. I’ll try to post some progress each Tuesday to keep up with
Jessica Turners Project Life Tuesday. Sorry to those of you who get tired of this topic!
When I set a goal to start these books I said I would post pictures of my progress on my blog along the way to keep me motivated… and it’s working!
p.s. Thanks again for all of the nice comments on Ellie’s book when I first posted it. You have all been so kind! Several of you have asked me questions about my scrapbooking system (what I’m doing for family books, etc.). I’ll answer some questions in my next post since right now I’m in the mood to watch Chuck. Kenny keeps laughing so it must be a good one. :)
xoxo, Erin
Hello, my name is Augustina. I found our blog from another blog…I can’t remember from where at the moment, I am a victim of “mom-nesia”. I would forget my own name if it wasn’t repeated back to me every so often! Where do you print your pictures at? Do you prefer glossy or matte? I love your blog, the ideas you have for the project life albums are inspiring. Thank you!
Love it!!! Will you be buying a bunch more of the project life kits in order to do one each year? Do you love your camera? I’m interested in getting a new one.
You’re doing a great job! It is a priceless gift to your girls. Most of my pics are still on the computer. :-P I’ve done some digital scrapbooking but that’s about it…
That system does look really great. It is inspiring for sure. Someone just recently told us about Chuck and so we have been watching the past 2 seasons before we start this season. I must say I like it! Hope you are feeling well!
i just love your daughter’s book–so many great memories and darling pictures. keep up the good work–i’m doing project life too, but as a family book. i’m loving it!
The book looks fantastic. Carson loves to look at the scrapbook(s) I make for him too. Your girls will cherish these books someday, as will your future generations.
Look at all these newbies posting comments! You’re a celebrity. :)
I’m just proud as can be that one of the pictures that I took of you guys made it into the book!!! (Halloween) Woohoo!!! My check is in the mail right? :)
The book is amazing Erin. I am also wondering how you print your photos. Do you go somewhere or print them all at home?
Her book loooks great! I have to admit that my favorite part is the shots of your 2 little girls looking at it. So sweet! That is what it is all about!
Hello, I love the way your album is coming along. The Halloween pics are so cute of you all. The girls look so cute dressed up, love that costume idea. That’s great how you are including page protectors for the extra stuff that’s special. Are you planning on doing this for your new baby, if not what will you be doing? I leave mine out so the kids can always look at it also. Thanks for sharing and good luck catching up on your other one, can’t wait to see it. Totally awesome!!
Your album is looking so fantastic!! I am sure your daughters are going to love having such a special album to record their memories. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing!
I love your book! I’m totally motivated to update my baby’s book after seeing yours!!!
I started one this year but I haven’t been able to do one for her first year but im going to start right away.
Thank you for being such a great inspiration!!! :)
Hi Erin! I love Ellie’s book! I have done a scrapbook for every year of my daughter’s schooling….starting with preschool! I just can’t part with the sweet things she makes! I also frame alot of the things she makes and hang them for the appropriate season. I will do a post soon about that and let you know! Have a great day!
I’m with Shari, it cracks me up that so many people are reading your blog that don’t know you! You are just SO amazing ya know!
You are doing a fabulous job on the book, I can’t believe how fast you are getting it done. I need you to teach me how to print the 4×3’s, I LOVE that idea!
And seeing the Disneyland pics again makes me miss you guys even more!!!
Just wanted to leave you a quick note & tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog lately…..I sometimes struggle with thinking I need to find a “niche” for my own blog, but you have inspired me to simply continue blogging about what is inspiring me at the moment: home decor, scrapbooking, family life, craftiness, etc….. I would love to see more of how you store your albums!!
Good Job! Ellie’s book is so cute. I will never get tired of seeing your pages, keep them coming. Can’t believe how much you have done! You are the WOMAN!
This is the best idea! I should start doing it. I also LOVE your little flower box on your coffee table. SO cute!
Very cute Erin! You have been a busy girl!!!!
P.S. If K can find us our dream homes, I will leave the housewives and live by you in a heart beat! xoxo
P.P.S. I just noticed my two boys made the cut in Ellie’s book! :)
I love your different take with the Project Life book! What a great memory for your girls:) You have done tons of work on it and it is amazing. I know your family will treasure these books forever!
What an awesome feeling to be all caught up with something! I’ve been working on my digital Project Life and hope to post some stuff on that soon. I indulged in reading a bunch of your old posts last night and now my girls are begging me to make star charts for them.
Tell me, how do you get your pictures to be so big on your blog? Is it a function of the template you use or did you change the size in HTML? With computer guru Kenny for a husband, that seems like a distict possibility. What pixel size are your images?
Keep up the great posts and great scrappin’!
I bet they DO love looking through it.
I love your blog & love Ellie’s album. I bought 3 PL kits. One kit I’m using for my family POTD album, & the other 2 are for my girls album. Planning on doing a similar album for each of them like the ones you’ve created for your girls. Am up to date on my 2010 family album & almost finished completing my 2009 album. Am so looking forward to starting my girls album & Ellie’s album inspires me every time you post new layouts!
Quick question…what size did u cut the photos to fit in the small vertical slots in the page protector?
Erin you are AMAZING!!!
Hi Erin!
Please check out my post to see what I did with some of my daughter’s artwork!
Hey Erin, can you tell me what font fo you use for the header on your blog?
I love it!!!
Thank you so much
Thank you for the tip on doing the collage photos–that’s a great one! I have my big Project Life album sitting out and ready…and now I’m all intimidated by it!
~ Sarah
What a treasure! You are so good to do this for your girls. I really need to devise a system that works for me with my kids’ albums. I’m so far behind. No pictures are ever printed. I’m so proud of you for keeping up on so many scrapbooks! And, thanks for sharing, it is inspiring… and I hope to get back into doing this stuff soon.