I’m tired. My chubby little boyfriend is wearing me out. He just turned 8 weeks old today and is starting to wear 3-6 month clothes. He’s also starting to smile. Mostly at trees and lights and the fan, but still – he’s smiling.
I love this little guy so much. Love his sweet little feet, love his fat rolls, love his head that’s always smothered in baby lotion but FOR THE LOVE I’ve got to get some sleep. Kole is usually up only a couple of times in the night, but it seems like each time we’re up, we’re up for awhile. You know how it goes – feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby’s diaper, finish feeding the baby, baby spits up all over sleeper, change the sleeper, baby is now alert and awake, walk/bounce/rock the baby back to sleep, crash in bed, baby is up and ready to start over again all too soon. Gotta love a newborn. Good thing he’s so adorable – with those sweet little feet, fat rolls, and head that’s always smothered in baby lotion.
On another note…
my brother and his wife blessed their sweet newborn in church last weekend because both families were in town. Love this picture of the three of them. Dayna doesn’t look like she was ever pregnant only ten days later. Her full term belly looked like me at three months. I thought it would be so fun being pregnant at the same time. Yeah…not so much. I told her I really wanted to like her, but she was making it awfully hard.

We took our first family picture with
Kole just before heading to the blessing. What a morning that was getting all five of us dressed and hair done and ready to go! It’s always funny to me how completely crazy Sunday morning is trying to get ready for church. I’m usually shouting out orders from my bathroom – “Ellie! get your shoes on…Addie! why are you changing your dress AGAIN!? Kenny! Round up some snacks and coloring books.” All while curling my hair, putting on my earrings, and brushing my teeth at the same time. Adding a newborn to the mix makes things even more interesting. Then you get to church and quietly sit down and everyone looks so calm and put together. And the hymns are so peaceful and soothing. And I spend the rest of the meeting trying to unwind from the hectic morning. I do have to say though, that there is nothing like holding a sleeping baby in church. Watching
Kole’s little newborn faces while he slept made it much easier for me to unwind from the hectic morning on this particular Sunday. And my brother gave his son a beautiful blessing. And I cried (not that crying is anything new for me these days).

Addison and her real smile… a little better than the one she pulled in the family picture.
Aside from my mom’s surprise party and the blessing Sunday, we spent most of the weekend in the pool (or lounging nearby the pool).
It was such a great weekend that I decided to stay in Utah with the kids for the rest of the week. We have been enjoying family, friends, and the pool every day. Kenny had to head back to San Diego to work. Somebody’s got to support our lifestyle. ;)
xoxo, Erin
I am glad I am not the only one who smothers their babies in lotion- I LOVE that smell. Seriously nothing better than when they wake up- their little cheeks are warm and smell of baby lotion!!! It’s intoxicating.
Looks like such a fun weekend- I hear about getting ready for church. It’s just plain tiring.
Anytime you need a Vegas pit stop with all that driving back and forth just let me know.
HOLY CRAP…. what are you feeding that kid? STEAK? haha!!! Fat babies = happy babies!!!! Your family is so cute, and you look AMAZING, BTW!!!!
So glad you are having a great time in Santa Clara. After our snow on Monday we are heading down today – can’t wait for warm weather and some quality time with my mom.
Your little family is absolutely darling! You are an amazing mom.
That sounds like an amazing weekend…Nothing like good family time. I hope you are able to get some good rest very soon! Mmm…baby lotion. I still use it and my kids are 3 & 6. I love that smell.
Ahhh… The pool! I cannot wait for our 1st trip this summer.
I will think about you when I am up too in the middle of the night. Hope he starts sleeping for you soon.
Looks like you had a fun weekend. How fun you get to stay and visit your family. Enjoy your week!
So glad you stayed! The family pic looks darling, you are looking stunning in your black outfit, and I’m loving your headband! Way cute! Seriously, you look so good. Last night went by WAY too fast! I felt like we just got started talking! And I was kicking myself when I got home, I didn’t even get a picture of Kole! He is SO cute! And yes it’s a darn good thing! SO glad we got to see you and meet Kole! We love you!
Your Sunday morning routine sounds just like mine…but I bet I don’t sound as nice as you do when you’re yelling at them! I really don’t know how I’m going to do it with church at 9 am!! Yikes!!
I cannot believe how quickly he is changing. LOVE LOVE LOVE the chubby rolls! Have so much fun in St. George!
just found your blog, and am having fun reading it! we must live nearby!!! :) BTW, I love chubby babies!!!! mine 3rd came out big, and is still sporting the chub! love it!
I love your post! I cannot believe how adorable Kole is. It makes me baby hungry–almost–I have to admit I am thoroughly enjoying my 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Hang in there, it’ll happen. Sunday NEVER gets easier. We’re still late even though our church starts at 1:00 and even though we start getting ready around 10:00.
You may have found the ONLY place in UT warmer than your home…good for you!! Are you possibly putting off the 8 hour drive in you lingering??…don’t blame you:) enjoy!
Sounds like a fun weekend. Totally agree about sleeping babies in church… but then when they are 10 months old and refuse to go in the nursery.. well you go through all that hectic craziness just to get there.. and then sit in the foyer with a squirmy baby! I haven’t sat through a church service in months!
Erin-someday when we live in the same cul-de-sac, you can swim at my pool or we will swim at yours, !!! xoxo :)
Kole is getting so big! I am so glad you are having a great time. Kate and I are in Virginia at my parent’s house and I had to check in and see how your trip was going! :)
Have a wonderful weekend in St. George with your family. Love your description of getting ready for church … its been years since that time but can still remember – so true!
LOVE the pic of dayna, austin and tiny little drew! so glad that we got to see you guys and meet your little man, love his chubby cheeks!
enjoy the rest of your week in sunny st george!
What a darling little family you have! It was so fun to see you while you were here. Little baby Kole is just adorable and I’m so happy for you!
Wow, that backyard looks so nice! How great is it to have a pool during our hot summers. Your family IS darling, dah-ling.
Love your new Blog header and sidebar! So summery!
It looks like a great weekend and I hope you had a nice, long extended stay with your family.
I love baby Kole in his swimming suit. Looks like you had a fun time at your moms.