Last week we celebrated Kenny’s birthday. I’m a firm believer in making birthdays last at LEAST a week long (I have a high success rate for making mine last a full month) so we had lots of fun in store. I wasn’t great at taking pictures of everything, but here’s the week in a nutshell…
Monday – Kenny came home from work and we gave him a note saying that since he’s our “favorite” guy we would be giving him some of his “favorites” all week. Then the girls sent him on a treasure hunt to find a basket of his favorite treats. Chocolate chip cookies were one of the treats and Addison was so excited when he found them that she immediately grabbed them and started shoveling them in Kenny’s mouth. He was mumbling “thank you so much!” and trying to eat them at lightning speed. Pretty amusing. :)
Oh – and since I know you’re DYING to know my recipe for mouth watering chocolate chip cookies I guess I’ll share it:
Nestle Toll House.
Tuesday – It’s a “favorite” for Kenny to have a clean car. In fact, he’s a bit obsessive about taking the family car to get it cleaned inside and out every weekend. I don’t get it. Is it because of all the polly pockets and their tiny clothes hiding in every seat corner? Or maybe it’s the assortment of cracker crumbs covering the floor? Could it be because of all the beach sand that finds a way into every crack and crevice? Mystery. Anyway, we washed it for him so he could take the weekend off. Actually, I paid someone to wash it for me and the girls scrubbed the mats.

Actually, Addison scrubbed the mats while Ellie rode Addison’s bike.
Wednesday – we sent Kenny on a treasure hunt around the house to find a gift card to one of his favorite restaurants for lunch.
Thursday – another treasure hunt to find a new beach umbrella since hanging out with the girls at the beach is another favorite.
Friday – Kenny woke up to a note on the bathroom mirror that said to come home from work by 6:00 because the girls’ favorite babysitter was coming so we could enjoy dinner with some of our favorite friends. He was excited and we had a great date night!
Saturday – August 28th – Kenny’s actual birthday. We woke him up singing happy birthday and gave him two gifts. (I couldn’t wait! Had to give them to him first thing.) One present was from Kole – a mini Chargers outfit so he will be ready for the Fall. Bring on football with daddy! The other gift was from me and our families. We all went in on an iPad for him. It was SO HARD hiding this purchase from Kenny because he handles our finances and nothing gets past him. I had to get pretty creative at stashing cash. Luckily, I’ve had years of training from a highly skilled expert on how to hide money from your husband. {Thanks mom for the life lesson you taught me that has come in handy time and time again. ;) } He was so excited and surprised. Loved it! Now he can play with his new toy at night and when he’s at work all day…you know…I’ll take good care of it for him. I’m nice like that.
The girls wanted to make daddy a cake all by themselves. So after the baking took place, I handed them the icing and let them have at it.

Mmmmmm. Good stuff.

I know. Your mouth is totally watering right now. Mine too. Lucky for Kenny I had one more surprise for him that included another birthday cake (although truthfully I think he liked the girls’ cake best).
Our ward (church group) was having a party at the beach Saturday night so I sent around an e-mail to everyone asking them if they would help me surprise Kenny.

I brought out the cake and a huge group of people we love sang happy birthday to him.
He was so surprised — had no clue that was coming. Mission accomplished. :)
Thanks to my cute friend Ann who brought the cake to the beach for me so Kenny wouldn’t see it.

Also thanks to my cute friend Ann for taking this ever so lovely picture of me highlighting my post baby belly. I know. That’s what friends are for, right? (not about to make this picture large)

I cut the cake for everyone (my girls were first in line) and we had a great night celebrating Kenny’s special day with friends.

Happy birthday babe! It was a blast celebrating with you all week. And don’t worry about making it up to me… you have plenty of time to make plans for all of next March. You know. Just in case you want to get started on that… no pressure or anything…. but it will be here before you know it….
xoxo, Erin
The Nestle Tollhouse part made me think of a Friends episode when Monica was trying to figure out this secret cookie recipe only to realize it was just the Nestle Tollhouse recipe. Good stuff. You did an amazing job to celebrate your husband…how sweet. I love the Favorites theme and that you were able to surprise him. Now take good care of his iPad :)
Happy b-day Kenny. Sounds like a very fun week! Agree, it is fun to stretch out birthdays – such a great time to celebrate someone you love. Love the part of learning how to hide money from mom. I remember my sweet mom sitting budgeting ever so carefully and her ability to slice off a bit to save for something special for my dad amazed me. (great, sweet memory).
What a fun week!!!
What a fun birthday week. Happy Birthday Kenny.
happy belated birthday to kenny! what a fun week. bummer that i missed the surprise b-day celebration at the ward get together on saturday. i was out of town. sounds like you did a great job at taking care of your hubby. i’m sure he’s already brainstorming ideas for your birthday month. ;)
What a lucky guy!!!! I’m all for extending birthday celebrations. We do the same thing around here. I love Kole’s smile in that last picture. What a happy baby he is.
Happy Birthday to Kenny! I’m so glad he had such a fun birthday week! But seriously, Erin, I don’t think I’ll have Ryan read this post, he’ll think he’s getting the shaft on his birthday, He only gets the one day of celebration, and I’ve certainly never done any car washing for him. What a lucky guy you are Kenny! Beautiful wife, beautiful girls and now your son will be sitting right there with you, Chargers gear on, all season long. You couldn’t ask for more!
Erin-I am lauging so hard!!! I don’t even know how you chose the three photos to post that you did since I think I took 50 pictures!!! I LOVE your camera and I was feeling a bit “Mark Frapwellish” that night.
Cute, cute bday. Cute cake. Cute couple and cute family. I love the picture of you and Kenny looking at each other. I remember after I took that one thinking “that’s gonna be a good one!” :)
Happy Bday Kenny!!!!!
I love how you celebrate birthdays–it reminds me of my mom. I don’t think I am that good at it. I need to work on that. :) Very fun ideas and cute pics! Very nice of you to let them decorate the cake too.
Wow- you are a nice wife. What fun celebrations. I want to know the secret of stashing cash. Not only does Corey deal with all of it, but he’s and accountant so there is no putting anything past him. That should be a post too!!
whoa…pressure is on Kenny! Can you feel it?! ;)
Lucky Guy!
What a wife you are! So much fun! I may have to look back at this post and copy some of the ideas for Rob in a couple of months for his birthday. I’m not very good at doing much. I always want to do better.
So…I was feeling a bit bad that I forgot the PHP ward party but knowing that I missed Kenny’s celebration?? Double bad!! Glad your girls had fun during bday week…good job wife:)
Happy Birthday to Kenny! Sounds like he was totally spoiled all week long. How fun!
So sad to miss the celebration of Kenny!
I love those pics and don’t you know those stripes totally hid any of that so-called baby belly. ( I don’t see it)
Loved seeing you at the school today!
Ummmmm……what pregnant belly? You look fantastic. Happy Birthday to Kenny!
My husband makes fun of me for wanting a birthday week. Now I’m super duper excited to show him other people do this too! :o) And crazy enough, my mom’s birthday was the 28th of August as well… crazy…. we were both celebrating a birthday at the same time.