I’m so glad the weekend is upon us! So are my girls. All week long they count down to Saturday because daddy will be home to make waffles and play with them. :)
Just wanted to answer a few random questions from some of you…
What hair product do you use on Addison’s curly hair?
–Matrix curl life (spiraling spray gel)…much to my sister’s dismay because she thinks I’m crazy to use expensive hair products on my 4 year old. But this stuff is so great. I can spray it on her hair when it’s wet or dry and it will define her curls.
Where did you get the Kindergarten Folder you used in Ellie’s Project Life book?
-I got the folders in the School Kits I ordered by Becky Higgins. The School Kits came out a couple of years ago and I don’t think you can get them anymore, but she has mentioned on her blog a few times the possibility of doing a new School Kit in 2011.
Where did you get the beautiful white vase on your kitchen counter?
-A couple of years ago at Home Goods. Love that store. And I’m glad you like the vase. :)
What are you doing with the red boxes you bought at the Container Store?
-I’ll show you everything I did with my Container Store finds in a post soon… much to my sister’s dismay who is sick of my posts on organizing.
Sometime when I get a minute this weekend I’m going to put a link on the side of my blog with my e-mail address. Then if you have a random question you can e-mail me and I’ll be able to get back to you a lot sooner…much to my sister’s dismay who hates it when I answer people’s questions. Ok. That one I was kidding about. (love you Car) :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
xoxo, Erin
i love that they are waiting for daddy in their p.j.s. I wanna live in your house too!
Great questions answers…said Kelli who is NEVER tired of reading about posts on organizing :)
Great mini Q & Q Erin!
I can completely understand using Matrix products on your 4 year old! I use hardwear by Redken on both my girls and I use Ego Boost by Bedhead (which is great to put in curly or straight hair for kids after baths!! It is a leave in split end mender but it also has a slight hold for those curls and makes hair stay well the next day), and Big Sexy Hairspray!
Cute picture of the girls waiting for their daddy to get home.
Thanks for sharing your post with me about “expectations”. I loved it. So absolutely right you are. And I just LOVE how you called it a “family trip” not a vacation… because THAT is what it is. Not a vacation. By just saying that I think you immediately know to have lower expectations. “Vacation” sounds so lavish and wonderful, but family trip sounds so much more realistic. :)
oops, I meant Q & A!
hey there Erin! Thanks for the Matrix tip! Love seeing your cute girls on here! and your sweet baby Kole!
Please don’t stop posting your organizing projects. Even if your sister is sick of them, I LOVE them and need them to keep me motivated. I’m in the process of moving my 4 year old girl into my 8 year old boys room, and transforming the girls room into a nursery for the baby boy. (Aughhh!) More than once I have looked back at your old posts to get organizing tips. And… when I’m done with the bedrooms I have a whole house to organize, so please don’t stop posting your organizing projects. :)
Carly’s getting a lot of dismay outta you, missy!
I love your organizing posts! Can’t wait to see what you do with all those fun containers!
your blog is so cute! and little addison’s hair looks great but can i make a suggestion and hopefully you will not be offended?
i have curly hair and as a child, my mom used moisturizers/detangling leave in conditioner instead of anything gel-like. the gel might be ok but curly hair is dryer than straight hair and needs some kind of moisturizer
Anytime I read one of your organizing posts, I am inspired to make an attempt. And thanks to your suggestion, I have a big bold marker (that I can see)and a notebook in my bathroom for when those ideas pop into my head. Love that one :>. So sweet that your girls are waiting for daddy to come. Such a sweet Saturday morning tradition.
Use the containers already…I wanna see:) :)
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don’t stop posting organizational stuff–i LOVE it! (who cares what sis thinks anyway? ha!)
Please, for the love, STOP the organizing posts!!!
Nah, You know I’m kidding. :) I’m just crazy jealous. :)
Love ya!
Erin, are you “like” a blogging celebrity?!! (i sound like a Valley girl.) Love this — so fun. Your blog does rock. :)