My kiddos are asleep and have been since 7:00. We had a nice low key day – I was even able to get some scrapbooking done. Everyone seems to be feeling a little better. Crossing my fingers that tonight is a better night! (even though I’ve come to the realization over the last six years that I’ll sleep when I’m dead)

is keeping me too busy for that. I’m gearing up for tomorrow. Mondays are always crazy, aren’t they?
Hope yours is a good one.
xoxo, Erin
Right now its 12:34 am for me. My son just walked into my room informing me that the tooth fairy had not come yet.
Of course she hasn’t. She forgot…again.
So here I sit, in the middle of the night, waiting to make sure he’s asleep so I can go stick money under his pillow.
Glad your kids are feeling better.
How funny…my husband always says he’ll “sleep when he’s dead”, too.
What’s up with that saying?
I want my sleep NOW, LOL.
All kids sleeping by 7pm? I’m jealous!
I remember back to the days when my kids all went to bed at the same time… that would be back in, oh, let’s see now….back in 1999. My first three. They always went to bed at the same time. They were close in ages, so I put them down at the same time. Sometimes at 7pm. Yes, I remember those days fondly….and I got a lot of scrapbooking done back then!
But now? Times have changed. I have 3 teenagers who all stay up past 10:00pm on most nights. Then I have a 10 and 9 year old who go to bed at 9:00. Then I have my 7, 5, 4, and 2 year olds who are in bed by 8pm. My days of putting them all down by 7:00pm are long gone.
::: sigh :::
But I do have my “everyone upstairs by eight” rule, which I really try to stick to. This way, at least half of the house is shut down for the night, and the kids are all in their bedrooms. The younger ones are put to bed to sleep, and the others just need to stay in their rooms. They can read, do computer stuff, listen to their iPods, whatever…but I try my best to let them know that I’m “off duty”. It doesn’t always work, but I try :)
Hope you are doing better, it is no fun to have sick kids!
I’ve heard The Help is a great read, I’ve gotta add that to my list. Here’s wishing you a great week!
Hope they all slept good and are feeling better today!
It’s official….we told the kids last night that we get to go to Ellie and Addie’s again! We can’t wait! :)
Hey Erin! This has nothing to do with this post, but awhile back you posted about wanting to do better with cooking and I wanted to send you this link. It has meals planned out for the week and even includes a shopping list for ingredients! Almost all of the meals I’ve made from it have been really good. Nothing weird. :) I thought you might want to check it out! Happy cooking! :)
wow! there are some mighty long comments here. Erin…you are NOT short are you? Maybe you just always wear heels. I totally have you in the “perfect height club” in my head. (This is in relation to my recent blog post…nothing relating to Erin’s post…she just answers back this way so I decided to try it)
ooooh sick kids = no fun! hope you survived your Monday.
This might make you feel better: I’m having a giveaway… pop by!
So the other day someone told me that Drew looked like Ellie… Maybe it’s the big blue eyes?? We’ll have to compare children next time we’re all together.
What days in Sept are you guys planning on coming up here for camping/pictures?
I had The Help on reserve and couldn’t even pick it up because I have no time to read it. I want to badly because I hear that it is good. I hope you get through your pile…I did that yesterday. So refreshing!
I know, there is never enough time in the day! You do need to read the Help…I just read it and it is a great book!
V funny:) I am 5’4″ too, but I totally look shorter than you. Maybe I should measure again and maybe not because then of course my BMI would go up and all those weight charts…don’t even get me started!!