Finally! My scrap space is back in order. I know this room doesn’t look much different than other pictures I’ve posted of it, but let me tell you…it is totally transformed! I went through ALL of my supplies and re-organized them in a way that makes much more sense for the way I’m scrapbooking right now. And I got rid of A LOT. Felt so good! Here are a few pics of the changes:

First a quick picture of my new paper cutter.
{Hello love. Welcome to your happy home.} I destroyed my other one last fall when I went a little crazy making 200
Christmas Cards. Why is it that a new paper cutter makes me feel all giddy inside!?

So this is the little beauty from the Container Store that inspired my scrap space makeover. It’s just a nice little box…

that opens up like this. I needed something to hold small embellishments and other odds and ends that I’ve recently purchased and want to have right in front of me to use. I don’t have a lot of storage in this room so I love that it opens to hold quite a few supplies and then folds up in a nice little box I can throw under the table when I’m not using it.

Why is it that a plastic box with compartmentalized sections makes me feel all giddy inside!? Why is it that just typing the word
compartmentalized makes me feel all giddy inside!?
Ok…on to some organization. I moved Kole’s clothes around to free up some more drawer space for my supplies. I know. Poor kid. Anyway, I’m working on four different albums right now. The girls’ scrapbooks (Project Life), {Ellie’s PL & Addison’s PL} Kole’s baby book, an October/Halloween album, and a Christmas album. (You can read about my scrapbooking plan here.) Since I work on these albums randomly, I wanted the supplies for each book located in one spot all together.

The top drawer is all Project Life stuff for my girls. Journaling cards, recent pics I’ve developed that need to be put in their books, and random art/school stuff that may or may not make it into their books.

Next drawer is all stuff for my little Kole’s book. Info from doctor visits, cards, baby scrapbook supplies, etc.

Next drawer is random. Halloween supplies in the box on the left and the rest of the drawer will be used for paper scraps that are worth hanging onto.

Last drawer is all stuff for my Christmas album. Why is it that seeing Christmas supplies makes me feel all giddy inside!?
(102 days until December, but who’s counting?)

Under my scrapbook table: more supplies, boxes of my school kits, and a Mickey Mouse riding toy that is waiting for a certain little boy to be old enough to play with it.
(It may just be the only boyish toy we’ve ever owned…better keep it around)
A few pics of what is stored in the drawers below the table:

Latest pictures waiting for a home.

I went through all of my paper and organized it. Then I gave the girls stuff I didn’t want anymore. They have been in hog heaven with new craft supplies! Ellie spent an hour making Kenny a surprise birthday card this morning. Then she just couldn’t wait until his birthday next week to give it to him so she gave it to him this afternoon. That girl can’t keep a secret to save her life! I’ve learned this the hard way. This year she knows NOTHING of the plans I’ve made for her daddy next week.

This is the reason I’ll never be able to convert to all digital scrapbooking. It’s all about the supplies. I’m way too in love with buying and organizing them… and then taking pictures of them… and then blogging about them. Not to mention scrapbooking with them. I’m so happy to have a clean, organized place to work on my books!
p.s. Why is it that this post makes me feel all giddy inside!?
Happy Scrapping!
***Update: I created a new system to organize school work before it’s placed in my albums along with a new way to keep Project Life supplies organized…
xoxo, Erin
you are so cute!!!! :-) i have wanted to get into paper scrapbooking, but i know that would be a very slippery slope! haha!
That looks so great Erin : ) I am exactly the same traditional scrapbooking for me all the way !!
I have two of those containers that open up! We use them for First Aid supplies such as Bandaids, burn ointments, antibacterial cream, etc. We keep one in our house and the other one in our van :)
Just wondering if you ever go to scrapbooking retreat weekends? There is a wonderful one in Apple Valley that I’ve been going to since 1999. The host’s name is Christine Yegge and she has a huge home that she has set up as sort of a Bed and Breakfast for scrapbookers. She had her 4-car garage converted into one big scrap room, fully stocked with all the tools, a computer/printer, supplies for purchase if needed (paper, tape runner, scrapbooks, stickers, etc) and then the bedrooms have up to 4 twin beds in each room — well, I think a couple rooms have one big queen or king in them. There are different set ups to each room. She cooks 3 meals a day for us — she’s a gourmet chef. She comes around to our tables throughout the day to bring us drinks. We can stay awake all night long scrapping, or we can watch movies, get massages, facials, pedicures, manicures (she has people come in to do these services if you book an appointment) she has a pool with a jacuzzi in the backyard available to us. It is so peaceful there. I absolutely love going. I usually go twice a year unless I am nursing a baby…then I have to skip that year. She books weekend stays — arriving on Friday at 4pm and staying thru until Sunday, 4pm. Our group usually requests to come on Thursday at 4pm instead, getting that one extra day in. Some of her regular groups even book an entire week’s stay. She can host up to 14 people at a time. It’s so much fun. If you ever want to get one of her flyers for information and pricing, let me know. Just thought I’d mention it:)
You are AMAZING. Are you sure you don’t do house calls to Utah? such a reminder that everything needs a ‘home’. I have several things in my home office that I realize I am shuffling back and forth — need further dejunking and then have a place to put away.
Beautiful and happy that you are feeling giddy about your organizing. It is fabulous!
Happy Monday.
Wow, you are nuts.. in a good way.. I will stick with digital scrapbooking.. No mess and no having your embellishments fall off a few months later.. it’s a win win for me.
I was able to sell all my stuff and now all 3 of my kids have their own room.. yipee..
This post makes me a little antsy to do some scrappin’ myself! I have the same baby kit for Mack’s baby book and I haven’t done a single layout. Poor kid is almost 20 months old! Not to mention the severly lacking baby book of a certain almost 4-year-old girl at our house!
Katrina, that scrapbook retreat sounds divine!
I’m speechless.
I really am.
I love that you love this stuff. I love that we can be great friends even though reading this post makes me want to die. :)
Can’t wait to see all your finished products!
That is all there is to say. :)
Erin- part of me is laughing at you for taking pictures of your organized drawers and their contents. The other part of me is drooling. Love it, I am totally envious right now. Maybe I’ll delay my Costco trip and start organizing a little bit. Oh and amen to bringing on December, I am so tired of roasting in the heat, can’t wait for the fall season!!!
I’m with you. Although I’m very jealous that you have made time to do all this buying and organizing!! At least I can get the second-hand giddies just looking. =) Thanks for sharing!
What fun! I love organization pictures! Where did you get those foam alphabet stamps? They look like exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Amazing Erin! I wish I had project life years ago when my 12 year old was born. Maybe it would have inspired me to scrapbook. It really does make it easy. I’m drooling over your organization!
Erin, this post made *me* all giddy inside. I’ve been hitting up Michaels lately…Mainly buying cute stickers on clearance and I really have been wanting to scrapbook lately…just haven’t made the time. Your post is such an inspiration. I have a love/hate relationship with scrapbook “stuff”, but I have no desire to scrapbook digitally either. I must confess, though, that I haven’t scrapped in ages. I’ve also been on the fence about buying PL b/c it’s so big, but every time someone blogs about it I feel the urge to buy it. We’ll see. Anyway, love your blog, love your cute house, and love your scrapbook space. How nice of baby Kole to let you share his room. Hee Hee.
Stacy :-)
Oh my… this post made me want to go organize something! I love those clear plastic thingermabobs you have all your paper in. Those are great, and look so neat all the same lined up so nice. I might have to do something similar for my kids craft supplies. Their construction paper, colorbooks and workbooks are taking over my phone table in the kitchen!
I love all of your organization ideas. :)
I win! I am first to spot baby Kole in the first photo…on the changing table in blue:) What do I get??
Ok Erin,
I have always thought we have SO much in common.. that is, until today!
For you, scrapping makes you feel all giddy inside. For me, I get a sick knot in my stomach and begin feeling overwhelmed with even where to begin.
I’m glad you have a “happy place” in that darling home of yours. Mine is in my kitchen, cooking up something delicious and ultra healthy :) I know…that sick knot…your beginning to feel it!
Love your posts Erin.
Is it sad that I was inches away from my screen because I was so excited about all of the craftiness and the organization…loved every word. I do love traditional scrapbooking best and I need to pull out some of my supplies as well and get busy. Glad you got to feel all giddy :)
oooh, LOVE. I so need to organize my scrapbook room, AGain! I’ve changed rooms, multiple times, and reorganized stuff many times. I think i just have too much stuff.
I just found your blog from I heart Organizing and I love it! Organizing scrapbook stuff is tough but you have done it so well :)
I found from Jen’s blog as well. OMG!!!!! Amazing! I feel inspired. Quick question. Where did you get the shelf above your craft station? I love it and it would work great above my desk. Thanks for the inspiration.
just wanted to say that you have awesome hair..I’m so jealous!i have very little and thin hair :(
Also, you don’t look like an idiot at all, you did a great job with this tutorial. I found your blog because i was looking for scrap room organizations and i love your paper trimmer!!! Also im a bit ocd so all your super organized are amazing! pantry and linen closets to die for!
hi there, New to your blog and reading some of the older posts. LOVE the scrapbook room, will be interested to see what you do in your new house!
One question…what do you have in the yellow canister set on the counter tops?
Thanks, Ali
Hi Ali! I just have random little desk items in the yellow jars — paperclips, staples, tacks, etc. :) Thanks for your sweet comment!
Love the yellow ceramic canisters in the background, where did you obtain them?
Where did you get those cute yellow canisters that are in the background?
Hi! I found the yellow jars at a store in Utah called “Tai Pan.” They were a clearance item years ago so I’m not sure if you will be able to find them? Sorry that’s not much help!