Lunches are packed! Working on doing them the night before because our mornings are crazy. Ellie insists I draw pictures on her napkin notes. I did it one time last year and she has requested pictures ever since. I think they are appealing to her because my artistic talent is on about a first grade level. Next year she’ll have surpassed my expertise and probably won’t be requesting napkin note pictures anymore.

I could NOT get Ellie to stop posing. She reminds me so much of me at this age. She was beyond excited to start first grade. Couldn’t wait to get to school and see all of her friends.

Just like
last year for Kindergarten, the whole family took her. Yes, she’s our first.

And again, getting Ellie to look at the camera and smile was just too much to ask. She kept seeing one friend after another and was way too busy with social obligations to stop and smile for mom.

At her new desk! Nothing like a classroom on the first day of school. All those new pencil boxes, new crayons, new backpacks, excited and nervous kids in new clothes, excited and nervous parents who don’t want to walk away. When I was the teacher I remember thinking… “ok parents…any time now you can leave…it’s just school…you’re kids will be fine…” Now I’m the parent. And I didn’t want to leave.

And then one of Ellie’s best buddies from Kindergarten walked in the room and happened to be assigned the seat right next to her. The two of them LOVE to chat. Kenny and I looked at each other both thinking the same thing –
poor teacher – this won’t last long.

Quick picture with mom. My face tells such a lovely story. It says – I went to bed too late, was up twice in the night with a baby who had a stuffy nose, then up at 6:00 am to get three kids dressed, fed and out the door by 7:30 for school. Hair straight out of bed and very little make-up. Teeth brushed? Questionable. {This year just might kill me}

One last picture of the backpacks and one last peek in the window of her classroom and we were off. Just like that. My baby is in first grade.

As you can see, we were excited to pick Ellie up at the end of the day. She was missed.
Side note*** Ellie came home from the second day of school and was so excited to tell me that her table was winning for table points. I said “oh…you must be trying really hard to be good and not talk to your buddy during class. Great job!” Then Ellie says “oh actually mom, I don’t know why but yesterday after lunch the teacher moved him to the other side of the classroom. He’s not even on my table anymore!”
I smiled. Hmm….imagine that. :)
xoxo, Erin
She is so dang cute Erin! I love her posing pics!! You will make it and guess what?? You looked darling in your picture:) You only have to have pictures taken with mom on the first day so every other day you can go in your jammies (or better yet…Dad can take her). I need to start napkin noting again…hmmm not sure that would b appreciated by my big boys:)
So cute!! She looks all grown up!I cried, and cried and CRIED when my son went to Kindergarten this year. I don’t even know why?!? Love the “napkin notes” too, what a great idea :0)
So cute Erin! I remember that year when my oldest was starting kindergarten, one in preschool, and baby home with me. I can totally relate, but just enjoy it. Before you know it they’re all in school all day. And let me tell ya, thats one weird, but great day!
How strange that her friend would get moved across the room- weird?! Love the pictures,she looks darling and it’s so good that she enjoyed going back to school. I love getting back into a routine, but man, the mornings are hard too. Kayden has to be out the door by 6:30. It is killing me.
How funny! What a great first day, I just love that girl and love all those poses! And let me tell you, if I could look that good in the morning with out touching my hair, I would be a happy women! You look amazing, as usual! And all the pics of the kids are just sweet! Love the napkin notes! That was a favorite of Pierce in 1st grade too, sadly, I don’t think he cares anymore.
erin, such a cute post!! i love the pictures- and you look REALLY good- you look better on an “off day” than 99.9% of the rest of us look at our best! :-) I do napkin notes, too!
I have been searching for your email for-ever now – I don’t know what happened to it. I wanted to write you back to tell you that your baby boot camp plan WORKED (knock on wood)- and we are getting SO much more sleep in our house now.
after 14 months of not sleeping, i am getting some rest. so thank you!!!! :-) i think i just needed a little kick in the rear…phew!
i know i will also be that mom who doesn’t want to leave the classroom. it’s hard, isn’t it?!
Oh, that is SO sweet! Every part of it … I love that you put a note in her lunch, that you all go to school together on the first day, and her coming home and sharing. I loved when the kids came home and shared all about their day. I bet you looked fabulous :D
Those are great pictures…posing and all. I love that you didn’t want to leave and that she wants pictures on her napkins. The story about the friend being moved made me laugh out loud. Jamison’s good friend from Kindergarten couldn’t be in the same 1st grade class with her because they were too much of a distraction for one another. I love the last picture of Cole smiling at her…too sweet!
I had one of those years. I survived and it made me appreciate the next school year sooo much more. You can do it.
Love love love the side note story. I can relate. My report card ALWAYS read “Kathy is a social butterfly.” :)
So so cute…both of them! I use to write those lunchbox notes! They will always remember them!
Her dress for the first day was just darling! Such a cute thing to see your kids so excited for school.
Also Happy Anniversary! :)
You know the real reason you didn’t want to leave the classroom was because you were on a high from the smell of those fresh crayons and pencils!!!
And I love that you can post a picture of you looking 5000 times better than I EVER look when I take my kids to school. :)
Miss you, by the way. Come home!
Or are you home and have not called me because you’re smothering under the laundry?
Ha!! Cute — I am in the same boat with ya… I will think of you at my 3 a.m. feeding and you’ll be going to bed too late, and you think of me at your 3 a.m. feeding and I will be getting up! :)
cute post! cute first grader!!! love all her poses. happy school year and remeber the night wake time, tired eyes and napkin notes…this too shall pass so enjoy it all…i am sure you will :)
Her little dress…does it come in my size? She is the cutest!
HAHA!!! Cute!!!
Ellie is a doll! I just love her!! She looks so cute for her first day of first grade. She is a social butterfly. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. ;) Your family is so cute, Erin.
p.s. I just got caught up on reading your blog. We have been “homeless” for 10 days. Those pictures of you & Kenny back in the day are classic. I love reading about how you first met, flirted, talked on the phone for hours, etc. Too cute!!
Okay, I have a weird question for you — I looked for an email address for you, but couldn’t find one listed on your site! So I’ll leave it in a comment! :) We are pregnant with our 2nd little girl in 4 months….my hubby and I both love the name Ellie — but my only concern is the nicknames kids can come up with for this name….have you had any problems with this with your Ellie in school?
And I LOVE the napkin notes idea!! I am going to have to remember that when our 1st starts school in a few years!
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
Love this Erin!!! She is darling! As are all of you!
Ellie looks like she has got to be the happiest little girl! Love that bright smile! I can’t even imagine how you do it getting kids out the door at 7:30 am!! I’m so grateful that school doesn’t start here until 9 am….and that it only takes her 5 minutes to get there on her bike! Love all the cute pictures of the 1st day. So cute.
Such cute pictures, Erin! I just love reading your blog! Looks like Addison is so ready to be there with Ellie next year. I can’t believe how old Kole is getting! He looks like such a chill little guy in all his pictures. What a cutie! We miss you guys!