Just wanted to give a quick shout out to my darling friend Shari who turns 40 today! Ok…did I really just type that? I CAN NOT be friends with someone who is 40! Sorry Shari. It’s been fun and all but it’s time to part ways.
Kidding. Totally kidding. :)
I love this girl to death. Let me tell you a few things about my friend Shari. She is AMAZING. She has six kids. Yes, I said six. Ranging from ages 4 to 18. She somehow manages to be there for each and every one of them and stays sane (mostly) in the process. She is a huge support to her husband. She cooks homemade meals each night. She exercises and looks amazing (you would NEVER know she is 40 and has six kids – seriously. It’s unreal.) She is blunt and to the point. She tells it like it is and I love this about her. She is down to earth. She is real. She is a great listener. She is ALWAYS thinking of others. Always. She is the type of friend who will pick up your kids and take them to the park to give you a break (you who has half the kids she does and way less on your plate). She is the first person to bring a meal, call, send a note, drop off a treat, come by for a visit if you’re having a rough day…and sometimes even if you’re not. She is like this with all of her friends and we all look at her in wonder and amazement asking ourselves and each other…how does she do it? When I started my blog she was (and still is) my biggest support. I think she has left a comment on every single post I’ve written and I always look forward to her sweet and witty commentary. She has laughed with me and cried with me. She has been there for me more times than I can count. I love this girl so much. She is loved by everyone who knows her.

When I grow up and turn 40 (way way in the future) I want to be just like you. ;)
Awww that’s so sweet!!!! :-)
She’s sounds like someone that I need to add to my neighborhood development list, even though I don’t know her.
She looks amazing turning 40! Wish I looked as good as she does.
I want you guys to all come for a girls trip sometime…..work it out someway. We have Swiss Days here and it is a fun to be here for all the homemade stuff….food, quilts, jewerely and art work…its packed but so fun…plan on next year. It is the last weekend in Sept…..the next weekend is always Fall Conference. We could show you girls such a fun time….still pleanty warm to swimm and layout.Shopping. Going otu to eat….you would all love it!
Oh was Kole having a rough day… He’s not smiling ear to ear in this pic..ha ha
He’s such a happy little guy!!
OMG!!!!!!!! This is soooooooo lovely! The way you write about her, you can feel how much you care about her and what a lovely and perfect friend she is! Thanks for sharing it with us! =)
She is not 40…I don’t believe it. She sounds like an amazing friend and definitely someone I’d like to be like when I grow up :)
Happy Birthday to your friend and to your husband!
For a minute there, I thought Shari was Keri from Forever Folding Laundry’s blog. Do you read her blog? She looks just like her!
Erin, your posts always make me smile. It is a shocker turning
40, but from how you described Shari she’ll do it with grace!!I turn 41 this year, and I have friends that are almost 50!!!! But we all feel so young. Go figure!
Oh, that is so sweet! Happy Birthday to a great friend. The 40’s are fabulous! Although I have struggled with ’45’ that felt so middle ageish :D
Well now here come the tears!!! But happy tears this time. :)
I can’t believe you did whole blog post on your famous blog all about me!!!
So sweet and it totally cheered me up.
Love you too!!
Can’t wait to celebrate together.
And I totally can’t wait for a girls weekend with your mom!
Awww! That is awesome to have a friend like her. It’s hard to find them so hold on to her dearly.
Hey….40’s not so old! I’m 41 with 9 kids and I’m still rock’n it!!! :) LOL
Happy Birthday, Shari!!! Remember, it’s Forty and Sporty :)
That’s so fun- I have had a really hard time this past year because a lot of my friends have moved away. It’s so nice to have someone to talk to day to day. So fun.
So, what is the name of your favorite pizza place? And your favorites in San Diego?
It is so amazing to find a friend as rare as that!! Cherish it (and it sounds like you already do!).
Erin-that is sooo sweet and fun!!!! You described her perfectly.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARI!!!!!!!! You are very loved by all!!!!
Happy birthday to Shari!! 40 is the new 30 don’t ya know?! Hope you have an awesome celebration and may you celebrate even longer than Erin but not quite as long as Ann. (Musn’t get carried away with 6 kids n all:)
What an amazing girl! I too have been thankful that you have such a great friend to take care of you since I cant!
yes, Shari, you must be special indeed to get a whole post dedicated to you on Erin’s now famous blog! :) What a great friend you are!
Oh my goodness! Shari, can we be friends?!
Happy Birthday to you Shari!!! Erin, such a great post!