Ok – I am BEYOND excited that my posts are inspiring some of you to organize! It feels so good, doesn’t it!? I’m quite addicted to say the least. :)
Seems I have another past time. I cooked again! Twice in one week! I know. Somebody stop me. ;) I had leftover diced chicken from the enchiladas so I threw in some General Tso’s sauce to make cashew chicken. The broccoli was over cooked because I was a bit preoccupied taking pictures of it, but all in all, a decent quick meal that involved the stove (not the microwave). And pots and pans. Feeling good about that!
Someone asked me if I would share how I organize my girls’ hair accessories and I had these pictures from past posts…

I hang all of their bows in their bathroom on a couple of long ribbons I bought on-line years ago. Wish I could remember where I bought them, but they would be so easy to make.

Their hair bows don’t look quite this neat and color coordinated at the moment because lately my girls have been getting into them to use for their dolls hair. :)

The rest of their elastics, etc. are in little plastic containers on their bathroom shelves. I have some of them in my bathroom too because when I do Ellie’s hair I use the straight or curling iron so she gets ready with me.
Hope that helps! Gotta run. I’m heading upstairs to go through my closet to find something fancy schmancy to wear to a dinner this weekend with Kenny, attorneys, clients, and more attorneys. Probably a good thing I have something that will force me to give up the sweat suits I’ve so enjoyed this week. :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
xoxo, Erin
Love your tips on organizing! I’ve been working on a massive overhaul of our house (we had our 4th baby 3 months ago and are finishing two bedrooms downstairs and moving kids around), and it’s great to see other peoples tips. I have my daughters hair things in a over the door shoe holder hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Keep on sharing!
You are my organizational hero! I am a little OCD when it comes to organizing and I think if I met you in real life, I would ask for your autograph. Sometimes if I’m feeling sad, I just look at your pictures of your perfect drawers and it makes me all kinds of happy. (Just kidding…kinda. HA!) Thanks for sharing! Happy weekend!
LOVE all your organization tips! I think we would be fast friends if we lived closer – I love to organize! Currently working on a scrapbook room closet re-do … going to go and organize my girls’ hair bows and ribbon.
Oh I so needed this! I have two girls ages 3 and 7 and their hair stuff is always all over. Thank you!
Yeah, um…..I have now organized my pantry, my coat closet, and Seth’s closet. I have two of those huge black trash cans and they are both over flowing! And now I’m finding myself constantly thinking about what’s next…..
I will admit, it’s been great therapy.
Pretty soon you’re going to be on the Today show as an organizing specialist. Meridith: “Erin, how should I store my thousand pairs of shoes so I can find them easily at four in the morning?” You’ll be big, I am sure of it.
I like the picture of you and Kenny on the header. Great color.
Now, you really are amazing – cooking twice in a week. I thought you were with me on once a week. Broccoli and Bows has such a fun ring to it. Your dinner sounds yummy and amazing that you can keep your girls bows all organized.
girly, you have so re-inspired me to organize!! i’m on a roll and can’t stop ;) oh and i gave you a little shout out on my blog tonight!
Way to go on cooking again! High five for you :) I love all of your organizing posts and they have really inspired me. You even have your friend on board…keep it going.
I would love your recipe for the cashew chicken. I’ve never made it and don’t have a clue where to start and it looks so yummy on your stove!
I LOVE your blog. I’ve been reading for awhile, ever since you were mentioned over on Sarah’s blog (memoriesoncloverlane) but don’t think I’ve ever left a comment. oops. :)
I am also an organize freak! Love it! At our house my philosophy is “a tidy house is a happy house!” My boys (ages 3 & 5 yrs) often chant this as they help to tidy up their room. :o)
As we prepare for the winter months, I’d like to know…. how do you store your sweaters (you may not wear them often as you live in a warmer climate) but I’ve tried under the bed– that wasn’t happening– and stacked neatly on the shelf above the hanging rod in my closet. The problem with that is they only stay neat for 2.5 seconds, about the amount of time it takes me to pull a sweater out of the pile, then they all start to look “messy.”
We live in a smaller home (1,400 sq ft) so I don’t have much room to work with and I have to be creative with my space. Any tips would be appreciated.
i have a similar ribbon set up for my daughter’s bobby pins and barrettes.
that chicken looks SO good, where is that sauce from. cooking twice in a week is a lot for me too, since we are always running around from school to school, practices, etc. i usually just dice up some veggies and give them auntie anne’s mac and cheese. what do you do? does kenny cook usually?
-Jenna Stein
Thank you so much for sharing how you store your bows. I am off to make something work. :)
So how was your fancy shmancy dinner? Whadya wear? :)
I got some alone time in Nordstrom last night, had cash in my pocket, and wouldn’t ya know I could not find a DARN thing! THAT never happens to me. I was so mad. BUT, I later had dinner with a friend, and spent all my cash in Kohl’s and Target, so I felt better. :)
Great bow storage. I keep my girls on one of those ribbon boards. They each have one in their room, and I need to buy one more for the bathroom.
Erin, you are killing me right now. You’ve done 3 posts since I even made it to the computer. Ya, pretty much feeling like crap. Glad you are getting enough done for the both of us. Just wish some of the getting done could happen at my house. Hope the fancy dinner was delicious!!!
Darren-i had a lot to catch up on your blog! Part of my time organization is a ban on blogs! :) I am on a check-every-two-weeks or so schedule! It’s working! So I didn’t see your post on your hair cut! I am glad I sat with you today! It looks GREAT!!!!!!!! Soooo healthy and pretty!
I am excited for Tuesday!