I’ve been a bit emotional today. Today is October 10th — exactly six months since my post pregnancy scare. I think about that on the 10th of every month. How it has been one month, two months, now six months since it happened. It’s strange. Now that I’m totally feeling like myself healthwise and life is pretty normal again, in some ways it feels like it didn’t even happen. But it did happen, and in other ways I’m different. I think one of the main things that whole experience taught me was how much I love the mundane, sometimes boring, every day aspects of my life. While I was recovering and my husband, mom, and sister were basically being me for a spell I can’t even tell you how hard that was. How much I longed to be in my normal routine. I wanted to bathe my girls and wash their hair, to clean up their toys, to drive Addison to pre-school and sit with her during singing time, to do laundry, to run errands, to sweep the kitchen floor, to cuddle my new baby and tuck all of my kids in bed. Those are the things I missed. I missed feeling needed. I missed feeling productive. I missed feeling like a mom and a wife.
I think about that a lot day to day while I’m cleaning and taking care of my kids. How grateful I am to be doing the little things that I used to take for granted or even complain about. How grateful I am to be here. It helps me to be more patient with my kids. It’s hard to be upset over the little things — kids fighting, messes, household chores when you know how close you came to not being around to stop your kids from fighting, and clean up their messes and do all of the household chores.
I’m also emotional today because this weekend a close friend of mine suddenly lost her dad due to a heart attack. That makes three of mine and Kenny’s close friends who have lost a parent this year. And we just feel way too young to have friends losing their parents. My heart aches for my friends and their families and everything they are going through. Life really is so short and you never know what’s going to happen. And we hear that ALL the time. But it’s so true. And I’m thankful for what I went through six months ago because now I start each day with so much gratitude. I’m so grateful for my life. I’m so grateful for my Heavenly Father whose love I feel every day. I’m so grateful for my health and the health of my family. Those are the things that matter.
Ok. I’m really rambling, aren’t I?! Sorry about that. This blog is such a journal for me and sometimes I get carried away writing whatever is currently in my head and I forget that people are actually reading this. Maybe by now you’ve all stopped reading and are clicking on other blogs that are much more fun for a Monday morning. Except my mom. I know my mom is still reading because moms love their kids unconditionally. Even when they ramble. Hi mom. :)
On a lighter note…
The girls had a great time this weekend turning my living room upside down to create their “fort.”

Hi Erin! I didn’t leave your post- I read it to the end, and, as always, I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Best of luck with the van!!
It is sometimes hard to enjoy the routine when you have little ones. Thank you for putting things in perspective this Monday morning!
I enjoy your blog so much!
Your girls are too cute! And not a rambly post at all–a thoughtful one:)
I love me a good introspective blog post, so nice work! I, too, have been trying to appreciate the beauty of my sometimes mundane life ever since my friend Zoe died. It has caused me to slow down and pay attention to my blessings a lot more.
I have serious van envy!
HI Erin,
I have to admit, when I discovered your blog I read a few of your older posts and I read what happened after Kole was born. I should have told you how sorry I am but I thought, is that weird, I don’t even know you and all of a sudden I read this very personal thing that happened to you?
So I am saying it now. I just love your blog, and I feel like I have gotten to know you a little bit. I am so glad for you and your darling family’s sake that you are okay. I bet something like that changes quite a lot about your perspective on life.
Here’s to health and the mundane everyday moments of being a mother! Cheers my friend. Glad you are here.
Of course I read the whole rambling post and loved it. I’m so happy you’re still here to be my cute friend.
And I’m so happy you’ve make your decision about your van! Are you going to make me wait to see what color you chose??? Come on, don’t torture me!
I love how you said they are so “tricked out”! I’m cracking up! Glad you had such a positive shopping experience! I can’t believe you are really doing it, guess I wont really be able to believe it until I see it.
So glad you are well and happy 6 months and counting!!! Today is Crystal’s b-day and also marks 2 months since Todd’s accident. Crappy birthday for her. Still so unbelievable. Life is hard, so glad you are still here with me!
I stayed with you through the whole thing too- it’s nice to have a reminder to be grateful for the little things. I know I am very grateful to be the one who gets to snuggle my kids and put them down for naps, make their lunch and not send them off for someone else to do it.
That oddysey makes mine look ancient. I really want the extra seat, the split third row, and built in entertainment system. Those are the only things I want to upgrade on my next one. You really are going to love it.
it is amazing how things can be put into perspective when we go through really hard times. (((hugs))) i am so glad that you are leaning towards the honda. that would be my pick, too! and my oldests ALWAYS wants to be snow white for halloween. this year she’s saying she’ll go as something else, but we’ll see! haha!
We have a mini van at work and I am amazed at what that thing can do!
Confession: I wanted to go to the Disney Princesses this weekend! Sometimes we get tickets for work and I was hoping they’d come through this time. I don’t think you’re ever too old to put on a princess dress
I need to take my kids to a Disney On Ice sometime. When I lived in Huntington Beach, we went a few times. That was a great childhood memory I still love! I’ll be honest, it took me three “chore breaks” to get through this post. Glad I did, ‘tho. It was a good way for me to get through the chores I dislike the most, namely…all of them;) Glad you’re getting the van you want. We got ours in 2005, which seemed tricked out then. These things now are just crazy cool. Congrats!!!
Thank you for this great post. It is true! If only I can remember… Wow it sounds like we should look into a newer van. :)
Erin, I love your blog. Your happy, fun personality comes through, and it just makes me wish I could take you with me to try on jeans!:)
What a scary time for your family 6months ago. I can only imagine the perspective it has given you. The weeks that follow child birth are hard enough without going through something like that.
So excited for you about the van. You will LOVE it. You’ll feel like you have all the tools you need to get where you’re going with the least amount of stress.
Here’s to a great rambling post!!
Oh I just love your blog. I already know I want a van, and you just convinced me that I want the new Honda. haha I guess I’ll have to wait until I have kids to fill it though. :)
Wow. What a lifechanging event. Thanks for sharing and it is all those special little simple things that we value and appreciate. Your post is such a reminder of putting it all in perspective. I love that you can pull off the beautiful, organized house and let your kids make a hut in the living room … while probably wearing a super cute pair of boots :>. Sending love to your friend at the passing of her father. So hard. My dad had a major heart attack five years ago and consider each day with him a real gift at this point. xoxo (sorry this ended up being SO long)
Erin, I’m so glad that you’re still here! You are such a wonderful Mom to your kids & friend to many. Plus, how could we live without your adorable blog with all of its organization tips? :)
Congrats on the mini van. Like yours, my hubby can’t wait to get one either. As for me, I think I can wait until baby #3…which is still a bit down the road for us. I’ll have to come to you for advice when the time comes.
I love to read your ramblings. Don’t stop! It is so true with everything happening lately. We need to all cherish those little moments.
I love all your “rambling” in this post :) I love the “fort” your girls made — my kids enjoy building forts and tents in our house, too. Can’t wait to see your recent scrapbook pages! I posted some of my recent pages on my blog tonight. I went on my scrapbook retreat last weekend and got a ton of pages done! So much fun! I’m planning on going again in February — care to meet up there? You would love it at Christine’s scrap retreat. Apple Valley isn’t too far from you :)
Ramble on…I love it! I’m glad you made the decision about the van…you’ll love it. I’m sorry to hear about so many losses going on around you…that has to be hard for your friends. How wonderful that you’re back to your old self with a greater appreciation for all that you do and are able to do. Happy Tuesday.
i just read your post preganancy scare and this current post, and i got the chills and cried. I am so glad that you are doing better. thank you for sharing that ver personal and scary moment with us.