I had a great Halloween this year with…
my witch

my princess
and my little snowman.
Told you I was ready for Christmas. :)
Our colorful crew at Kenny’s work party.
Kole stole the show at Addie’s preschool even without his costume.

Ready to party!

Some face painting fun.

Kole and my friend Shari. My boy is such a little flirt!

Kenny with one of his friends.

And me with some of my friends.
Some interesting characters we ran into along the way…
Queen of Hearts

Snow White and her Evil Queen

And I have NO CLUE who this furry friend really was, but he/she was very friendly and photogenic. Always a nice combo in my book.

Love this of the girls cleaning out the pumpkin insides. Clearly they were not impressed.

Annual picture with our beloved Frank.
The neighborhood kids love him almost as much as we do.
Yes, it was a great Halloween with

my witch
(who casts spooky spells but made it very clear she was a nice witch, not a mean one)

My pumpkin princess (who switched costumes back and forth as we bounced from one party to another).

And my little snowman.

Who was such an adorable snowman

that I just couldn’t pick which picture to post.
Hope your Halloween was a great one too!
xoxo, Erin
Your Christmas card was to die for last year… but you had BETTER use one of those of the cutest snow”baby”man in the world on this year’s! oh my sweetness!!
I’m melting for your little snowman!
I can’t stand how cute Kole is! Actually, all of your kiddos are just adorable! Beautiful family.
Your kids are so adorable…i just finished posting my photos also….Crazy…I loved Kole’s costume….keep up the great job of being a spootakular mom…hee hee
That snowman! OMG! Honestly, he needs a baby model contract. Love the picture of the girls taking out the pumpkin guts. My kids quickly handed over that job! Glad you had a great Halloween (X-Mas is getting closer!)
awwwww- what great pics!!! looks like you guys had a very full and fun halloween. is that a tom arma snowman costume? i LOVE it!!! especially since we don’t see much snow here in southern california. haha!!! great photos!!!
Love the pics of the baby. Mat was saying goodbye to me and saw your blog up, his comment, “That Girl looks just like Erin.” Correction “It’s a boy” Mat: “Whatever. Bye.”
I guess his face is that pretty.
With Halloween out of the way, I’m sure you’re focused now?
They all look SO cute!
Everyone looks so adorable! Kole is just the cutest, happiest baby I have seen!! God bless you all!!
OMG I loved them all! :o) The snowman is awesome, ha ha ha, and I loved the witches black feather broom… that is what it is right? I think I may be busting out my Christmas decorations this weekend or early next week!! Some say I’m “rushing” the season, however I know that I’m just setting the mood for the upcoming holidays. Love love love!!
Way cute costumes Erin! Kole’s costume is so dang cute! I am glad you guys had a great halloween.
Sounds like a great weekend. Love how happy your kids are in all the pics.
Oh Kole is the cutest little snowman! He always looks so happy. And your girls were darling too. Looks like you all had a great Halloween weekend. :)
That snowman costume is such a crack-up, too cute. You guys all look great. Makes me want Christmas to come too.
So cute! Love all of the costumes.
You know I could eat that baby boy right up! That really is a cute picture of him and I. And I love the one of Becca and Ellie, BFFs :)
Yay!! It’s over!!!
Break out your Christmas movies!
They are all so cute! Halloween is such a mom holiday — yeah for great moms!
Hey! I am new to your blog, but I just love it. I was looking at your organization and I love your office/craft area. Can you email me where I can find the clear (whitish) magazine holders that you have lined up. I love those.
[email protected]
Cute, cute, cute. A mini snowman, darling; and of course your girls are just as darling. Happy Halloween!
Isn’t it funny that a baby can steal the show without really doing anything. Especially yours since he is so darn adorable. As are your girls. Looks like a fun weekend.
I love them all! Especially that baby boy! Do you just want to eat him up all the time? He’s just adorable!
Don’t eat dirty snow:)
Wow! Kenny was a good sport to wear a Santa hat for Halloween. I seriously can’t believe you. But you do look great in Christmas attire! Kole is simply the cutest thing ever and the girls are darling as always. But the pic of Ellie with the pumpkin carving takes the cake. I love it! Glad you guys had such a great Halloween!
I just love the pictures of Halloween and your darling kids. They are all so dang cute.
Hi there – new to your blog & enjoying it. That “furry friend” is a koala bear & native to Australia. Love your pictures.
Karen (New Zealand)