While the leaves are changing and falling all around the country, our San Diego Palm trees are still intact – and still very green.
Thought I better create a bit of Fall for my girls. This is a fun, easy project I used to do with my 1st graders. First I traced several “leaves.”

Created an example –

And then gave the girls watercolors and let them create!

And there you have it. Our very own Fall. San Diego style.

While our leaf banner is still hanging, I MAY have put down a bit of my other fall decor this last weekend.

We were a bit excited to break out the Christmas books.

And a bit excited to hang the stockings. Which MAY have inspired a bit of mantle decorating. Just a bit.

And of course we couldn’t wait one more minute to pull out the fine Christmas china.

A few Christmas friends couldn’t be left behind. And we MAY have stumbled upon a few pairs of Christmas pajamas.
And there’s a slight chance we MIGHT have watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Just once.
While the leaf banner is holding its own, we MAY be just a bit anxious for Christmas around our house.
xoxo, Erin
haha! i love it!!! it sounds like your house is getting festive and in the christmas spirit! glad to know i have a friend who is just as christmas-crazy as me!!!
I suggested to hubby just today that perhaps we could pull out some of our Christmas stuff a little early….unfortunately he’s still holding tight to Thanksgiving first :/
Would love a list of the Christmas books you have in your collection….CUTE!!! Doubles as adorable decor in that basket too.
Love reading your blog, thanks for sharing :)
LOL Erin I thought I was the only Christmas Nut, I have my tree up and am in full Christmas mode here. I have so much to put up each year that I usually start about Halloween nite but I got a lil later start this year and thanks to my great-nephew Jordon I got alot of it done this weekend. Happy Decorating. Donna
Love the leaf banner. I may have to try that with my boys this week.
Cute mantel….where did you get your stockings??
Ooooops…mantle. Geesh. Apparently all the blood is still in my legs from my first I need to lose this baby weight 5am run this morning.
I’m close to taking pictures of my decor! I’ll keep you posted. :o) Glad there is someone other than myself who is in the holly jolly spirit!
So cute! Love it all! I will probably do the leaf craft this week with my dd.
Cute post Erin! Your mantle looks great. I love that idea of the Christmas book by the fireplace! I am off to find me a basket to do the same thing!
Also love the size of the kids stockings. Why do they need ones the same size as ours anyway right!? ;)
Also Erin,
I will post about it soon, but you have sent me on an organizing frenzy! It all started with my paper… I bought a binder which has already changed my life! And then I started in on my kitchen cupboards and pantry, and I just can’t stop myself! Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Hi LaurenJo!
My stockings are from Pottery Barn. (you have to order them on line – they don’t have them in the store)
I’m waiting right now for the matching tree skirt to come. :)
Great craft idea Erin! Your Christmas decorations look GREAT! I thought about doing the same thing this weekend, but chickened out! I’m such a wimp:)) Can’t wait for Christmas!
love it Erin!!1
I do the same thing with books! I’m just now getting ready to get all the Halloween/fall books out from our basket and gather up all our Christmas books. I love your big, black basket….do you remember where you got it? Our basket isn’t as big and not hardly as nice looking:)
Can you please blog everyday, lol? You have so many good ideas to share!
Thanks for sharing. We’re off to make a leaf banner!
So cute!
I LOVE your Christmas books by the fireplace! Our two little ones are just getting into books…I’m going to have to start collecting good Christmas ones!
Cute cute photos!
I’ve been taking out Christmas stuff since Friday! When I was home last Thursday I decided to put fall away. Then I decided that I should get out Christmas stuff because my in-laws are coming this weekend and they don’t get to see my Christmas stuff! Plus, I LOVE my Christmas decorations…A LOT!
All my nativity sets are out. Like you say, it starts with one thing … then leads to another and pretty soon we are decorated!
That is an ADORABLE craft to do with your girls. Wow and enjoy your beautiful San Diego weather.
So. So. fun! I LOVE IT!! I put my trees (all 6) up Halloween night!!! I’ve never done it that early before but…. I have to say, I LLLOOOVVVEEE it!
And what is it with Christmas pajamas? I have bought my girls and son at least 3-4 pairs EACH this week! I just love this time of year!
I guess I need to start listening to my Christmas music and get some holiday spirit! I think by the weekend I will start thinking about getting my decorations out. I have sprayed some cinnamon air freshener does that count as a start?! I can’t believe the season is here!
PS Loved the Christmas card post. I cracked up when you said it would be blasphemy not to send one! (That is how I feel!) Cards are one of my favorite parts of the Season! It makes that walk to the mailbox so much more fun! :)
You are too funny! I can’t believe you. The leaves are a really cute/fun idea!
what wonderful atmosphere you always create in your home! I think over the years your kids will be addicted with their home and will be very hard for them to ever leave it!
Fabulous! I want to do a seasonal book basket. Thanks for the inspiration. And cool leaf craft too!! :)