Daily conversations with our elf –

It’s Christmas Eve! Our spice candle is burning, the tree lights are on, and we are all still in our p.j’s and may just be for the rest of the day. I went shopping yesterday and bought stuff to make cookies for Santa, cheese for Santa Mouse, and carrots for the reindeer. All I forgot was something to cook for us. Crap. My mom’s not here to make Christmas dinner this year. Guess we’ll be eating cookies with Santa, cheese with Santa Mouse, and carrots with the reindeer. :)
Enjoy the magic of this special time with your family. Love to you all!
xoxo, Erin
Love you Erin!!! I have been a total blog slacker, but I do still love to come catch up on things around your place! Merry Christmas!!! See you next week?!!!!
So funny! Merry Christmas Eve to you!
Pretzel hugs for dinner!
my question is, what were you doing with those cheerios on the coffee table? ha!
i am glad to know i am not the only one who hasn’t planned my christmas dinner yet!
your santa photo is great- a really sweet photo and they all look so happy. and hey, at least kenny was there (even if he was checking his blackberry). evan has been working so many hours this week, the girls thought he moved away! thankfully, he is here today and this weekend! :-)
Merry Christmas Erin! Love your blog. I’m keeping Xmas dinner simple again this year: pasta!! Made chili in the crock pot last year. I want to spend it with my family and not in the kitchen.
Hope you’ll have a wonderful xmas. Looking forward to your blog entries for 2011. And I hope to blog myself too. I started a blog a year ago but did not keep up with it.
I love the random post. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to your family. May you be blessed!
What darling pics! Isn’t the Elf On The Shelf the cutest thing ever? My kids just LOVE ours!!
I have to admit that I’m surprised you weren’t already done wrapping your gifts 3 weeks ago! Guess you are human after all!!!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas.
Sounds like a great dinner to me! Love this post Erin! Such fun and darling pics of the kids! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and it was everything you wanted it to be! Love you all!
We have an elf, too. Looks just like yours!!! Christmas is so magical sometimes!!! LOVE IT!!!!!
Hope Santa treated you all very well! I LOVE the picture of all three on Santa’s lap, and I think it is so cute that they AREN’T all looking! Happy upcoming New Year!! Here’s to a year of peace and joy.
Love the description of your Santa picture! My kids were just teasing me on still having them take a photo with Santa when they were in high school … okay, so I had a little hard time letting go! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas in your beautiful San Diego. As always, we loved our time there.
Wow…..Your kids are so cute! Love little Kole and his big smile! Looks like he will have a new buddy!!!! Yea!!!!
Erin-I am so behind on your blog and loved reading all kinds of fun posts! I meant to tell you the last time I saw you how much I loved your Christmas gifts this year. The card was so darling-I could hardly stand it! You know I appreciate those kinds of touches!!! So dang cute.
I hope you loved spending Christmas in your home with just your little family (that was the first time, right? )
I am so glad that we got a five minute catch-up in Vons before Jake decided we were done, but I am so anxious to talk more!!!!
Merry Christmas and I have a feeling we got the same gift! :)
Dear Erin, we haven’t heard from you here on your Blog for a while I hope all is well with you and your family. I see all the rain and mudslides and such in California and I pray you are all safe. Thinking of you.. Donna
Sorry to leave an anonymous comment, but don’t have a blog.
I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog (I found it via Sarah at Clover Lane when you were in the hospital). Just seeing the pictures of your cheery family and well thought out home makes me smile. Although I love living in Colorado, my favorite city is San Diego (as a child I always dreamed that I could live on Rosecrans St. near Shelter Island, don’t really know what about that street I loved so much). We get there whenever we can but it’s fun to live vicariously through your experiences there.
I also love your organizational posts as they are very inspiring. I have 4 kids and have found that if I’m not organized I’m in big trouble.
Anyway, seeing your yearly wrap-up reminds me how blessed the world is to still have you around.
Happy New Year!
Liz in Colorado