Finally took pictures of our Christmas decor! Sorry for the picture overload. I just can’t help it. Christmas decorations make me soooo happy. We are really enjoying the coziness of our little home this season.

We usually do a snowman tree, but this year I mixed it up a little and just used red, white, and silver decorations.

Along with all the cherished ornaments the kids have made.

I also bought a new tree skirt to match our stockings from Pottery Barn.
The only thing missing was something to put on top. I stuck this snowman up there and the girls were so sad because they like to play with him. So – back down he went and our tree is currently topless. He looked a little funny up there anyway… :)

I can’t wait for it to get dark outside each night so I can really enjoy all the lights inside and out. There is something so magical about Christmas tree lights. I wish December lasted longer.

My little snow village. I’m hoping to inherit more pieces from my mom next year. She has so many of them and you can’t buy a lot of my favorites anymore. I told her she needs to down size. It’s just too much work for her to store and display them all every year. Yup. Always looking out for my mom.

Our advent calendar my grandma made for me and my siblings when we were little. My girls love it so much and it brings back so many childhood memories every year when I pull it out. My sister wasn’t very happy that I claimed it as mine so last year I bought her a cute new advent calendar from Pottery Barn. That seemed to smooth things over a bit.

Favorite Christmas p.j. pictures. My girls look so little and it feels like I posted
these pictures just last week.

My other new additions this year. This pillow…

and the matching rug. I LOVE them. Both from Pottery Barn (I seem to be mentioning that store a lot lately!). I wanted the pillow last year but it was 50 bucks so I thought I’d wait and see if I could get it on sale after Christmas. Nope. They were sold out. So this year I tried ordering it on line at the beginning of December and it was sold out again! I was so sad! I thought K – I’m going to have to try ordering it next year the second Halloween is over! Then about a week later I was at the mall and ran in PB just to look around a bit and there was my pillow! ONE LEFT! I grabbed it and the sales clerk told me I was lucky because they wouldn’t be getting anymore in. I was so giddy! I bought it so fast and then called Kenny at work:
“I have the BEST news!”
“I just found MY PILLOW in Pottery Barn! You know! The one for 50 bucks I’ve wanted for two years! I can’t believe it – they had it in the store! I’m so happy! And I bought a rug to match!”
“How much was the rug?”
“So you’re calling to tell me you spent 90 dollars on a pillow and a rug? Not good news Erin.”
What a grinch. Anyway, I’m thrilled!

I think this pillow was made for my red couches and I smile every time I look at it. :)

I framed my all time favorite Christmas picture.

Me and my sister on Santa’s lap – 1979.
We are SO ready for Santa! I was looking at the post I did last year of my Christmas decor and teared up a bit remembering how we decided on Kole’s name. I’m so grateful for my new little addition to our family this year. A baby’s first Christmas is always a special one. A crazy, exhausting one. But a special one just the same. :)
xoxo, Erin
Your home is beautiful. It inspires me to redecorate around here! LOL
I love it! So festive :)
I love your house!! Your Christmas decor is gorgeous and inspiring! I definitely wish December lasted longer too!
It all looks great Erin! Very cozy. I can see myself relaxing on that sofa with a glass of wine :)
Festive. There is so much to comment on but Kenny’s comments about your pillow and rug had me giggling outloud. Merry Christmas and it just comes and goes so fast!
Some good news is husband sharing good news and some is bff good news. It’s okay…sometimes I get those mixed up too:)
Erin. I laughed SO hard about Kenny’s response to your phone call. I’m smiling right now writing about it. :-) It seems like a typical man response to a great shopping adventure. That has been one of my favorite pillows too. Santa’s sleigh silhouette couldn’t be cuter. I need to get on the ball and post pics of my house. I’ve been MIA in blog world for a while now. :-(
Your house looks so cozy Erin. And I had to laugh at the phone call to your husband about the PB pillow and rug. My husband would have said the exact. same. thing.
Men! They don’t get it. Just like they do not get why all of our black shoes are NOT the same because they are black. Sigh.
Love the pillow on your couch–very cute! Hilarious picture of you and your sister! So funny–it does deserve a frame!
that picture of you and your sister on santa’s lap is classic! your home looks beautiful. i especially love the simple towel & soap dispenser in your bathroom.
Simply Lovely…And the story about Kole’s name and the stocking melted my heart. Merry Christmas!
These pictures are so amazing! Quick question…what is the color of your walls? It looks greyish…I love it! I am wanting to tone down the color in my living room and I think it would just do the trick! Thanks!
I don’t understand why you had so much trouble getting that pillow since you actually LIVE in a Pottery Barn magazine!
Your house looks so beautiful. :)
I love your village, someday when I have room I’m going to collect them.
But my fav part of the post is the photo of you and Carly screaming on Santa’s lap. Awesome.
And I can just hear Kenny’s voice AND see his facial expressions about your ‘good news’.
I love all of your beautiful decorations! Your house looks so festive and fun. I love the pillow and rug…adds just the right touch for sure! :)
Guess what?! Our family now has our very own elf on the shelf. The kids named him “Jack”:))
The picture of you and your sister on santa’s lap had me roaring with laughter. So funny! Your home is ever so lovely!
“A pillow and rug for $90. That is SO good Erin!” Doesn’t that sound so much better? You can call me and tell me your deals anytime, and I will say that. (My husband has the same reaction.)
I love it all…everything is so shiny and clean.
Your home is just lovely! I love all of the red that you decorate with and this time of year it’s really festive. Yeah for getting the pillow (and the rug). I have though about starting a snow village because I really love them. Enjoy December!!!
Your home is so cozy & inviting! I want to come over & have a cup of coffee & look at all your Christmas decorations :) Love the story about the rug & pillow…my husband would had the same reaction! You are right, that pillow was made for your couch!
Laughed so hard at the story about the pillow and the rug… I can picture Kenny saying those words and it makes me laugh. And the picture of you and Carly on Santa’s lap… wow – i am still laughing. You look like you’ve just seen a monster!
Cute decor. My collection is slowly building, but I have hopes for lots more Christmas decorations in years to come. Merry Christmas!!
The decorations look great, so cozy and inviting. The picture of you and your sister is hilarious! Also, not sure where you got the snowman outfit for your son but he looks absolutely adorable in it; he looks like he could be the baby modeling it in a catalog! So cute! ~Susanne
Love seeing all your festive decor! Of course it all looks fabulous! (Wish my house looked fabulous! But I am finally starting to feel better so hoping to get it together enough to be prepared for Santa to come.) And I have to say the pillow IS darling, but I think I agree with Kenny, I don’t think I could ever spend $50 on a pillow! Well maybe if I had Erin’s budget I would. ;)
Your home and family are beautiful. Where did you get the decorations in the bowl on your coffee table in your living room (room with red couches)?