I’m a little excited. About my 2011 planners. Yes – plannerS. That would be plural. More than one. I like to have a big planner that stays at home and a little one for my purse. I take my planner shopping each year pretty seriously. I have tried multiple brands from multiple stores. I search high and low. I fell in love with these beauties the second I saw them. They were calling my name… from you’ll never guess where… a little speciality store I like to frequent. You may have heard of it before? It’s called Target.
Plain and simple. Green and black.

Yes – I will be on top of things in 2011 thanks to these little beauties.
Speaking of to-do lists… I’m anxious to tackle a few things on mine tomorrow.
To Do this week:
Finish up and mail out Christmas cards
organize jewelry box
organize a wrapping station and already bought Christmas gifts
buy more Christmas gifts
find a dress for K’s office party
line up babysitters for the month
Christmas tree craft with girls
make pretzel hugs
take pics of Christmas decor
blog more
Now that is one FUN to-do list. If only I could write it in my new green planner! But I’ll have to be patient and wait until January. :)
xoxo, Erin
Of course, a fabulous planner would be at Target! Love that store.
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Just started reading your blog a few weeks ago (can’t remember how I found it but I also read Clover Lane and 71 Toes) and I am absolutely loving it! Thanks for all the organization tips! Just wanted you to know I bought the same green planner from Target 2 weeks ago(after lots of “shopping around” since I couldn’t find the one I used last year) and I am loving it already! I love the design and setup of the pages Can’t wait to start filling up the pages! Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry and Blessed Christmas from Georgia!
I got a planner for 2010 made by the same company – I love it and have gotten many compliments on it! I can’t wait to get my planners for this year.
love your excitement towards organization. its contagious.
Cute planners! I love the green one! Have a great day today!
Just in case you’re wondering what to give me…I want those planners. :)
P.S. LOVE the mascara you got me!
HA! I was wondering why I hadn’t gotten your Christmas card yet, I figured they were for sure in the mail by now! Can’t wait to see it! Have a happy week with your fun to-do list, and get a few extra things done for me would ya? Oh and save me some of those pretzel hugs too, ok?! :)
Just got mine! Love them :)
I love my planner too and don’t leave without it. It’s a little more than I want to spend on one but I love it!!! I get giddy when I get to write in it. Love your to do list. I was at a party where someone made those hug things and they are SO yummy.
Can’t keep thinking about how rude it was of me to totally ‘demand’ that you get me those planners for Christmas! I mean seriously? What kind of friend am I, insinuating that you’re even getting me a gift in the first place! Lame….but you know I’m just sayin……
Erin, we really are long lost sisters! I love calendars the way you do, and the ONLY thing that’s killing me right now is that I couldn’t wait for January and got a new one back in September (to me that’s the real new year anyway, when school gets going and all). I’m still thinking of breaking down and getting a new one for my purse… in addition to the google one on my phone! LOL!
PS ~ Are those orange sheets in the previous post Amy Butler’s by chance? I spent all weekend trying to track down a set of her king sheets in this pattern to no avail! I love them, but they were a limited edition, so keep them close. I just might come after them!
Hello! I actually have the same planners right now! Say right now because I am trying to figure out what would work best for me. I had twins in October 2009. I was fortunate to take the school year off from teaching. Needless to say with twins (double the diapers, formula, clothes and bottles to pack) there was no room in my diaper bag for my big planner that organized my life. So I use the green one for school info, meeting dates and to dos. The small one is hanging out until I make a final decision. I am really trying to use my I-phone for organization, but there is still something about seeing your thoughts and to dos on paper.
Thank you for all your insight into the organization you use to keep your life and family together.
Love, LOVE me some pretzel hugs! They are the perfect mix of sweet and salty.
Hee, I also have a deep and abiding love for planners–I’ve been considering the two planner option myself!
I do the same thing! I have the big planner that I can keep to-do lists in, but then a smaller one for my purse. I guess I should also mention the one that stays at school!
I love, love a good planner! I bought the same one and I know it’s silly but I just can’t wait to go thru it and get everything set up for the year. :)
I too love planners, but am trying out my Iphone for organization. There is something about writing it all down that the phone just can’t compete with. Are you ever afraid you’ll miss somthing with two because you’ll write it in one, but not the other?
cute planners! this year i too am doing a small planner to carry with me and a bigger one for home. can you believe it’s almost 2011? crazy!
p.s. i feel like it’s been forever since we’ve seen you. say hi to ellie for me. ;)
Hi Erin,
Great new planners! One of my clients uses that big one from Target and I have always loved it. I’d get it for myself, but I need a weekly planner with the hourly times on it for booking my clients too.
I just did a post tonight on all the great ideas you’ve given me and my paper organization! Reading it back I think I am a total copycat but that is the best for of flattery is it not? :)
Wow I love these,Will have to have a good look around over here in Australai to see what I can get like these they look great. I like the idea of 2 planner, next year I would like to get more organised and actually use a planner. Thanks fro such an awesome blog read
I have the same big planner in black. It’s the best one I’ve ever found! I have been thinking about going to get one for next year.
it’s nice to see someone else that *loves* calendars and planners as much as i do :)