Hi friends! I’m back. :) Took a little computer break over the holiday. Kenny had the week off and that is RARE. Had to take full advantage. We had a wonderful Christmas at home with our little family and then a couple of days later we drove to Utah to spend time with the rest of our family.
Santa came! The girls got the dolls they had been wishing for all month –

It’s the first day of the New Year! So excited for everything 2011 has in store. Isn’t it wonderful!? A whole new year ahead. Clean slate. I need to sit down and think about my goals for the year. But before I jump into 2011 I wanted to wrap up 2010.
The girls’ first time in the snow. Hilarious. From the Target sack duct tape boots to their reaction five minutes after this picture was taken. 2010 was off to a great start. :)


Welcome sweet Kole!
My mom took this picture a couple of days after I came home from the hospital after my surgery/blood transfussion. Hello death. It’s me, Erin. And yes, I felt as awful as I looked. Definitely the most difficult part of our year (and maybe of our lives this far) but along with all of the bad we were reminded of how precious life and family and friends are. I will be forever grateful to everyone who helped me through this difficult time and wanted to thank all of you again for your kind and loving comments, support and prayers. It truly meant so much to me.




xoxo, Erin
I love all the pictures, but BY FAR the cutest one is the little man with the pumpkins!!!! I hope you have that framed somewhere!!!! I am so glad everything went well after you had Kole and that you’re still here to inspire and lift up so many people!!!!
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I love that picture of Kenny and Ellie with the dolls- so cute. The things dads will do. Glad you have made it through such a rough year and hope this year is fabulous.
I started following you when I heard through Kelly Stamps about your tough time in May. I’ve been a huge fan ever since! And my baby is just 3 months younger than yours, so it’s nice to have someone to “track” him with. Thanks for writing! :)
Awesome Wrap up of 2010…..Love all the pictures….I so need to blog more this new year…I do not know how you do it…I too have 3 kids and work full time and seem to never have to time to do everything I have in my to do list in my head. I am going to try this year to blog more.
Thanks Erin for your motivation.
Your family is beautiful.
Love the wrap up :) I was asking Santa for a Mac too and a flip..Got the flip. My husband still does not understand why I need a flip and a regular video camera…LOL..I told him it was like my DSLR and my pocket camera…All he did was shake his head :) Enjoy your MAC you will have to keep us updated…
what a sweet post! love all the pictures of course! i can’t wait to see what 2011 brings for your sweet family!!!
What a year! I started following you when you were so so sick…so it’s nice to see you doing great!
Your pictures are fabulous! Will you tell me where you got the little snowman outfit in the last picture???
Fun post Erin! Some really great pictures, and how fun to be learning how to use your new Mac and flip! We have the Kodak version of the flip and I need to keep that in my purse and use it more to.
I’m so glad that you are healthy and back to your old self again after your scare when Kole was born. Isn’t that nice that the girls were so young they had no idea what was going on? I wish I was still like that with some things in life.
Hoping 2011 brings you lots of joy and happiness! I’m happy to have met you through this crazy ole blog world. :)
What a sunny wrap up. So grateful for your recovery after Kole. Wow. What a life changing experience. You brighten many lives with your sunny, real messages. The love you have for your family and life is so heartwarming. Glad you were able to go for a visit to Utah. We are going to be in St. George – three weekends this month! Our son is down there this semester and I don’t think he is real thrilled that his parents are coming to visit every weekend! Best wishes for a very happy 2011! Yes, I hope you can try yoga at a studio. It is amazing! Enjoy your flip and Mac. How nice of Santa to help you document your life in such fun ways :)
What a sweet family!
sandy toe
Great pictures!! I did this on my blog too, fun activity, right?
Erin, that picture of you in April makes me want to cry but then rejoice at the same time that were able to even be in that picture. Your family is precious and beautiful.
Happy New Year! Love your 2010 wrap up – my favorite is the one with Kole lined up with the Cabbage Patch dolls — so funny, his facial expression.
Enjoy your Mac. I got my first one a few months ago– love it! I’ll never go back to a PC after having this. They say once you get a mac, you’ll never go back, LOL.
Wasn’t Santa Clara wonderful! It rained a lot of the time we were home, but still nothing beats it.
I agree 100% with all the comments about your MAC – you will love it! Glad Santa spoiled you.
Can’t wait to see all the wonderful things to come in 2011 for you and your family.
your family is so adorable! it shows how grateful you are, and that’s nice to see. :)
I feel so “with it” that I’ve been able to keep up with you every step of the way. You are amazing, woman!!!
Glad you guys had a good trip up, we were so sad to miss you. I came home from our FREEZING trip north, thrilled to think that the next time I am packing up is for HAWAII!!!!
Hope 2011 is a much better and easier year for both of us. I’m thinking if we can get through with out a funeral, I’ll be happy. I figure that’s not too much to hope for for the new year!
Happy New Year…I have been following you for just a short time..your family is darling. It is so fun to go back and look through the year isn’t it???
I just love your Christmas card. I know this has been a year of years for you and it’s wonderful that you had such a support system and I’m sure you are closer as a family. Very nice look back…your photos are always so great. Congrats on the Mac!!!
Erin, what a year you’ve had! One I know you’ll never forget. But boy did it end good. That baby boy is the cutest thing EVER! And a new Mac to boot, you LUCKY girl. That’s on the top of my wish list. Happy New Year my friend. So glad I found your blog. Your positive happy energy is contagious and I love it!
Fun to catch up on your blog—glad you had a great Christmas. Sad we didn’t get to meet up in St. George but maybe sometime this year! Thanks again for being so great at blogging! :)
What an awesome post! Love this trip through your year:)