Hi friends! Project Life Tuesday again. I’m sorry. I know you’re all probably getting tired of seeing endless pages of my girls’ PL books. I’m assuming you feel this way because I’m already getting tired of posting endless pages of my girls’ PL books. BUT the only reason I’m getting anything done is because I know I have a Tuesday deadline each week! Maybe I should just share a few pages once every other Tuesday? Then I know I’ll totally put off working on these books until the Monday before and won’t get near as much done. Well see. I’m feeling good about the fact that Addie’s book is now caught up to 2010! YEA! I know as soon as I get these books caught up they will be so easy to stay on top of. Then I’ll have to start thinking about Kole’s baby book again…
I was looking at Addison’s blanket the other day (poor thing has been dragged all over the place) and it made me think about my grandma. She made all of us (her grand kids) several blankets (Addison inherited one of mine). All beautifully hand stitched. She was an amazing quilter and would die a second death if she knew that I’ve taken clothes to the tailor just to have a button sewn on! I clearly did not inherit her talent or patience when it comes to sewing. :) The blankets she made me are so special. They are something tangible that remind me daily of the love she had for me. I guess that’s what I’m hoping these books will be for my kids. Something tangible that they will always have to remind them of their happy childhood and how much they were loved. Cause my kids sure as heck won’t be remembering me for my hand stitched quilts or my famous noodle casserole! HA! ;)

The picture of Addie in the green bows is one of my favorites which is why I put it in its own page protector. In front of one of her many sunshines. :)
Journaling: You are taking swimming and ballet lessons. You LOVE ballet and are the cutest little ballerina! I love watching you dance. You’re not too sure about swimming and don’t like putting your head under. I have to bribe you with ice cream. :)
Added more of their quotes. SO glad I recorded these on my blog.
Looks like a duplicate of Ellie’s book in some places, but in other places this book is very unique to Addison.
A lot of people have asked me where I got the 12×12 pockets that hold miscellaneous school stuff (shown on the right). They are from Becky Higgins original school kits. They go from pre-school to 12th grade. You can’t order these kits anymore, but if you follow her blog you know she has a new school kit in the works!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
xoxo, Erin
Hi Erin! So happy to be the first response! I LOVE your PL books – please continue to show us the weekly updates!! Will you do a book for each year for each child? It looks like a wonderful keepsake!
ooh, nice! Are you using Memory Works Simple Stories page protectors??? I wanted to order some, but I have never seen them, and was unsure of it. I think its an awesome idea to print out their quotes, I may have to do something similar. I haven’t touched my scrapbooking since my now 4 year old was under a year! :D
Are you kidding me?? How stinkin cute are you? I popped in from PL Tuesday link-up over at The Mom Creative, and I’m so glad I did! I love your approach to PL Album. Your girls will be (hopefully) so greatful for their albums one day. LOVE your blog! I will be back for sure.
Sorry…scratch that! I saw your blog in someone elses side bar and was intrigued. Oh if my head weren’t attached…
Definitely keep posting your progress each week! It is not boring, but motivating!
love, loVE, LOVE these pages! Trust me, they are far from boring…only inspiring! Thanks to your blog, I started a quote book in 2010 for my girls…printed it last week, turned out to be 25 pages of stuff I totally forgot about…so glad I “copied” you :-)
Hi Erin. I have been watching the videos on Becky’s blog about PL and considering buying a kit. I think I have decided not to, only because I print out my blog every year, and I think every thing I would put in the PL book is everything that is in my blog book. Do you find that yours is very repetitive of your blog or no?
I am still loving the PL idea, but I am not really into scrapbooking, and I print out pics monthly and put them in albums so I am just unsure whether I’d make the time to do PL or not.
Your books look great though. Your girls will hopefully love them one day.
I found your blog off of The Mom Creative. Love how you are doing your Children’s albums. I did Becky Higgin’s Baby Kit for his first year, which I just finished ( he is 2). I have in mind to do something similar to what you are doing for the rest of his album(s). Thanks for sharing!
How do you do it all. Love all the posts, you always inspire me.
I’m not tired of seeing these. It’s giving me inpiration to document my children…they grow so fast. I love that you document quotes and cute drawings that they do. I can’t wait for Becky’s new kit. I have followed and I’m anxiously waiting for the new kit to arrive!
dont stop w/ PL tuesdays…keeping me motivated too!
Love your PL albums! I am on the fence about ordering the kit this year. I want to, but I am not sure I can keep up! Definitely love seeing yours.
Boy, you make me miss days when there was time to scrapbook!
I just wanted to say that I found your blog a few weeks back (through Clover Lane) and I LOVE it. It quickly moved into my “favorites” folder in my reader.
I’ve been dying to get my hands on some of the school kits….let’s hope they’re out soon!
I found your blog off of The Mom Creative and love your PL pages that you post… they are totally inspiring… Please continue to post them weekly… just the motivation I need to keep up on mine!
You are doing such a great job with their albums! Love them!
Oh, you keep reminding me that I’ve got make time for that!!! love all your pages. You do an amazing job!
Cute books. You inspire me to record my kid’s memories better!
Hi Erin, just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog! I’m passing along the Stylish Blogger Award, check out my link for details. :-)