Thank you so much to everyone who took a minute to wish me a happy birthday! You are all incredibly kind and it was so much fun hearing from friends throughout the day. I had a great birthday weekend and was completely spoiled as I’m sure you can tell by the picture above. The girls made me a lovely birthday cake topped with 34 candles and a few favorite “friends.” I got the piece with Ariel on top because “Ariel is mommy’s favorite princess!” :) And yes, this was my second yellow cake with chocolate frosting. The treadmill and I will become fast friends this week.
Also thanks to my sweet friends who brought by gifts and flowers on my special day. They all know me so well. My house is full of tulips, Cadbury eggs, and shiny silver gift cards. :)

Now on to Project Life! I’ve been working on Ellie’s album and once again my kitchen table looks like this…
What a mess!
At least it’s a fun mess. :)
End of February 2010
I added some art work and her Kindergarten class list. The mermaid picture above is a blog post I printed about Barbie in A Mermaid Tale and my girls’ obsession with it. We’re big fans of the Barbie movies around here. :)
Another blog post I printed about Ellie’s morning friend “Snakey.”
Some of my favorite pictures of my girls and their daddy riding bikes at the park.
Ellie made the above picture with the pink ribbon around the time Kole was born. It is a portrait of our new family of five. :)
I also included some other random artwork from last March along with one of the many pictures of cakes she drew me last year on my birthday.
Kole is born! The note she wrote last year (top right page) says:
“Dir Erin I cant wat for baby Kole to pop awt. Love Ellie.”
I will never get tired of little notes like this one. I’m seriously sad that this year she is learning to spell everything correctly!
The girls meeting their new little brother for the first time. Such a special day. I treasure these pictures and I’m so glad my girls will each have their own copies of them.
Newborn pictures of Kole and some sweet notes from Ellie’s grandma’s soon after he arrived.
I also love this little turtle Ellie drew. She hung it on Kole’s door when I was decorating his nursery in a turtle theme. It has been there for a year and I just took it down last week to include in her book. More fun Kindergarten spelling — “trtl”– exactly how it sounds. :)
On the left is a page from her journal writing in school. They were supposed to write what they did over Spring Break. Ellie wrote:
“I went to the Easter egg hunt. I got a new baby.”
And of course another picture of our new family of five. Along with the sun, a butterfly, and a flower. Because what picture is complete without those three things? :)
So so sweet.
Wrapping up April! I’m still pretty much a year behind but I’m making progress! Whenever I feel overwhelmed with these albums and trying to catch up I hear Dory from Finding Nemo in my head –
“just keep swimming, just keep swimming…” You can tell what’s been on at our house lately.
If I can just catch up on the girls’ albums I can get going again on this little guys baby book!
The two of us had a day date on my birthday. I brought the party hats, he brought the party. :)
xoxo, Erin
Iv’e got to get started on my album! I’m sooo behind!! I’ll just “keep swimming.”
Kole’s getting so big. In those last two pictures I can really see how he’s grown.
oh so sweet!!! that last picture is priceless! i LOVE your project life books- they are going to be SO happy to have them when they grow up. I would LOVE to have something like that from my childhood!!! My girls will get a blog2print book (or a set of books)- that’s as good as I am gonna do, i think! LOL!
Great job on your albums. Glad you had a great weekend!
I’m just so impressed that you have more than one of these albums going at once. Love peeking through them! :) The girls will love them!
Your project life books are so awesome. I can’t wait to see what the baby book will look like! I am so excited to start doing something like this for my kids! :)
You just make me want to drop everything and assemble those memories!
I really saw this whole Project Life thing and I am just so intrigued! Yours look great and you have such wonderful pictures. Love the one of you and your three babies when Kole was born. Just adorable!
I am loving the Project Life books you’re making for your kids. I just started this year and my daughter is just about to turn 18.å What I’d give to have books like yours for her whole life! Great job!
Happy Belated Birthday Erin! Like you, I feel like I am that much more of an “official grown up” each year! Hope you had a nice time celebrating.
Great job on your PL book.
I am wondering when you stick pictures in the smallest slots, do you just cut them to fit for you or do you order them smaller? Just curious. I am thinking about ordering a book. I’m still on the fence.
Okay I’m new to your blog and I’m in love. What is project life? It sounds amazing!
follow me at
Guess what I’m doing this week? Going to some store and buying 6 huge albums and sticking all my kids’ pictures in them so they can at least look at them without me yelling at them not to ruin the pictures! :)
Scrapbooking will come later or maybe never but at least they will have albums! :)
Loved celebrating your bday with you!
Happy (late) birthday Erin – I’m glad you had a wonderful day!
Thank you for introducing me to Project Life. I’ve been looking for a method that will work well for me and Project Life is perfect. I’m really excited to get started. Will you share how you’re going to do Kole’s baby book? Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I would really love to hear your ideas.
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas and happy thoughts. I love your blog.
BTW, that Kole is so stinkin’ cute!
wonderful work!!
that last picture of you and kole is absolutely precious. love it!
Great job! Happy Belated birthday too. I actually got stuck on the Cadbury egg thing. I’ve never met anyone else who liked them as much as me. I always know it’s that time of year ’cause my husband usually brings home the first Cadbury egg he sees for me. Love your blog too. It’s such fun to read.
Nice cake! Your PL books are so amazing and will be treasured by your kids. So many cute memories. I need to figure out a system for my little ones.
Wonderful job on the album. I love all the great pictures you posted!
Ooh- sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday. I have been without a computer for several days and man, I missed a whole lot! Glad to see you had a good day anyway.
These books are A-MAZ-ING! I love this idea =)
How do you like “Project Life?” I’m a scrapbooker, but find that I don’t have time to get as creative as I’d like to sit and cut paper and design pages. This looks like it might be the PERFECT solution for me. I’ve heard and read SO many great things…thinking I may have to order one.
This is coming along swimmingly!!!! Love how you’re doing it – I think retrospectively lets you look at everything you need to include and organise it better.