My sweet baby. I can’t believe you are five today. I know. You aren’t the baby of the family anymore, but you were the baby for so long. And you’re still my baby girl. And now you’re five and starting Kindergarten in the Fall. I have to say it out loud to believe it.
You and I had such a special little bond right from the start. Our first night together in the hospital you were crying in the bed next to me. I started talking to you and you immediately stopped. You turned your little head towards me and calmed right down. I was overwhelmed with love and I knew you felt the same. We’ve been pretty much inseparable from that day on. You are a total mommy’s girl and I absolutely love it.
You love to snuggle. It’s one of my most favorite things about you. You have always loved to cuddle and as soon your daddy or I sit down, it isn’t long before you are on one of our laps. It takes you some time to warm up to other people, but once you do, you are such a lovable little buddy to have. You give the best kisses and the biggest hugs. You love to love. Something so special about you that I hope never changes.
You have a very mischievous side. You love to tease your sister and stir up a little trouble. You are no stranger to “time out” and have made a hobby of testing your mommy’s patience. But it’s impossible to stay mad at you for long Addison. You are always quick to apologize and to tell me you love my outfit or that I look so pretty. Did I mention how smart you are? You are a VERY smart and perceptive little girl. And you win me over with your sweet words and charming smile. Every. Single. Time.
Your first few years of life you were SO FULL of energy. You wore me out. You really did. I started calling you my little curly topped firecracker and the name suited you so perfectly. You have calmed down a lot this last year. You are much more content to play with your toys, color and draw, work on letters with mommy, and just chill.
You are my best little helper each December when it’s time to make Pretzel Hugs. It has become our fun little tradition to do together. You are totally in it for the chocolate and have decided that chocolate hugs are your very favorite food. :) Other foods you love to eat are “green yogurt” (key lime), Bran Chex (we have these every morning for breakfast together), and Pat and Oscars Pizza. You’ll eat pizza from other places, but make sure each time I understand that it isn’t the same as your favorite Pat and Oscars Pizza.

You are my true girly girl Addison. You LOVE dresses, skirts, jewelry. You have a strong opinion about how your hair should be done each day and you always insist on some sort of headband or bow. Accessories really are your best friend. You go through several wardrobe changes each day and take a lot of time and care picking out each component of your outfit. Unlike your sister, you have no problem sacrificing comfort for the sake of fashion. I envision you having a very successful career in fashion some day!
Of course your favorite fashion accessory is mom’s shoes. You have been prancing around the house in my shoes since you were two years old. It always makes me smile when you come around the corner or down the stairs in some of my heels or boots. They look so much better on you sweet girl! Now when I buy a new pair of shoes I always think won’t my Addison just love these! :)
You are a total clean freak! You don’t like being dirty and it took forever for you to enjoy the beach because of all that dirty sand! You would take a bath four times a day if I let you (always after we return from an outing) and you scrub your little hands and feet like no ones business! You like life to be about order and routine and clean, clean, clean. Wonder where you got that from? ;)
You have always had SO MUCH personality Addison. It’s impossible not to smile when you’re in a good mood. You can be so comical and you make us laugh all the time. Sometimes when Ellie’s friends are over you get on a roll and before long our house is full of laughter. We have to be careful though. Sometimes you want others to laugh at you and sometimes you don’t. You can be a bit sensitive with things like that and your daddy and I have become experts at navigating your various moods.

Speaking of moods! You are extremely stubborn. You always want to do everything yourself – your way. You often refuse to let me help you with things and this is a struggle for me because I like to be in control. You have made me beyond frustrated with your stubbornness, your refusal to back down. There have been days we have both been SO MAD at each other. We have to take a minute to cool off and to regroup. You have taught me patience and compromise. And you have made me a better mom. And while this stubbornness and independence drives me crazy, it is also one of the things I love most about you. It makes you strong and smart and capable. And sometimes, in the midst of my frustration, it makes me proud.

And I am proud of you Addison. So so proud of the beautiful girl you are becoming – inside and out. We both love the song “You are my Sunshine” and we often sing it together during singing time at your preschool. You really are my sunshine each day. You are so uniquely you and I love you with all of my heart. Happy 5th birthday sweet girl.
xoxo, Erin
Awww, what a sweet post! Happy 5th Birthday, Addison!
Beautiful. Made me tear up thinking about my own sweet girls.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Addison! Your mommy loves you so much! I wish I had a little girl as cute as you! :-)
cute-cute-cute! Time sure does fly!
Oh Erin, what a beautiful letter to your daughter!
i personally suck at these but you did such a good job I’m inspired – and you chose the perfect pics
So cute Erin…. you have a wonderful way with words! So sweet!
What a darling post. Happy birthday to your darling daughter!
Happy Birthday to ur darling daughter! <3
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She is just beautiful and precious! My “baby” girl just turned 10…they grow way too fast! Hope she has the happiest of days today.
Tear jerker!!!
Can’t believe she is 5. :( That was a great post. I loved all those pictures. Love that Addison.
She’s so stinkin’ cute! Happy Birthday little Addison!
Happy Birthday Addison!
Happy Birthday Addison! Erin we are getting old! I love the way you write! Addison will love having this letter when she gets older! She probably already does love it on the blog!
Addison has grown into a beautiful girl!
I just love your blog! Some of the blogs that I love the bloggers are fantastic but do not post regularly. I love how frequently you write! I always get excited to see what is happening at your house…especially when things aren’t just perfect! Makes me feel more normal!!! Keep it up!
I love love love your blog, I have been a follower for a year now! I dont always comment but I always greatly enjoy what you have to say and am grateful for you sharing your wisdom and learning experiences through life, as we all can learn from each other. All of your children are so precious and I love that you share them with all of us. Happy Birthday to your adorable, beautiful blue eyed Addison, may all of her 5 year old dreams come true!!!
Happy Birthday Ad! We hope you had a great day and a fun party at Grandma’s! We were sad we didn’t get to see you and Ellie. But we can’t wait to see you in August! We are so happy that you are our special friend and we all love you very much!
Love, Josie, Ryan, Pierce and Madi
Love this Erin! It just makes me laugh, thinking that is SO Addison! I too love that smile and contagious laugh. My kids will often bring up something funny that Ellie or Addie said and laugh about it for months. And I too love those snuggles from Ad! I’m so glad she is my special little buddy and I love it when she snuggles up on my lap too. She certainly is a very special, beautiful girl, and what a crack up! Love you guys!
Can’t believe she is starting Kindergarten–she is adorable. We just got back from California, and when we were driving there I told Rachel that all of her cousins would be there (we actually spent time with both my family and Sam’s family.) And Rachel got really excited and said “so my cousins who live in California are going to be here too?!” and I had to say, no, we wouldn’t see them on this vacation…so I am glad that she remembers them (since at the reunion she spent all her time with the wiener dogs I wasn’t sure if she would remember anyone else :)
The pictures you posted really does show her cute little personality!! She is adorable and will treasure this letter when she is older!! My little Avery turned 5 this year and I just can’t believe how fast time is going!!
I wish I could line her up with my Jon..they would be a great match for a lot of reasons. However, 10 years is too big a gap in my opinion. So, so cute:)She totally hugged me at Vons the other day and she hardly knows me. I, on the other hand, feel I know her intimately since I do read about her on a regular basis.
First, Happy birthday to your sweet girl! And second — what a beautiful birthday letter. She will cherish that when she grows up. There is no way she wont feel the love from her Mother.
I love the picture in the red dress and mommy’s boots! And the curls are to die for :)