Back from a mini va-cay today! The kiddos and I spent last week at our little retreat —
mom’s house) in southern Utah. We had a great trip. It was HOT. So we spent a lot of our time in the house or in the water.
I hung out a lot with my sister-in-law Dayna – we always have so much fun together. Here we are at the splash pad with our boys. They were both SO excited to have their picture taken.
My mom joined us on her lunch break. Her lunch break ended up being a little longer than usual since it also involved running home to change her clothes. (Click the above pics to see them better. The look on my mom’s face is classic.)
Dayna with Addie and my sweet nephew Drew. Every picture I took of Ellie was a total blur because she was running through the water so fast. My girls LOVE the splash pad.
Kole loves the splash pad too. He even found a buddy this time. A twin with matching hat and all. Which one is my boy? The one who STILL isn’t walking. Yup. That would be my Kole. The one sitting on his little bottom. Totally content to watch his twin do a happy we’re the same age and I’m walking dance right in front of him.
Operation “get Kole walking” has been taking place for months now.

As you can see, we’re making major progress.

Major. Lucky for him, his inability to walk doesn’t seem to slow him down much.

He climbs like no one’s business…
and has no problem keeping up with his sisters.
So even though his younger cousin (and every other baby his age) is running circles around him, we’re not too worried. Guess he’ll walk when he’s good and ready. He’s just too cool for walking right now.
In the meantime, he keeps grandma and the rest of us on our toes.

Isn’t the tabernacle beautiful!? I love my home town. I have to repeat that last sentence to myself over and over when I visit in the summer and trade my usual 75 degree weather in for a nice and toasty 110 degrees.

This beautiful carousel is a new fixture next to the splash pad and the girls and I couldn’t wait to try it out.
It was as delightful as we had anticipated. Heat and all.
Good times.
So – tomorrow will be a nice reality check. Unpacking, laundry, groceries, cleaning… the day after a vacation is always a busy one. But it still feels good to be home.
And back to 75 degrees. :)
xoxo, Erin
My youngest of three didn’t walk until he was fifteen months! I was starting to get worried, but he was just taking his own sweet time, that and someone was always carrying him around-hmmmm (wonder who that might have been). ;-)
Great pictures, it looks like such a fun time! xo
Nothing beats a trip home! So glad you had a good time with your mom.
Glad you had such a great time. Makes me want to hop in the car and go to St. George … September when it cools off a bit. Good luck with the day after catch up.
I have two comments:
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mom!
2. You look AMAZING.
Oh, and I miss you.
I absolutely LOVE your mom’s face in those pictures. And the little boy doing the I can walk dance was hilarious. Looks like such a great splash pad and an overall wonderful getaway.
um yeah… I would like to move in to your mom’s house.
Looks like a great time!
I have had two late walkers, one at 18 months and one at 21 months! I saw a specialist and he said as long as they are walking by 2 not to worry, that we all think a baby needs to walk by 1, but there is a WIDE range of normal!
Super cute! My daughter started walking at 9 months, and I WAS NOT READY! So be thankful for now :)
My oldest didn’t take his first step until he was 15 months. He’s been on the go ever since, and he’s very athletic and agile.
Glad you guys made it home safe! We LOVED seeing you guys and having you here. Such fun pics of the splash pad! Next time you’ll have to let me know when you head over there, my kids love that water park! And the new carousel is so fun!
Hi Erin – I LOVE Kole and his little twin! Too cute!! Did you take pics of your mom’s decorating? I recall you saying you were going to do that at some point. I am always looking for new home ideas!!
Looks like a great little mini vacay!
I love your sil’s swim top! Super cute.
And how do you manage to have cute hair in 110 degrees??? ;)
I see that beautiful smile runs strong in the family! I wish I could have joined in. I miss warm weather and playing in the water.
Glad you had fun!
That looks so fun! Someone just told us about the new Carosel. Totally jealous of your weather right now. Love all the cute pics, funny Kole is taking his time. Sarah is too–they do their own thing. :)
You mom is awesome to get in the water and play (on her lunch hour!) Kole may not be a walker but he is a looker which will ultimately get him anywhere he needs to go:)
so fun! I wish we had something like that here but we don’t really. You look great! Love that last picture of everyone.