YEA!! I made it to the weekend! This has been a HARD week. I’m not going to lie. Hard and long. Thankfully Kole and I are feeling much better. Don’t underestimate the common cold! That’s all I have to say. Feels a little funny doing a Fashion Friday post since I spent half of the week in my sweats and a pony tail (darn! didn’t get a picture of that! ;) But I do have some outfits to share from the week or so before when I didn’t have a box of tissues in one hand and a runny nosed baby in the other.
This top was from Forever 21 and I seriously think I’ve had it forever — since I was 21. Wait! I still am 21! (I’m only amusing myself here, aren’t I.) It was so cheap (maybe 15 bucks?) and it has been one of my favorite summer tops.
I love the decal on the top…
and the way it cinches at the bottom. I hesitated to share this picture for a couple of reasons. First because I’m standing like a dork (I never know how to pose for these pictures!) AND because I am doing an absolute fashion DON’T. Capris aren’t good for someone as short as me and especially with shoes that have a strap at the ankle. Totally cuts you off and makes you look shorter/wider. BUT — it was hot and my capris are comfy and so are these wedges so I broke a cardinal rule and wore it anyway. Oh well. I lived and nobody cared. :) (Capris are Joes from Nordstrom if anyone wants to buy some and break a few rules with me.)
This picture is blurry and has nothing to do with anything, but isn’t my boy getting big!? We were dancing. We dance together often. Love that little man. I’m so happy he is feeling better!!
Another cheap top from Forever 21 that I’ve had for a while.
It looks better with jeans, but like I said, we were having a hot week so it was my True Religion shorts to the rescue…again.
These shoes are from Nordstrom Rack and are great slip on and go summer staples of mine.
Weekend date night outfit! Anthro belt again. If I do enough of these posts you’ll start seeing the same things over and over and over… Guess what was so cool? The night I wore this we went to dinner with some good friends to a Mexican restaurant. While we were eating this beautiful blond college-aged girl came over and was so excited to see me. It took me a minute to realize who she was and then it hit me. I taught her in 5th grade the year before I had Ellie! I could. have. died!!! My sweet, shy 5th grader was all grown up! Talk about feeling old. She couldn’t believe I had three kids and I couldn’t believe she was done with High School. We reminisced a bit about our time together and I got caught up on what my other cute students were up to. It was so fun seeing her again. But it made me feel really really old. Happy, but old. Old and happy. That’s me.

These Seven jeans are one of my favorite pairs. They were my first pair of designer jeans and I’ve had them for about 5 years now. I think Kenny bought them for me for Valentines Day if I remember right. They worked their magic and I felt better about my thighs/booty than I had in years. This pair started a jean obsession that I doubt will ever end. If Kenny only knew then what he knows now, he would have given me roses and a box of chocolates.
Full outfit. Ignore my dark roots. I’m getting my hair done this Saturday.
Dress I wore to church a couple of Sundays ago. I tend to stick to solid colors and don’t buy patterns much so whenever I wear this dress I feel proud of myself for breaking out of my solid color rut.
And my girls on their way to church. I adore them in these polka dot dresses.
Wore it to dinner a different Sat. night with some other good friends.
Same favorite sevens and wedges.
I like Kenny in this yellow shirt and begged him to pose with me in the bathroom mirror for Fashion Friday. He gave me a lovely look, said absolutely not and took off downstairs. But he did agree to let our babysitter snap a pic of us before we headed out the door. I don’t care for the way I look so posed in this picture (exactly what was I doing with my hand on his stomach?) but I do like that yellow shirt. And that’s what matters, right? All for the sake of fashion.
Have a great weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
Love everything and your tempting me to get that belt from Anthro. You look great in everything, your really in great shape. And dont feel old, your not and I guarantee you that your more stylish then most 19 year olds!
Okay I have a big question, you mentioned your getting your hair done and you had roots. Im now left wondering, does her hair stylist lighten her main color at the roots and then do highlights or does she just do highlights. I couldnt really tell in the pictures. Im wanting to get highlights but cant decide if I should have them lighten the main color one shade and then do the highlights or just do the highlights….decisions, decisions.
You look fabulous in all of it!! I wish I had that knack of putting things together but I have no self-confidence when it comes to branching out with new accessories and different styles. Love this feature.
You are so funny….!! Love your side note comments! Can I just tell you you are adorable?????!!!
I don’t know about any “cardinal rules” in the fashion world but I think you rocked that adorable yellow top, capris and wedges…so I say screw it — rules were meant to be broken! ;) Seeing all these “What I Wore” posts has started to encourage me to dress up even the simplest of my outfits and I have been almost tempted to do my own blog posts about them…not sure I ever will but I do love seeing yours. OH and that pose with your hubby…hand on his stomach…I do the SAME DANG THING! And every time I ask myself WHAT was THAT?! LOL!
Cute stuff! Did Kenny say, “but I’m not mad you asked,” at your bathroom mirror photo shoot request? :)
Haha! I love your fashion Friday posts and think that you always look so stylish. For your fashion “don’t” comments- I didn’t know you were short! (I just figured you had a tall husband like me and liked wearing heels!)
Funny to see former students that are grown up! I taught Kindergarten/Prek before kids, and sometimes I will see students from my first year that are now in middle school! Hey, we might feel old, but at least we haven’t “aged” too much; because they can still recognize us, right?! :)
And I laughed at the picture of your hand on your husband’s stomach. I do the same thing! (I mean, what other pose do you do?) We always laugh that they look like prom pics!
Enjoy your weekend!!
I have a problems finding a good pair jeans, what kind of brand do you wear?
nice posts.
You are one hot mama!!!! :)
Anonymous – Thanks for your sweet comment! I just get highlights done every 6-8 weeks. :)
Robin – your comment cracked me up! You have no idea how often he says that!
Lauren – I have several different brands but my favorite jeans are Sevens and Citizens of Humanity. I also really like Joes and True Religion. They are all a bit pricey but so worth it for the fit!
HI Erin! Soo Soo cute! all of it. I am loving the questions on hair, because I could read/talk/think discuss/analyze hair all day long. I know, deep thoughts by me huh? And you look great in your jeans, and your wedges, and love the yellow, and yes you are forever 21! happy, but not old!
Hi Erin, I found your blog thru the Fashion Friday posts and love all your outfit pictures! I am a Mom to a 2nd grader and a Kindergartner and and trying to NOT be the sweats and pony tail kind of dresser, so thank you for the inspiration. And also the organization posts are very helpful and inspiring too!! I have a question about hair since you mentioned it in this post. Have you ever considered doing a “hair tutorial”? Or maybe you already have? I would love to have some tips of how you style your hair, since I really have no clue how to even attempt that with my long hair. ~~Julie
Hi Erin,
I just gotta say I love your style and all the fashion friday posts, keep them coming! My favorite this week is the dress, love it! And good for you for stepping outside your comfort zone once in awhile :) I think all us moms need to remember to do that once in awhile. Have a good weekend and hope you and Kole continue to get well.
Really cute stuff Erin!
You just make me smile! Glad you and your cute boy are feeling better! Love the side note comments :).
So cute, as always, Erin! I would love to see a fashion friday about your workout clothes. Not because I work out, let’s get that clear right away, but because maybe if I see cute workout clothes, I’d be tempted to work out. Or at least go shopping. Have a great weekend!
Good idea Kayla! I love fun workout clothes! I’ll have to do that soon. :)
I’m going to have to stop looking at your Fashion Fridays, it’s just depressing me. 15 pounds still hanging on no matter what I do or don’t eat! Ahh! Anyway you look darling as usual. I laughed about your rule being broken. I don’t think I have ever known any fashion rules, maybe you’ll have to teach me. Glad you and Kole are feeling better!
I love the brown shirt from Forever 21.
I love your Fashion Friday posts and was thinking of trying it out on my blog too. What do you think about starting a Fashion Friday Linky Party? Maybe not every week, but like once a month or something?? :) It would fun to hop around and see what everyone’s wearing!!