The comments after yesterday’s post were so sweet. They made me want to shout “non-cookers unite!” Which makes me smile because it reminds me of when I quit teaching school to stay home with Ellie. I was so burned out and exhausted at the end of each day. Kenny would walk in the door from work and I’d go on and on about how hard it was staying home with a baby. He took me as seriously as he always does and would throw his arms up in the air and yell “Housewives unite!” (Which didn’t even make sense.) Then he’d laugh hysterically at himself and I’d do my best to NOT smile or laugh or make any indication that I was even slightly amused. I must have been slightly amused though because I can’t even think about that now without smiling.
(Don’t tell Kenny)
Anyway! On to the clothes! This was a bit of a boring fashion week and several days I forgot to take pictures. But I’ll show you what I’ve got!
This shirt I actually wore last week. I like the sleeves and cinched waist. Bought it from Forever 21 and I always wear it with a black top underneath because it is so short.
Wore it with my light colored Sevens. I love the pocket on this pair. I love the pockets on all of my Seven jeans. Have I mentioned that I love Sevens?
On our way to ballet! Addie said “mom, why are you taking a picture of the mirror!?” We had a nice little science/photography/fashion lesson. If you want to call it that. :)
I bought a new dress this week! At TJ Maxx of all places! I was hunting for more white pitchers there (kind of obsessed with them lately) and passed by this dress (for only 20 bucks!) on my way out of the store. I had Kole with me and he was so past ready for a nap. I knew I didn’t have time to try it on.
But I love navy and I loved the fun collar and of course you know I loved the belt. So I bought it without trying it on even though my number one rule with clothes is to ALWAYS try them on.
And of course I got home and tried it on and I can’t decide if I like it!? It’s a gunny sack dress and the belt sits high on my waist and while I do think it’s different and fun, I’m not sure if it’s very flattering on me.
But trying it on did make me excited to start wearing my favorite tall black boots again! Verdict is still out. I may return it. And buy more white pitchers instead.
Wore another top from Forever 21 that I’ve had forever. Since I was 21.
(no, I’m never going to get tired of that one.)
I usually wear this sweater shirt with my long white shorts from The Limited. These shorts are super cute as long as I wear a sandal with some kind of heel. They do NOT work with flip flops or flats. Funny how shoes change the look from classy to matronly. Don’t underestimate the power of the right pair of shoes!!
Or the power of a good reading buddy.
Or the power of a good reading buddy in similar stripes. This boy is by far and away my hottest fashion accessory this season. He makes every outfit look good. :)

Another favorite top. This shirt is from Old Navy and I’ve had it for years! I’m surprised at how well it has held up.
Wore it with my Citizens and wedges. I will never get rid of this purple shirt and I’ll tell you why…

This is me and my purple shirt in Venice, Italy 2007. (Went a little crazy with the curling iron on that trip.) Kenny and I spent 10 days in Italy to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I bought this purple shirt for the trip. Ellie was three years old and Addison was only one and I was SO stressed about leaving the girls for that long! I was also nervous about leaving the country. What if something happened and we couldn’t get back to them!? What if we died on the plane!? What if they were so sad and heartbroken without me!? I was a nervous wreak for months leading up to the trip and for the whole plane ride there. We arrived late at night and I woke up the next morning feeling so much better. And we were in Venice, Italy!!! And my mom called and said the girls were fine! Hadn’t even noticed we were gone! And I put on my new purple shirt (that felt very Venice-like to me) and we spent the whole day exploring the most beautiful city I have ever seen. And it was just the two of us! And I felt like I had been shot out of a cannon with no one to take care of but myself! And we were suddenly like newlyweds again! Laughing and holding hands. It was a magical day. In a magical city. Wearing my magical purple shirt. The whole trip was just… magical. So I have happy memories every time I wear this shirt and will never get rid of it.
Man. I could sure use a little Italy right about now. But a weekend will have to do!
Hope yours is magical.
xoxo, Erin
I love everything but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that green striped shirt and the purple also. You must be a great shopper, you find such different unique things. Or more likely, you just look great in everything!
When my husband’s alarm went off this morning, the first thing I thought when I woke up was, “Yay! It’s Fashion Friday!!” :) I love all your posts – you always make me laugh!
BTW – I think the dress looks great!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Yes, Yes, YES! to the dress! Looks GREAT on you! With dresses, the requirement that a friend & I have is that they’ve got to be “smokin’ hot!”… definitely achieved smokin’ hot status, Erin! :)
Love everything of course!!! You always look so great. I am on a mission to find some nice jeans.
Love the dress…it’s a keeper. I didn’t get to comment yesterday but like so many others…you keep doing what works for you and your family. If everyone’s happy and healthy then why ruin a good thing. As a single mom of 3 who works full time out of the house, it is very hard to always get a good meal but I try. it’s easy stuff such as pasta and a lot of crockpot items thrown together. I’ve finally figured out that I am not supermom and those who may want to judge me have way too much time on their hands. My kids and I are healthy, happy and at the end of the day we have time to be together because I haven’t slaved in the kitchen preparing a gourmet meal. Love your blog and it is truly the first blog I go to every day. I always smile and have such a better outlook on my life. your honest and I like that. You don’t pretend to be somebody you’re not. Thanks for all the wonderful posts.
I am a new reader, and I just want to tell you how great your blog is!! I LOVE your hair. It always looks like you’ve just stepped out of a salon. Beautiful family and a such a positive, wonderful life you have!
PS- Your hair in Venice was soo cute!
Cute stuff Erin! You are always cute. My fav is that purple top you wore in Italy too. ANd I am kinda jealous you’ve been to Italy. :) My husband and I were just saying last night that we would like to go for our 20th anniversary. 10 is next summer and it is Maui,so I think italy next sounds right.
Happy weekend!
ps- i like the navy dress on you :)
Erin I just loved reading about your feelings while you were in Italy. I know exactly how that feels because I have been in that same position. Start planning your next magical get away!
Oh, and I love the dress! But if you ever have to talk yourself into liking an article of clothing, take it back. That’s my fashion advice. :)
I absolutely LOVE that purple top! And your hair in the Italy pic? AMAZING!!!!
Ohhh Erin… Sweet Sweet Erin. I don’t think anything could look bad on you unless something was wrong with the article of clothing itself… Like a mess up with the sewing machine. But, like Shari said if you are not feeling it take it back. Sometimes I feel like “just because” it’s a good deal I should buy things… bad idea. Ahh Italy. You look like you just belong there! You and Kenny are soo cute! I know I don’t know you personally, but I like the example you lead as a mother and a wife. You inspire me. Thank you
The dress is super cute with those boots! But like others, my rule is that I don’t buy it unless I really do love it, so maybe you should go get those white pitchers!
Your Italy trip description was me in Hawaii. After that first day of panic, it was SO great to be alone with the hubs!
Keep the Fashion Fridays coming…..I’m taking notes!
forget the clothes, I want the hair!
The paris hair! :)
I may be alone in this, but I don’t love the dress for you. I think it’s super cute on the hanger (love the color/collar too) but I don’t think it rocks on you like most of your clothes do!
i vote yes for the dress. i also agree with shari…if you don’t love it you won’t wear it. right?
now to venice, italy. sounds like heaven! man do i have the travel bug. i’m thinking aaron & i should have gotten away before getting to baby #3. too late now! i guess we’ll have to wait a few more years. we always dream of all the amazing trips we are going to take once the kids are grown & gone. still not sure where we’re going to come up with all the money or vacation time. ;)
I love your fashion posts! Did I tell you I ordered my Sevens – I think you should get a little commission as you sold me. Love your sharing about Italy. I spent the day with two of my colleagues that are planning their ten year anniversary trips. Steve tells our kids when we travelled it was the best thing we could do for them :).
I actually didn’t like the dress on the hangor, but on you I thought it looked great.
Ah, Italy. I was born there and hope to go back someday. Loved your story. After dating for only two months, my father received orders for Italy. So my parents married so my mom could get orders there as well, and I’ve always heard that Italy helped seal the deal and was the perfect three year honeymoon. Their marriage stood the test of time and they stayed married until my dad passed a few years ago.
Annnywaaays, loved this post; so excited you are doing fashion fridays!! ;)
hangEr…(proof read Lauren!)
The dress looks awesome on you. You really should keep it!
Can I have your body? Not on Friday’s, of course, cause I know you need it for Fashion Friday. But how about one of the other 6 days? Feasible?
People are sooo funny!! Is it okay that I am enjoying being amused/entertained as much at the comments on Fashion Friday as I am the posting itself? And for a future post idea…I would love a post from Kenny reviewing fashion friday comments. He must get a kick out of this too:)
Omg what you wrote about Venice makes me SO jealous!!! We don’t have anyone here (family, at least!) that can take our kids overnight, so we’ve never experienced that.. much less a trip to Italy! Holy Honolulu! I would just die.
All cute fashions, too – love Forever 21!!
You look great in everything Erin! I love it all.
I just found your blog and am your newest follower. I appreciated your post about Italy. I have the opportunity to go to Italy in three months to meet my hubby after he is released from a business assignment. I have much of the fears you posted about…leaving the kids etc…but you have helped me to step back and reconsider. Thanks! BTW, you and your family are absolutely adorable!
I think we should all take a trip to Venice to celebrate the 5th anniversary of your 10th anniversary. Me thinks I would enjoy you as a travel companion.
I think you should keep the dress. You didn’t really pose profile in it, but I know you have the butt to pull it off. I think you have a great butt. :)
You have a nice sense of style, and you’re a cutie! You need to get some kind of a remote set up, like a camera on a tripod with a cord. And no more pics in the bathroom.
i can’t tell you how much i look forward to your friday fashion posts! i even bought a striped blouse the other day because i thought it looked like something you had worn with your anthro belt (that i also have!)
CAN YOU PLEASE PLEASE DO A TUTORIAL ON HOW YOU DO YOUR HAIR??? like in the venice pic?? please please… thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your blog!!! Looking again for a new pair of black books for winter that are dressy. I seem to buy a pair every year…no matter how much I spend they are never comfortable enough. Do you have any suggestions for brands???
Mikayle – I e-mailed you an answer to your question, but in case it didn’t go through, my favorite black boots are from Jessica Simpson’s line. Very stylish and comfortable! Hope that helps! :)
cute jeans and great outfits. :) just found your blog and i’m following along
i really love that old navy top! it looks gorgeous on you, as does everything else that you were wearing this week! :)
good job!
sharde @ the style projects