What a week! And it’s only going to get crazier! Is everyone ready for the Halloween madness that is about to ensue? We have several parties on the weekend’s agenda. YEA. One I have to bake something for. BOO. I’m quite sure a good time will be had by all. Despite the baking. But before it’s time to costume up, here are a few things I’ve been wearing lately.
First I’m sharing some of the purses I’ve been using this Fall. I never spend a crazy amount of money on purses because I like to mix it up and use a different one about every other week. A lot of times I’ll use the same one for a few weeks during the day, but switch purses when we go out at night on the weekend. Here are a few of my recent favorites…
My go to when I’m wearing grey.

This brown hobo purse is a fall favorite (sorry you can’t see it great, this was the only picture I had of it. But how perfect that it is sitting next to some Christmas scrapbook supplies!) I love this purse because it’s big and aside from holding my regular wallet, sunglasses, keys, it also holds the sippy cup, the binkie, and the fishy crackers.
Love this purse I bought last Fall at The Limited.
Mostly because of all of the organizers inside of the purse. When I was a little girl one of my favorite things to do was to organize purses. My mom would buy herself a new one and then just hand it over to me. I remember sitting on the carpet beyond giddy organizing all of her credit cards, lipsticks, and loose change. Yes. I had one happy childhood. :) (Oprah “ah ha” moment… beginning to realize why it’s so fun for me to switch out my purses so often….)
This purse used to belong to my sister. But then I saw it and fell in LOVE with it. Isn’t it fabulous with that orange lining and green zipper and stitching!? My sister agreed it was way more of an Erin purse than a Carly purse. So after she used it for a few months, she mailed it to me. That was several years ago and I’ve used it every Fall ever since! It’s too small for every day, but I use it a lot when I go out.
Another forever favorite. My one other splurge from our trip to Italy four years ago.
Had to get a purse to go with the boots.
Nothing like a fun purse to complete your outfit.
Now on to the outfits!
When we went to New York I wore a black dress to see The Lion King. I had actually just bought it the day before! While shopping on 5th Avenue I stopped by Ann Taylor Loft and they had so many things on sale. This was a 90 dollar dress on sale for 40 dollars and they only had two left. One of them was my size! Oh happy day! Love it when that happens.
I loved the scoop neck and knew that my black belt would be a perfect accessory!
You can’t go wrong with a simple black dress and while I already own a few, they are all short sleeved. Not only is this long sleeved and warm, but it is so comfortable! Soft, cozy material. I feel like I’m in lounge clothes in this dress. I wore it last week to church with black boots. Not because it was cold, but because my legs were too scary white to wear my heels. True story.
Wanna hear the best part about this dress? When I got up to the counter to pay for it, it rang up for 24 dollars!! The sales lady said it was marked down again! I seriously could not believe my luck. I loved my simple black dress so much, I would have paid 90 for it! The heavens opened at that moment and I knew. I knew it was going to be a good shopping day.
Speaking of scoop necks, I wore this simple grey scoop neck top this week. Bought it last year at Express? Maybe Limited. One of the two.
Wore it with dark skinny jeans and my grey boots. I’m starting to get so bored with pictures of myself in this mirror that I find myself trying to mix things up. A different pose, maybe twist the camera the opposite way. I know. I’m wild and crazy like that.
But wait. Something is missing from my usual bathroom mirror shots…
There’s my little fashion buddy. Now this post is complete. :)
A few of you asked about my cowl neck sweater from my
“bad weekend turned good post.” Bought it from The Limited last year. Love the color of that sweater. I also loved all of your comments on that post! You were all so sweet and funny. It was fun hearing from so many of you!
{Ariel says thanks too :)}
Another simple sweater. I like the button on the neck. This one is from Banana Republic. Funny. When Car and I were in New York we walked in a Banana Republic and both said at the same time “ahh…feels like home!” We love that store.
Wore it with my Citizens and wedges.
This is a top I’ve had for a couple of years from Forever 21.
Fun sleeves and a belt. Do you feel like my Fashion Friday posts are Groundhog Day all over again? Just call me Bill Murray.
For part of one day last week I wore it like this.
In the morning and evening when it was cooler, I added this blazer over the top. Another New York find. This is so NOT something I would normally buy. But. On What Not to Wear, I’ve noticed that Stacey and Clinton are always talking about layering and how this type of thing is a must for every woman’s wardrobe. Plus my sister made me buy it. She wears a lot of stuff like this because she is a working mom who spends time in an office. I’m a working mom who spends time at the park and I was worried I would feel too dressed up/stuffy in this for my day to day activities.
But I did love the color and I did love the lining so I bought it in an attempt to branch out from my clothes comfort zone! And because my sister can be extremely persuasive when she wants to be.
And I actually really liked the way it looked. It took the place of a jacket and was warm in the morning before the sun peeked through the clouds. I didn’t love these boots with it though. I’m hunting for some dark brown flat boots that are good for every day. Hopefully Santa will find just the pair! With a little guidance of course.
The whole time I wore this I was feeling a little too dressy and wishing I had on different boots and thinking “I bet this is the last time I ever wear this.” Then I went to Costco and the man standing in line behind me said “I wish my girlfriend would wear boots like those.” I thanked him and we started chatting. Kole was being his charming self so the man was entertaining him and asked if I had other kids. When I told him I had three he said “you don’t look like you could have had three kids!” I kindly thanked him again, paid for my groceries with a big smile on my face and walked out of the store thinking “hmmm… maybe I actually will wear this again.”
Like tomorrow.
And the day after that.
And maybe the day after that too.
xoxo, Erin
Beautiful! Everything! I am so loving your long necklace in the very first pic. Desperately trying to find something like that but no luck. Any chance you would share where you bought it? Happy Friday!
Love love LOVE the purse from Italy! Just gorgeous!!!
I think you were getting hit on my dear ;) Love the black dress!
I love the black dress. The Loft is one of my favorite places to shop. I am cracking up at the Costco conversation. Was it my husband?!!! LOL. He loves when I wear my black heeled boots which admittedly is only when we go out somewhere and not when I am chasing after the kids!
Love almost anything Ann Taylor Loft… that black dress is so you!
And the purse Carly passed down is awesome.
I love those boots with the blazer! It is a keeper! : )
WOOT WOOT! Sexy momma! I could totally see you walking out of the grocery store with a little extra bounce in your step! BAM! I think that guy was totally hitting on you too!!! HA HA to bad for you dude! Go Kenny Go Kenny!
Love the blazer! And that black dress is to die for!
And love that you, beautiful mama of 3 kiddos, were hit on…in Costco of all places! :)
Love the black dress and what a bargain!
Hi Mama T! The long necklace is from The Limited. They always have a great selection of fun jewelry!
Love all the bags! You always look so put together!! Have a fabulous weekened.
Luv all the purses! :)
Such cute stuff. I went into Forever 21 for the first time yesterday, I know kinda sad that I haven’t been there. But anyway, I was totally overwhelmed. It was the huge one in the Fashion Show mall, but wow I didn’t buy one thing. There was just so much I couldn’t focus. I am wondering how you have ever found such good finds there.
I agree. That guy was totally hitting on you! Have a great Halloween weekend. :)
Um Erin. I hate to say it but that guy was totally hitting on you. Totally. “I wish my girlfriend would wear boots like that…” Nice buddy. Nice. You might think- oh no, it’s so obvious I’m a Mom what with the toddler you have and all. But even so, he was hitting on you, toddler and all. But still, I be it was nice to have the compliment! :) Maybe Kenny should be you another diamond, one on each hand might make it more obvious that you are happily married. ;)
yeah for ann taylor and you!! Such fun finds. Have a greAT WEEKEND. SORRY TYPOS – IPAD AND CAST DON’T WORK TOO WELL :)
I haven’t had a chance to read your blog in quite awhile. I can’t even seem to get mine updated, man life is getting in the way of my cyber-surfing! ;) I love all your cute clothes! Your New York trip looked fun! It’s always nice to have a little getaway once in awhile.
Completely not related to Fashion – do you have a cleaning schedule? Things that you do daily, weekle, etc.?
Hi Mason –
I do have a cleaning routine and I wrote a post on it a while back. Here’s the link —
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
Love that jacket you found in New York. I have been on the hunt for a cute trench coat and found one here:
You are so witty and I love your taste in clothes.
Super cute outfits and accessories!
Love the purses!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the necklace!
sandy toe
I soooo bad need a new purse, or two. You are darling, again:)
Wow! I can’t believe you have 3 kids either! You look amazing! I know you have mentioned you exercise, but can you please share what you do? And eating–do you have a strict diet? Please share your secrets :)
Love your purses! Did you happen to get the gray one recently?
Where did you find that tan blazer? I love it! I can’t find anything like it! The outfit looks great :)
Thanks for the necklace info Erin :)
Thanks Kimberly!
I found the tan blazer in New York at a store called H&M. :)
You are so pretty! Your blazer is darling! I like all your purses, too… especially the Italian one. I’d love one in that color! :)
VERY pretty! Love the black dress and the gray cowl neck! Dying over the Costco story…too funny!