Quick birthday re-cap for my 8 year old! Last year for El’s birthday we kept things low key, so this year she wanted a big party with all of her friends. She wanted to include everyone of course which meant there would be over 20 kids (which ruled out a party at our house) and there would be boys and girls (which ruled out the “snowflake pajama princess party” she originally came up with). We decided to just take the easy way out and have her party at Pump It Up – the inflatable party zone. Or as my sister likes to say – “McDonalds play land on crack.” Whatever you call it, this place never disappoints.
Ellie was so excited to see her name on the board when we arrived. I was so excited to know that everything would be taken care of and I could just relax and enjoy my girl. She greeted each guest with a huge hug and a smile and wouldn’t go into the bounce zone until everyone got there.
The kids had endless fun on all of the inflatables and before we knew it, it was time for pizza and cake!
El has the sweetest group of friends. She really does. Darling kids – we just love each one of them.
The party was a huge success and Ellie definitely felt special which is always the goal. :)

In fact, the whole family had a great time.
(Well – the four of us did. Kole was home with a sitter. Didn’t I mention wanting to just relax at the party and enjoy my girl? Don’t feel too sorry for him. He had a nice long, uninterrupted nap. I wasn’t the only one who needed to re-charge from last week!)
And here’s another simple thing I did to spotlight Ellie…
I thought it would be fun to use it to spotlight each of my kids (and Kenny too!) during their birthday months.
I just developed some fun 5×7 pictures of Ellie through the years to hang up and display. I can’t get enough of the baby pictures. My baby is 8! Unbelievable.
Another quick, easy way to make my birthday girl feel special. She has loved her little spotlight!
And as for me, I am feeling much better! (Thanks for your sweet, encouraging words!) I know most moms can relate to the way I felt on Friday. Motherhood is not for the weak! Last week was the perfect storm but after a fun and restful weekend, I’m happy to say that we are back on track.
My little boyfriend even decided to chill out a bit. I think he knew his mommy needed a break!
I’m off to go over my schedule and to-do’s for tomorrow! Which will include a little organizing and a little scrapbooking. And definitely a goal to exercise and eat better. Well. After I finish off Ellie’s cake of course. I do teach my girls to never waste food…
p.s. This was Ellie’s second party at Pump It Up. She had her 4th birthday party there too. I was just looking through these pictures this afternoon…
(Ellie – turning 4 at her Pump it Up party)
(Addison – almost 2)
My baby is growing up. And now I need a tissue.
Hope your week is off to a great start!
xoxo, Erin
What a fun party! Love the spotlight frame! Good luck with your new week!! Lots to do here, too!
Now I need a tissue….Ellie is growing up and so is Addison. I can’t believe my baby has an 8 year old!
We wanted to talk to her all weekend but you guys were pretty busy….call us today sometime. The
party looked fun and a perfect place to have a boy/girl party.
Sweet Ellie has lots of friends.
We love you Ellie!
Thanks mom! I’ll call you soon! :)
What a fun party! My girls always loved those kinds of places. And, so did mom…leave the mess and entertainment to someone else! Glad things are looking a bit brighter this week.
Oh they do grow up so fast! Love your spotlight place. I do that on the fridge still and the kids love it.
its times like this, aren’t you SO glad you have all this fabulous documentation of your kids to look back on?
Seems like a great party and she looked so happy. Ia ma glad you got to enjoy it also.
Glad it was a great party! I think it is so sweet that Ellie wanted to wait to greet each guest before going inside.
Aww, happy birthday Ellie! I didn’t get a chance to comment on the letter you posted for her, but the part where you said she anticipates your mood/feelings totally made me tear up. Bless her little heart <3
We are attending a party at Pump It Up this Wednesday evening….my girls love that place :)
Hope you have a chilled out week!
Ellie we are so glad you had such a fun birthday party! Pierson has made you a birthday present that he is very excited to mail to you! And we hope you got our message, Pierce and Madi were excited to sing to you!
I will never forget El’s 6th birthday and the fun the kids had! Heck, it was the funnest few days of my life! So glad we have such great memories with you guys and can’t wait for more to come!
Ellie we are so glad you had such a fun birthday party! Pierson has made you a birthday present that he is very excited to mail to you! And we hope you got our message, Pierce and Madi were excited to sing to you!
I will never forget El’s 6th birthday and the fun the kids had! Heck, it was the funnest few days of my life! So glad we have such great memories with you guys and can’t wait for more to come!
Happy birthday little miss! Way to greet all of your guests. Impressive.
Looks like a great birthday party! What a great idea for your card frame too – make it multi-task!
Such a fun party Erin!! Okay, I can’t believe the week you had last week. That always happens the week you are putting on a party…it’s such a crazy week I think. And, the rain messed up my exercise time with you today. So bummed! You are a great mom Erin! I love your spotlight frame! Can’t believe how much older Ellie looks four years later! Wow!~
Ellie is sooo gorgeous and it looks like her party turned out perfectly! Audrey is turning 4 this year, so that pic of Ellie had 4 totally has me all emotional…
We love the bouncy party places – they are awesome for parties and play in general.
LOVE the birthday spotlighting frame – we have a similar display for Christmas cards and I’m stealing this idea – another great tip from you – thanks, Erin!
I HATE HOW YOU KINDA BLUR THE KIDS FACE, just let it be erin, we’re no stalkers if thats what you are thinking
Anonymous –
I blur the kids’ faces out of respect for my friends’ children. They may not want their child’s picture posted on the internet for thousands to see. I don’t blur my kids’ faces because I’ve made the choice to share their pictures on my blog. My friends haven’t chosen to do that and I have several friends who try very hard to avoid that sort of thing. THAT is why I blur other kids’ faces. Respect for my friends and their children – not because I think “you” are a stalker.
Well it’s a good thing you blurred out those faces cuz I am a stalker!!!!! mwahahahahahahahahahaha
Loved those pictures! Love Pump it Up! That place is a mother’s dream.
Sad we won’t be there for Ellie’s big 8 yr old event. *sniff*
Happy Birthday to your sweet Ellie.
Looks like she had a pretty special day.
Hannah was invited to a party at one of those places next month. I hate em because I am such a germaphobe! haha. But she can’t wait.
My girls have that same dress Ellie is wearing too, but in navy. good taste. great minds. ;)
happy birthday ellie!!
we love pump it up birthday parties. i’ve got boys and man do they love to jump. and mama loves that this birthday party tires them out.
the spotlight frame is rockin.