So I mentioned a while back that I tore apart my closet and by doing so a minor project turned into a major project. My closet was a catch all for extra home decor and since I wanted a lot of that stuff out (to actually restore order for my clothes) I needed a place to put it all. In an ideal situation I’d have one closet or room or area that could house all of my extra decor, but in our current house I just don’t have a place big enough for it all. I’m sure Kenny would say that isn’t the problem. He might be inclined to chime in right about now and say that the problem is that I buy too much home decor. But he would be wrong. The issue is
clearly that I don’t have a place big enough to store it. :) So I’ve chosen a few locations around my house to be a home for my home decor. Several of these spots I’ve shared before
(Christmas decor in my trunks, Fall/Valentine decor in my hutch) but most of it was residing in my closet. The cupboards above my washer/dryer were such a mess – I don’t think I’ve ever organized them. I’m rarely in them and just never made them a priority. I knew if I straightened things around I could come up with some more space for decor. Plus these cupboards were on
my “to organize” list for 2012 so the time had come for a mini makeover in the laundry room!
Ahhh… much better. And they are holding so much more now! The left side (seen above) is for random extras – humidifier, baby monitors, light bulbs, envelopes and candles. The right side holds extra home decor, sewing supplies, and cleaning supplies.

Now you all know I don’t sew. Sewing is about on the same playing field as cooking for me which is why most of the time I head to the tailor and spend more to get a shirt mended than I did to buy it in the first place. My grandma was an amazing sewer/quilter and every time I do this I feel her disapproving eyes looking down at me down from heaven saying “seriously Erin?” They are the same eyes I used to see whenever I ate too much candy out of her candy dish or fought with my cousins even though I was the oldest and was supposed to be “the one setting the example.” I never liked those disapproving eyes. But I sure love my grandma. So for her sake I do own a few simple sewing supplies. I keep thread and other odds and ends in small containers from Target. Extra buttons that come with clothes fit nicely in mini draw string pouches.
I organize my glue guns/sticks the same way.
And I just bought this cute little green basket (also from Target)
to hold extra laundry items. I also have a little brown basket I use for dryer sheets.
My laundry soap is in a big box that I keep out on the top of my dryer for easy access.
So there you go! These cupboards only took me 20 minutes to straighten and now not only are they holding more supplies, but they make me smile every time I open them to do some laundry. Or to change up my decor. Which in my house happens about as often as the laundry does. :)
I’m happy about this mini makeover! And I think my grandma would be too. Right up until I head to the tailors to get a button sewn on. Kidding.
Sort of.
Enjoy your day!
xoxo, Erin
It looks great! Such a good feeling to open up organized cupboards that also have beautiful decor :)~Gina
Looks good! I have been on an organizing kick lately…and seeing your organized cupboards motivated me to go organize my linen closet. Thanks! :)
Looks great Erin. I am organizing ours this week. I love those Target bins and have several!!
Your cupboards look great! I have those same red candles!! Thanks for your organizing posts…I LOVE them!! Have a great day!
I neeeeeeed to organize mine too. It’s frightening! And every time I open it, I just want to close it and walk away because it’s scary. But maybe now I’ll tackle it :)
I’m jealous of all your organizing space! I know that space is both a blessing and a curse because you can fill it with junk, but seriously, that’s my biggest issue.
What a great little makeover :)
LOVE it! It’s like a little gift, isn’t it, finding all that extra space :)
PS I see you have word verification on your site. I just wrote about it on Sunday because Blogger has now put TWO words on, making it quite impossible to read :)
I think you are a bit OCD.
WOW….can you come do mine next???? lol I love how these turned out…..
Erin, I know Ive said it before but I really do love reading your blog. You are so perky and sunny (your blog title is a prefect fit!).
Reading your blog always gives me a ‘pick me up’ and the motivation to tackle my home.
Thank you for sharing your life in such a honest and humorous way!
Nadine from Australia :)
You do have such a fun way of inspiring me to go organize. Its funny when I take something to the tailor, I think the same thing. My poor grandma and mom tried so hard :)!
You have a glue gun??? :) Your cupboards make me want to go do my laundry cupboards but…they will have to wait, so many other things to do!! They look great Erin!
Nadine – such a sweet comment! Thank you!
And YES Darci. I own a glue gun! I know you’re super impressed. You should see me in action with that baby.
I have been known to use a glue gun to substitute for sewing occasionally ;)
I am new to your blog but I am really enjoying it- especially the organizing tips. How do you organize your curling irons, flat irons, hair dryers, etc. and all the cords? Enjoy reading about your family too- I had a girl first (7 years) and now have a 3- year- old son and it is a BIG difference. Thanks!
I felt inspired and did the same in my laundry room! It’s still an ugly room but now it’s clean and organized!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks everyone!
YEA Sara!! :)
Jenny – I’ll share how I organize my bathroom stuff in a post soon!
OMG I just stumbled upon your blog via Apartment Therapy, and just wanted to say that you are the best organizer EVER!!! I love it, I love it.
I am also crazy/obsessed with organizing so I am so glad I found your blog!! I really look forward to following your blog on regular basis!
And thanks again for being an inspiration!!
One time or another, organizing home closets or cabinets will be a must. When a season passes, home owners will realize that it is time to clear and organize certain areas and this post is one example of that area. Being a closets Bergen service provider, we know that storage is essential in a home and maintaining it is a must.