Thanks for all of the birthday wishes everyone! It was a good one this year.
Here’s my recipe for a fabulous birthday weekend:
Time with my girlfriends
Time with my husband
Time with my kids
Time alone (just a bit!)

On Saturday the girls and Kenny got busy making me my cake (yellow cake with chocolate frosting) and don’t forget Ariel since she’s my favorite princess — and favorite princesses are pretty important around here. I turned my kitchen over to the chefs and enjoyed some alone time getting a pedicure. I almost got brave enough to branch out and pick an actual color, but nope. Stuck with my stand by. Then I went home and had cake with my family and spent time with my littles opening presents and receiving their cards. I got a lot of sweet cards that I will treasure always – especially the two pictured above. Later that night Kenny took me to dinner and shopping. He hates to shop but was a good sport (aside from mentioning that he wished he had a book over and over in the shoe department in Nordstroms and then at one point almost falling asleep. Although he perked up pretty quickly when we headed to the swim suit department…) . He also gave me something I am SO excited about! My
magazine holder from Ballards. I wanted this for Christmas but it was on back order and it was unclear if it would ever come in. But it did! Just in time for my birthday!
I figured that since I have about 3,000 of these floating around…
I could use something fun to help corral them. :) I have a place to hang this in our current house, but I’m mostly excited about where I’m hanging it in my next house! It’s my first piece of furniture for my new scrapbook room/office!! So excited about that room. {btw Kenny – this has got to be one of my favorite pictures of you. Nothing like a man holding a beautiful organizer. ;) }
Something else very exciting happened on my birthday weekend extravaganza. We took the girls to the park and finally taught them how to ride their bikes without training wheels! I know my girls are a little old to just be learning this (especially Ellie) but we honestly have not had a free Saturday in SO long to practice with them. (I couldn’t teach them during the week because I always have Kole and he needs 24/7 supervision.) They did amazing and aside from a few crashes and spills that are part of bike riding territory, they had a blast and are were totally cruising around on their bikes minus the training wheels — with daddy running along side them the whole time. (Talk about a good workout for Kenny.)

It was so fun to see my girls reach this milestone together! I wish I could have taken more pictures.
But I was a bit occupied. With my boy. Who doesn’t want to play at the park when we’re at the park.
He would much rather hang out in the bushes…
or climb on the rocks…
or hide from me along the fence…
or chase his sisters on their bikes.
Like I said, time alone, time with girl friends, time with my husband, and time with my kiddos.
The recipe for a fabulous birthday! Year 35 is off to a great start.
xoxo, Erin
Happy Birthday, Erin! It sounds like you had an amazing birthday weekend!! You deserve every bit of happiness!!
Happy Birthday! I will turn 35 in less than 2 months. BTW, my oldest was almost 8 when she finally learned to ride a bike. You did great!!
Sounds like a great birthday weekend to me!
Sounds like a wonderful birthday weekend and your gratitude and joy is so beautiful. How fun to have your first item for your new home, too!
Happy Birthday, Erin!! My daughter just learned also, at 7. In fact we are still working on some skills like pushing off to start and proper braking. Glad we are in good company. Sounds like a fun birthday. : )
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! That’s little boys for ya! ~gina
YOU LIE! You are NOT 35! at least you don’t look it :) I love all of these pictures and that magazine rack. I have something smaller but similar from the pottery barn for organizing mail. I love it :) Glad to hear you had a great Birthday!
Are those blueprints behind your husband? SQUEAL! How fun to be planning your new house!
Happy Birthday Erin! I turn 35 this year also. You are my favorite blogger. I’m so glad you had a nice weekend.
Sounds like a perfect birthday !
What a great weekend! Frances is a HUGE Ariel fan and coincidentally has lost the exact figurine that decorated your cake. I’ll have to show her your picture and tell her not to worry – she is clearly well loved in her new home : )
Happy birthday! I celebrated a birthday this month (it was my first as a mother). I agree with you that nothing is better than celebrating with your family and friends!
And Kenny looks just thrilled to be posing for that picture holding your beloved magazine holder. :) Which, btw, how awesome is that magazine holder??? Love it!!!
Also love seeing your house plans sprawled out on the couch in the background.
Those shoes are HOT and I’m happy you were able to get away for a pedicure.
You left us hanging about the swimsuit though….did you get one or just model some for him to keep him happy?
Seriously so blessed ;)
Sounds like a great weekend! I love the magazine organizer you got. It is beautiful and simple and will go anywhere you decide to put it! I could use one of those. I have a billion magazines all over the house! Your little Kole is just like my little Olivia, and my poor older son has also not learned to ride his bike without training wheels. In fact, he is pretty freaked out about even getting on his bike at all. Here’s to wishing you a great 35!
haha.. such a boy!
Happy Birthday!
Love your blog!
My son didn’t learn to ride his bike without training wheels until he was 8. We just didn’t have the time. It only took him 20 minutes to master. I think it is easier when they are older because their sense of balance is better.
OMG Those shoes are to die for! Did you get them at Nordstroms?
Happy birthday! That magazine/mail holder rack is great! I get so many great ideas from your blog, you are great at organizing.
Yellow cake with chocolate frosting is my FAVORITE, and my favorite princess is Ariel (because I too have red hair:) Glad you had a great birthday.
Hi Traci! You look like Ariel! I like to pretend I do. :)
Robin – thanks! Those shoes are actually a few years old and I don’t remember where I got them! They are Guess and I love them! But I can’t wear them longer than two hours. Not the most comfortable shoes I own. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!!
Happy Birthday! And I just had to say that you are absolutely right..nothing is sexier than a man holding an organizer!! What a guy!!!
Happy belated birthday! I would love to know where you got the organizer kenny is holding!?!
Click the link in my post where I said “my magazine holder from Ballards” – I linked to the site I ordered it from.
Thanks for the b-day wishes! :)