Oh it feels good to be posting again! I took a mini va-cay from my computer while we spent the last week in Utah with family. We had such a fun week! I loved seeing family and friends and letting my kids run wild and free with their cousins. It was also really nice to get Kenny away from work (even though his second wife a.k.a his iPhone was still attached to his hip). I feel like a new person after a little down time! I have so many things to post about! I’m going to have to pace myself. :) We got home yesterday and my house looks like a bomb went off – as it always does after traveling. But the chores will have to wait! I’m in a procrastinating mood so instead of cleaning I’m about to overload you with pictures. Sounds much more appealing, right?

We drove an hour from my mom’s to Kenny’s grandma’s for our annual small town 4th of July parade. This picture looks like a repeat because the girls have been in the same dresses the past three years. When they got these dresses three years ago they were a little big on them, last year on the 4th they fit perfectly, and this year they were a bit small. But I managed to squeeze one more 4th of July out of them! Not bad for dresses they wear once a year. Kole was obviously not in the mood for a photo shoot as is always the case when I’m outside with my little boyfriend.
This parade is so small and quaint. I adore it and so do my kids.
The big trucks and tractors even kept Mr. on-the-go mesmerized.
There was a little something for everyone. :)
Kenny’s sweet grandma and family.
Kenny’s brother is in the military and is getting ready to serve 6 months in Afghanistan. We missed him so much but had fun catching up with his wife and their two year old twins. My girls are the experts when it comes to two year olds so they took right over. :)
After a fun morning with Kenny’s fam, we drove back to my parents and swam and everyone took a nap. Loved that. Then we had a BBQ and got ready for fireworks!
We met friends for the firework show. I love these girls! And their sweet kids. These are the only two pictures I got because we were all so busy chatting. It was a great show this year. I got teary eyed during the finale. God Bless America was playing and the fireworks were so beautiful and the girls were on our laps (with their dolls in their laps) and we were surrounded by friends we love. It was the best. It was even worth all of the teasing I got the next day from my husband and brother. But you know – I’ve learned with those two that they’ll give me a hard time regardless so if I want to cry during a firework show then cry I will! :)
The rest of our trip was just as fun as the 4th. My dad (in his oh so happy retired state) spent hours filling the sand pile with new sand the day before our arrival…
A perfect shady spot for the kids on a hot summer day.
Kole always sticks his tongue out whenever he is in deep concentration playing with his trains and trucks. I get such a kick out of it.
The kids spent hours in the pool and sand pile.
Happy kids. Happy care-free grandpa.
Notice the pink around El’s lips and eyes. The girls had just given each other make overs before hopping in the pool. :)
This is my dad’s new project. He is building another garage in their back yard. His new “office” now that he is retired.
Next on his list is a tree house for the grandkids.
Wild diaper bandits were re-united. My dad is moving his garden over because of the new garage and these two boys took full advantage of the huge pile of dirt.
They quickly learned that a hose made for even better times.
We all had a good laugh watching them slip around in the mud together.
I so wish I would have taken a picture of them before we sprayed them off with the hose. They were covered in mud. Head to toe. Such a mess! A bath in grandma’s tub quickly followed that little adventure. :)
My mom caught this sweet moment with my camera. My girls love to play on this rock with their dolls first thing in the morning in their pajama’s. They must have been taking a little break.
Dinner with my cute friend Josie! It worked out that we were able to get together on her birthday. We decided that needs to be a summer tradition. I love catching up with my friends who I don’t get to see all the time. I didn’t get to see them all this trip because we spent two days doing new house stuff. So much to do so little time! Guess I need to plan another Utah trip soon. I could think of worse things.
Yes. My “the end” 4th of July pic once again.
Because I’m all about traditions and this one never gets old to me.
xoxo, Erin
Love seeing all your fun pics of the kids! Love that one your mom got of the girls- so sweet. Glad it was a fun trip for all. So, so glad we got to get together! Can’t wait for next time! Geez, now that you’re a celebrity I’m feeling a little self conscious about being pictured on your blog! ;)
you know what I checked your blog dozen times in few days! I missed you so much that I started reading all your old organizing posts once again. I love your organizing posts!!!!! I am so happy that you had a fun time with your family.
great blog with lots of ideas
Ha! Hardly famous Josie. SO fun catching up with you and Ryan! I’m emailing plans to you tonight! :)
Dina – you are so sweet! New organizing posts are coming up! :)
I love reading your blog everday!
Love waking up in Melbourne to see a new blog post from you Erin ! Thankyou for always brightening my day JEANETTE
Oh my goodness…your post brought back memories of 4th of July parades our girls spent in MI with my in-laws. Love the pic your mom took! And, my girls wore the same 4th shirt for a couple years too!!
Oh, I LOVE that sandbox….it needs to be in a magazine of landscape design, seriously….the whole yard. Glad you are having a busy summer and love the sporadic posting because it makes me feel less guilty at my blog neglect.
Looks like fun! I am pinning that awesome sandpit, I would love to have a play in there myself! Had to laugh about the girls’ dresses, I realised after last Christmas my little man has worn the same thing for the last 3 Christmas card pics…I swear he doesn’t grow! Enjoy the rest of your summer, I’m getting excited that winter is nearly half over here! Emma in Aus
Thanks everyone! You are all so kind. You brighten MY day. :)
lovely post! I enjoyed it. The sandbox looks like a little beach – so cute!
Hi Erin. I checked in a few times also. I thought you might have gone to see your family in Utah. There is something about family and the 4th of July. We spent it with ours too.
Your pictures are beautiful.
P.S. I got really teary eyed at the end of our firework show also. They were playing proud To Be An American. I think the grand finale and that song gets me every time.
Have a happy week. :-)
The tree covered sand box is seriously so awesome.
Keeping that one stacked away for ‘someday’ many many years from now when I become a grandma.
So fun that you got to catch up with your friends and visit with family.
Thanks for the little insight into 4th of July. We don’t celebrate things nearly as well here in Australia!
You have the cutest family!
Looks like an amazing time! that shoot of the girls leaning on each other on that rock is PRECIOUS.