Sharing a couple of scrapbook layouts today! Yes. You heard me. Its been a while, right? It is harder than ever for me to fit in time for scrapbooking, but a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned taking the night off from blogging to do some layouts for Kole’s book it felt so good. I miss it! And I decided I’m going to have to make it a priority to find some time. Even if it’s only enough time for a layout or two a month. I am so behind on my girls’ albums and poor Kole only has a handful of pages for his baby album. I had no clue where to even start! So I just decided to start with Kole’s one year old birthday. I set a goal. A really simple goal for this year because we are so busy with the new house. My goal is to catch up and stay caught up with Kole’s album (starting at age one). Someday when he is in preschool and I have a little more time I can go back to complete his baby book (birth to age 1) and I can work on catching up the girls’ albums. This should be attainable because I’m keeping things simple and not scrapbooking every single picture I’ve taken of the little dude (or even 1/3 of them). As you know I’ve taken a lot. :)

A while ago I ordered the Turquoise Edition of Project Life. Since then Becky has come out with
a newer binder that I’m tempted to get! (Smaller binding and a side label this album doesn’t have.) But whether I stick with the old binder or get the new one, this is the kit I’m using for Kole’s album starting at year one.
First layout of his one year old birthday party…
The blue number one I cut out from one of his birthday cards.
I had an extra 4×6 slot so I used a large journaling card to display his year one stats. All of my babies had huge heads! They get it from Kenny. I’d say it’s because they are all so smart, but I have a small head so I’m not going to say that. Even though I just did. I do have big hair though – does that count?
I still need to print out this post to add to his album with his birthday layout. It’s written by Kole himself so I think it’s an important addition. :)
The next layout is just some random pics from March/April (around his birthday)…
This boy still LOVES to swing!
I spelled out “spring” with just some random stickers I had on hand.
These pictures of him in his frog towel are some of my favorites so I didn’t want to shrink them down to 4×3 like I do with most of my vertical pictures. So I ordered some new page protectors (Design B) with the large vertical 4×6 slots. Perfect!
Then below I just turned the journaling cards the other way and attached some smaller pics.
Simple. Easy. DONE.
My favorite kind of scrapbooking these days.
Hope it won’t be another year before I share more!
Enjoy your week everyone!
xoxo, Erin
Love the album! Great job, very inspirationsal ( I havent scrapped in forever!).
My littlest one has a big head too lol, doctor says he will catch up, he just started so small
Looks great Erin! It’s fantastic that you are doing individual albums for each of your kids. I ended up deciding to use Project Life for photos of events where we are together as a family and do yearly Blurb photo books for each child. My Mom is in the process of separating out all the photos of us as children and she wished she had done separate albums right from the beginning!
Your pages look so beautiful Erin! (It helps with a boy as cute as you have!) I am so often overwhelmed by scrap booking also, but then just like you, when I get started, I miss it and I’m glad I decided to just get to it. (Although it might take me years to get started with Janey? :)
So cute! I only have to scrapbook for one child and I get behind so you are doing great!
I am beyond behind in my scrapbooking. My son will be 6 in October and I am not done with his first album yet and my 2 year old will be three in January and I haven’t even started hers! I figure when they are both in school I will get them all caught up! :)
Thanks everyone!
Laura – that’s what I keep thinking… when the kids are all in school I will have time to catch up! Although my friends with kids in school say they are busier than ever before so who knows if that plan will work! :)
Those pages are gorgeous! I wish I had the time and patience to do that. Hopefully someday I’ll find the motivation to organize myself!
You got me hooked on Project Life and I love it! Great layouts…
Looks great Erin! Like most scrappers, I’m also ‘behind’. My PL has also become very simple (I got hooked for awhile on all the very creative examples I saw and just got further behind!!) as a friend said to me, ‘do you really think T is going to care about all the pretty stuff when he’s 30?? He will just love to have it to show his kids’ I figure she’s right, simply done is far better that not done. Hope all the house stuff and back to school is going well, Emma
So I have to tell you that I’ve been following your blog for a couple of months and have put a lot of your organization ideas to work!!! I reorganized my bathroom drawers, my pantry, linen closet and all of the storage drawers and cabinets in my kitchen!!! Needless to say you have really inspired me! Now I really want to start scrapbooking and I think the system you are using may really help me. However, what would you recommend I get to start? I have a 4 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. I don’t have a single album for them =(. I would like to buy the Becky Higgins products to start. Any suggestions, I will follow to the tee! =)
Love your blog,
Back when I had the Cherry edition, I knew I wanted to move the album into a We R Memory Keepers album (to match the others I have), but until I was done with that year, I just kept in the Cherry album. For some reason, I liked that since this wasn’t going to be the ‘final’ album binder, I didn’t worry so much if it got a tiny bit beat up in the process of putting that album together I didn’t worry(taking to craft nights, hauling around, accidently putting it on a slightly dirty table!:) Something to think about until you are ‘done’ with that album and won’t be using it quite as constantly – of course, you may be more gentle with your things than I am anyway:)_
Emma – I think you are so right! It’s easy to get caught up with feeling like things have to be perfect. Then nothing gets done! The kids really aren’t going to care about the decorative stuff in the future. They just want to see the pictures. You are right on! Thanks for your sweet comments. I love hearing from you! :)
Ursula- thank you so much for the sweet comment! I’m so happy you are enjoying my blog. :)
Check out this link:
This is the “products” page on Becky Higgins website. She goes through everything there – what Project Life is and what you need to get started. Spend some time checking everything out on her site and then let me know if you have any other questions. You will love it! It’s almost as much fun as organizing. ;)
Oh and Katy – good tip! I think I will do just that! :)
So I had been thinking how behind I am and how I can’t believe I haven’t even started Jensen’s book yet and THEN I saw Becky’s PL Baby Edition! I was so happy and suddenly relieved I hadn’t started it yet! Wahoo! I am so getting the Baby Edition and I think I’ll need some of those Childhood mini kits too! So glad you got me hooked on PL! :) LOVE IT!
CUTE Layout! I love those pics in his frog towel too! I have that same towel, I need to take some pics of Jens in it.
Cute! I only managed half of year of PL back when it was project 365. But with all the great inspiration out there now, I’m thinking of trying it again. Thanks for sharing how easy it is to go back and get “caught up.”