Happy Friday everyone! I only have a minute to post today so I thought I’d share a few recent i phone pics.
We went to the park one afternoon last week and were the only ones there. Love that!
My kids had a ball.
Especially this one.
I love this picture because it appears as though Kole actually sat and posed for me. Um no. He was running all around the fountain, sat and glanced up for 1.1 seconds and I snapped a picture.
I’ve gotten extremely speedy thanks to this boy. And if you think my camera skills are fast, you should see me chase this kid down the grocery isles. Lightning.

The fam on “walk to school day.” Although Kenny and I were the only ones walking since the girls decided to ride their scooters. They were so excited to ride all the way to school. Right up until we started going up all of the big hills and they realized just how long of a hike it was. Then they wore out and decided maybe driving to school each day wasn’t so bad after all.
Overall it was a good workout. Especially for Kenny. :)
Addison went to a birthday party and brought home these glittered beauties she made. I said “oh how beautiful! I love them!” But was thinking now what in the world am I supposed to do with those? Gear up for glitter all over the house.
Heading to school. Poses in front of the roses.
Kenny just loves it when I do this. We’re running late and he’s trying to get the girls in the car and Kole has escaped out the front door in his pajama’s and I say “let’s just snap a quick picture, shall we?”
In my opinion, there’s always time for a quick picture. :)
We have a fun weekend ahead. Our designer and cabinet guy (who are both from Utah) are traveling down to go over design and get all of the measurements for our cabinets and built-ins. I’m so excited to have them at the new house! We almost have things finalized for the kitchen and I can’t wait to go over details again in the actual space. Toss in a Halloween party, a quick trip to the Pumpkin Patch (that we were hoping the girls would forget about this year but no such luck), a program at church, gymnastics for the girls and speech for Kole and I’d say things are booked. Plus I started an organizing project that is half way finished and all over the dining room table and it’s driving me crazy. Fingers crossed I can squeeze in a minute to finish it up. Fingers crossed I’m still alive at the end of this weekend. If I am I’ll have lots to blog about. :)
Enjoy your day!
xoxo, Erin
Great post:)
Are the girls in their primary presentation on Sunday? I’ve really enjoyed this years theme. Don’t forget to keep the sacrament programme & their talks etc for their project life books:)
I have some pix of the children in my ward taken just before their presentation. They were shouting ” Scripture Power.”
Are you doing the booed thing this week? I think it’s a lovely thing to do.
Have a lovely weekend:)
Have a wonderful, busy weekend!
Great pics Erin! I was thinking the same thing about the glittery birthday take-home thing. It’s beautiful and the kids probably had a lot of fun making them at the party, but what do you do with it now? Do other parents not have the same thoughts? I’d be finding a way for it to be “misplaced” somewhere :) Have a great weekend!
Great pictures! Our youngest was home last weekend and both of our girls had us running. Hubby and I looked at each other on Monday morning and wondered how in the world we used to run like that everyday!! LOL
Have a great weekend.
The pictures are so cute! Ellie is getting so big. They are all beautiful!! I love the…”Lets just snap a quick picture, shall we.” I can so relate. I am always the last one out the door and I always want to take a picture. My husband is so sweet and goes along with it. But, if looks could kill. Ha! Just making memories. Right?
Enjoy your busy weekend. They are the best kind!
Glitter art: If it fits get one of those great big Ziploc bags (normally used for sports equipment or linens) to put it in. I’m not a fan of glitter myself but my children are so I have many masterpieces in baggies.
Thanks everyone!
Julie – Yes. My girls are singing and have a speaking part. I’ll be with my Sunbeams. Love the song Scripture Power! :)
Cathy – Ha! So true! Kenny always flashes a lovely look my way when I whip out the camera. I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring it. ;)
I love your cell phone pic blog posts. They are more candid but they catch real life which is so fun. I love your exercise outfit too. It’s Friday so you could count this post as “Fashion Friday”. Hope you and your family have a good weekend even if it is busy. I plan to relax and get caught up on my housework. Watching my 7 month old niece during the week takes its toll on the laundry, dishes, and cleaning around here.
Erin, you have such a beautiful family! They must bring you oodles of joy each and every day!
Wheres baby number 4
Love the braids! We think so much alike! My thoughts exactly with the glitter AND with snapping a picture in the midst of chaos!
Hi Erin! I have been reading your blog for a long time and I love it! I hope I am not embarrassing you but your boobs look awesome after 3 kids and I am jealous. :) it seems that they look even better than when your blog first started! Is it an amazing bra, exercising, or did you get implants? Please help the rest of us, haha
Seriously?? Anon. I have witnessed Erin get a ton of compliments on this blog and very much deserved. I even remember a “your butt looks great!” But this…you have crossed my okay to blog comment about. Just sayin’.
HA HA! I am cracking up at the last two comments!
And I plead the 5th. :)
You have such a beautiful family and love your new house!! I also enjoy following your fashion Friday’s!
Yay for the house! How fun! Cute pics of the kiddos! Beautiful glitter projects indeed, gotta love that.