This is the scene I see from my kitchen every day. Six chairs at the table yet all three of my kids always end up parked together on one. Some sort of barbie, polly pocket, or stuffed animal living on the table along with our food. And leftover toast (from breakfast) and pasta (from lunch) which leads me to believe that on this day the breakfast dishes weren’t cleaned up before the lunch dishes. This wouldn’t have been the case six months ago but currently mom is busy so the bar is set pretty low.

After school pick-up. Hands down my favorite time of the day. Ad always races to see me and gives me the biggest hug and can’t wait to tell me about her behavior on the class behavior chart. Kole is overjoyed to see his sisters and runs around yelling “my Ellie! my Addie! come play!” El talks a million miles a minute informing me of all of the third grade gossip … “and she was like… and then I was like… and then she said… and then I said… and then the teacher said… and we were like what???” I hug Addie and smile and nod at Ellie and try to contain Kole and his overly excited energy and get all three kids (and several friends because I carpool) and all of their lunch boxes and backpacks loaded into our car. It’s complete chaos. But a happy chaos. :)
Typical after school snack.
My hutch in its current state. It’s a bit boring to me. Fine for now but I’m so excited to mix things up in the new house! I have so many fun decor ideas floating around in my head.
Just bought these pillows on sale from Joss and Main.
I’m not sure where they will go, but I’m sure they will look fabulous somewhere!
At my mom’s last time we were visiting. Kole is always sitting on Kenny’s lap trying to be like him on his phone or laptop. Or in this case, grandpa’s calculator.
My dad gave Kole the watch he is wearing and Kole is obsessed with it! He wears it all the time. Calls it his “cuckoo clock.” It’s so adorable that I just can’t bring myself to tell him it’s really called a watch.
El’s “can a character” biography book report on Princess Di. Perfect likeness, don’t you think?
The every day stuff is always the best stuff.
xoxo, Erin
I love the pillows. I just bought panels that match. I love the every day stuff. Kole is so adorable. Seriously, I don’t know how you get anything done. He is just to cute. I had to laugh about Elli. They grow up so quick. “like” really quick…lol.
i agree! you seem like a wonderful family, and while i wish you all the best, i can’t help but envy you for living in such a great city;)
Erin – with each picture, my smile grew bigger and bigger! I LOVE the everyday stuff – it’s the best part of life! Kole with the watch on warmed my heart! Many blessings to you and your beautiful family!!
El’s “Can a Character” is brilliant! I knew who it was immediately! Love those eyes looking off to the side! Have another great “ordinary” day!
Love the everyday blessings and the little sideways eyes on Princess Di! I know you are building, but do you have your house on the market yet? Would love to see how you are going to “depersonalize” your space before selling.
everyday pictures are the best!
Love seeing a glimpse of everyday life! And the house is looking AMAZING!!! So exciting to see it actually becoming a home! ~gina
I love Kole’s chubby litte arm with the watch on it. I mean “cuckoo clock”. It was the first think I noticed! Super cute! Ellie is such a little artist. I love seeing how her imagination works.
Why not substitute a bench at the table for the kids to all sit on instead of chairs for them?
That can character really is adorable. I just love seeing El’s art projects. She really has an attention to detail.
And the reuniting of siblings after school is so sweet!
I love your description of school pick up and I love the afterschool snacks!
You are so right.It’s the everyday stuff that makes life so sweet. My baby turned 17 years old today.She is my only child (adopted:) so I savoured the mundane.I would give anything to have another day of “those days.” I never post on blogs – this is my first.Thanks for sharing your everyday stuff.Your children are precious and I enjoy watching another childhood happen.P.S.You also inspire me to keep my fridge clean:)
Oh my gosh! Your family is just the cutest! Love these everyday posts–reminds us all what is really important. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much everyone! All of your sweet words made me smile today. :)
Mmmmon – so glad you decided to say hello! Happy birthday to your baby who isn’t a baby anymore! But I know she always will be to you. Your comment was so heartfelt and I love the way you worded it – “savoring the mundane” – I think that’s the key to happiness. :)
Where did you get the cute plates for after school snacks? Love them!
The photo of Kole dragging Addison is the cutest! He definately looks excited to see her! And those cushions are gorgeous!!
Oh so sweet. Agree that after school time so priceless. I remember racing home from work to meet the kids at the ‘crossroads’.
Christine – I got those plates at Target! I love them! I love to compartmentalize food along with everything else. :)